Eye on the Prize Karlyn Morissette [email protected] www.karlynmorissette.com www.doteduguru.com Implementing Technology with an Eye on ROI

Implementing Technology with an Eye on ROI

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This is a presentation I gave at the Stamats Integrated Marketing conference, November 2008

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Page 1: Implementing Technology with an Eye on ROI

Eye on the Prize

Karlyn [email protected]


Implementing Technology with an Eye on ROI

Page 2: Implementing Technology with an Eye on ROI

Return on Investment:

the magic number thatwill make you look likea golden god

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What is the difference betweenMarketing and Communications?

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Communications makes

marketing tactics tangible“

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Steps of Marketing

1. Set Goals

2. Plan your communications

3. Execute

4. Assess your results

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Set Goals

⇒ What does success look like?

⇒ Marketing goals should relate back to the business goals of the institution

⇒ Make sure they are measurable

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Plan YourCommunications

⇒ What medium is the best way to

articulate your message?

⇒ What is the strategy for the


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Time is Money

Planning not only includes

strategy, but also

infrastructure. Will an

in-house solution or an

outsourced one be more

cost effective?

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Step One:Employee’s Salary+ 1/3 Salary (benefits)==================Total Salary

Step Two:Total Salary / 2080===============Hourly Wage

Step Three:Hourly WageX Number of Staff Hours==================Internal Cost

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Execute yourcommunications

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Assess your results

⇒ What was achieved as a direct resultof the communication?

⇒ Did that conversion result in a return?

⇒ What can I do better next time?

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Example: Email Marketing

Set up tracking for an email

that is sent out to

prospects, encouraging

them to fill out an online

application for admissions.

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Set Up Tracking

Two Key Tools:

⇒ Goals

⇒ URL Builder

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Step One: Set upa Goal / Funnel

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Step Two: Build a Campaign URL

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Step Three: Put the Two Together

Kyle’s Tool: http://doteduguru.com/stamats/urlbuilder

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Goal ConversionStep Three: Put the Two Together

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Example: Email Marketing

Figure out ROI on an email

campaign that sent out

3,000 emails, had 358 click

throughs, resulting in 130

applications. The email took

2 hours to complete, at the

cost of $40/hr staff time

and $0.015/per email.

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ROI Calculatorhttp://www.marketingtoday.com/tools/roi_calculator.htm

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Dollarize Everything

Assigning a monetary

value to your results

gives you a common

denominator to

compare costs to


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Assigning Value

Cost of Tuition: $20,000/year

Conversion rate from application to enroll: 20%

20% of $20,000 is $4,000

$4,000 is our “average profit per sale”

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Values for the Calculator

⇒ Number of Pieces: 3,000

⇒ Total Program Costs: ($0.015 X 3,000) + ($40 X 2) = $125

⇒ Response Rate: 358 clicks/3,000 = 11.93%

⇒ Conversion Rate: 130 apps/358 = 36.31%

⇒ Average Profit Per Sale: $4,000

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ROI Results

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Share Your Success

⇒ Make it tangible

⇒ Give it context

⇒ Offer recommendations

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Breaking Down Tactics

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The dirty littlesecret of


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Email Marketing: What it’s good for

⇒ Increase online


⇒ Register online for an


⇒ Bring in online gifts

⇒ Start a conversation

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Facebook Ads

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Facebook Ads: What are they good for?

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Facebook Ads: What are they good for?

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Facebook Ads: What are they good for?

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Facebook Ads: How you measure ROI

⇒ Use a Google Analytics campaign URL

⇒ Set up a goal or create a unique landing

page to track conversion.

⇒ Assign a value and use the ROI


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Facebook Ads: How you measure ROI

⇒ Number of pieces: The total number of impressions

⇒ Program costs: The total amount paid for the ads, plus staff time.

⇒ Response rate: The percent of people who clicked on the ad

⇒ Conversion rate: The percent of people fulfilled the call-to-action

⇒ Average profit per sale: The value you assign to them fulfilling the action

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Facebook Ads: How you measure ROI

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Blogs: What are they good for?

⇒ Provide authentic stories of

the student experience

⇒ An opportunity for

interaction with current


⇒ Make institutional

announcements and


⇒ Gain insight into the minds

of your audience

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Blogs: How can you measure ROI?

⇒ Conversion, if you have a call to action

⇒ Readers: Cost of advertising in a similar

content channel

⇒ Comments: Cost of a focus group, if it

provides insight

⇒ Anecdotal: Take it on a case-by-case basis

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Social Networks

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Social Networks: What are they good for?

⇒ Allowing your audience to become a friend/fan/follower of your institution

⇒ Engaging incoming students over the summer to prevent “sugar off”

⇒ Giving alumni volunteers a way to interact with each other and share tips

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Social Networks: How you measure ROI

⇒ Easy dissemination of information: What would it

cost you in over mediums? What was your

conversion rate with calls-to-action?

⇒ Ease sugar off: Did the percentage of summer

sugar off go down? How much value does that

translate into?

⇒ Support alumni volunteers: Where your volunteers

more successful as a result? What value does that

translate into?

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Bottom Line on Measurement

How much did

achieving my goals

relate directly back to

the bottom line of my


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Key Takeaways

⇒ Start with bottom-line

related goals, not with

the technology

⇒ Measure everything

⇒ Dollarize your results to

calculate ROI

⇒ Always ask what you can

do better next time

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Email: [email protected]: www.twitter.com/karlynm