Doug Domeny Principal Software Engineer, Newforma, Inc. HTML5 Offline, Storage, and Canvas Embedded JavaScript RESTful WebServices using MVC 3, jQuery, and JSON Go mobile with PhoneGap July 2012

Html5 and web technology update

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An introduction to modern web technologies HTML5, including Offline, Storage, and Canvas Embedded JavaScript RESTful WebServices using MVC 3, jQuery, and JSON Going mobile with PhoneGap and HTML and CSS

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Page 1: Html5 and web technology update

Doug DomenyPrincipal Software Engineer, Newforma, Inc.

• HTML5 Offline, Storage, and Canvas

• Embedded JavaScript

• RESTful WebServices using MVC 3, jQuery, and JSON

• Go mobile with PhoneGap

July 2012

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HTML5 Features

Video Canvas (i.e., graphics API) Offline support Storage (i.e., database) Geolocation Form Elements


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HTML5 Form Elements

<input type="search" name="q" placeholder="Search" autofocus />

<input type="email" placeholder="Enter your email address" />

<input type="url" placeholder="Enter your web address" /> <input type="number" min="1" max="12" value="12" /> <input type="range" min="1" max="12" value="12" /> <input type="date" /> <input type="datetime" /> <input type="color" />


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HTML5 Elements

<header>The header element represents a group of introductory or

navigational aids. The header element can also be used to wrap a section’s table of contents, a search form, or any relevant logos.

<hgroup>The hgroup element represents the heading of a section. The

element is used to group a set of h1–h6 elements when the heading has multiple levels, such as subheadings, alternative titles, or taglines.

<footer>The footer element represents a footer for its nearest ancestor

sectioning content or sectioning root element. A footer typically contains information about its section such as who wrote it, links to related documents, copyright data, and the like.

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HTML5 Elements

<nav>The nav element represents a section of a page that links to

other pages or to parts within the page: a section with navigation links.

<article>The article element represents a component of a page that

consists of a self-contained composition that is intended to be independently distributable or reusable, e.g. in syndication. This could be a forum post, a magazine or newspaper article, a Web log entry, or any other independent item of content.

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HTML5 Elements

<section>The section element represents a generic document or

application section. Examples of sections would be chapters, the tabbed pages in a tabbed dialog box, or the numbered sections of a thesis.

<aside>The aside element represents a section of a page that

consists of content that is tangentially related to the content around the aside element. Such sections are often represented as sidebars in printed typography.

<time datetime=“2012-05-12”>May 12, 2012</time>


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HTML5 Document

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en">   <head>     <meta charset="utf-8" />     <title></title>   </head>   <body></body> </html>

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<!DOCTYPE html><html lang="en" manifest="CacheManifest.ashx">

CACHE MANIFEST /HoneyDoList/css/style.css /HoneyDoList/ejs/HoneyDoListItemRow.htm /HoneyDoList/ejs/SelectList.htm /HoneyDoList/images/810%20Floor%20Plan.jpg /HoneyDoList/js/appCacheEventLogger.js/HoneyDoList/js/ejs.js /HoneyDoList/js/jquery-1.5.1.min.js /HoneyDoList/js/json2.js /HoneyDoList/js/modernizr-1.7.min.js /HoneyDoList/HoneyDoList.html /HoneyDoList/HoneyDoListItemForm.html … NETWORK: * # 2012-05-12 12:46:40Z

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<table>    <thead>        <tr>            <th>Description</th>            <th>Location</th>            <th>Discipline</th>            <th>Status</th>        </tr>    </thead>    <tbody><% for (var i = 0; i < items.length; i++) {     var item = items[i]; %>    <tr>        <td><%= item.description %></td>        <td><%= item.location %></td>        <td><%= item.discipline %></td>        <td><%= item.status %></td>    </tr><%}%>    </tbody></table>

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<script src="js/ejs.js" type="text/javascript"></script>


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public JsonResult Locations() { SelectionList list = _lists.GetLocations("json"); return Json(list, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);}

http://localhost/HoneyDo/Lists/Locations {"items":[

{"val": "Kitchen", "txt": "Kitchen"},{"val": "Living", "txt": "Living Room"},{"val": "Dining", "txt": "Dining Room"},{"val": "Base", "txt": "Basement"},{"val": "BedRm", "txt": "Bedroom"},{"val": "Garage", "txt": "Garage"},{"val": "Deck", "txt": "Deck"},{"val": "Lav", "txt": "Bathroom"},{"val": "Stairs", "txt": "Stairs"}]}


JavaScript Object Notation



JavaScript Object Notation


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jQuery.ajax(  { url: "http://localhost/HoneyDo/Lists/" + list.key,   dataType: "text",   context: list,   success: function (data) {         var json = data;         if (Modernizr.localstorage )  {               // localStorage is always a string               localStorage[this.key] = json;         }                              updateList(this.key, json);         numListsUpdated++;         if (numListsUpdated == lists.length) {                clearTimeout(timer);                initdb();     }  } });

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localStorage (key/value strings) 5 MB limit Supported by all browsers

WebSqlDatabase (SQLite) Safari, Chrome, Opera NOT FireFox (has IndexedDB instead) IE doesn’t have any database yet

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 if (Modernizr.localstorage)                             {                                  // localStorage is always a string localStorage[key] = value; }

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WEBSQLDATABASE if (Modernizr.websqldatabase) {

db = openDatabase(“honeydodb", "0.1",  “HoneyDo Database",  10 * 1024 * 1024);

db.transaction(function (tx) {    tx.executeSql("insert into HoneyDoList  (location, description, discipline, status)  values (?,?,?,?);",  values,  nullDataHandler, errorHandler);}, myTransactionErrorCallback, myTransactionSuccessCallback);

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Modernizr: feature detection Modernizr is a small JavaScript library that detects the

availability of native implementations for next-generation web technologies: HTML5 CSS3 Geolocation API SVG Touch Events WebGL

<script src=“js/modernizr-1.7.js" type="text/javascript"></script> http://www.modernizr.com/ http://localhost/html5cap/index.html

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Visual Studio HTML5 ASP.Net Controls

http://sourceforge.net/projects/html5asp/ Inputs with Custom Keyboards Inputs with Placeholder Text Dynamically created email links tappable phone numbers Map Links with Start and Finish addresses

Visual Studio 2010 HTML5 Templates HTML5 Page Template with jQuery 1.5.1 & Modernizr 1.7 HTML5 Web Site Template with jQuery 1.5.1 & Modernizr 1.7

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Visual Studio 2010

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HTML5 CANVAS <canvas id="floorplan" width="300" height="225"></canvas> var canvas = $("#floorplan").get(0);

var c = canvas.getContext("2d");c.save();c.lineWidth = 1;c.lineJoin = "round";var flipped = (y < 3 * r + 5);c.translate(x, y);if (flipped) {      c.rotate(180 * deg);}// number background outlinec.strokeStyle = "#F00";c.beginPath();c.moveTo(-r, 0);c.lineTo(-r, -3 * r);c.lineTo(r, -3 * r);c.lineTo(r, 0);// circlec.arc(0, 0, r, 0, Math.PI * 2, true);c.stroke();c.restore();

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HTML 5 canvas cheat sheet http://blog.nihilogic.dk/2009/02/html5-canvas-cheat-sheet.html

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document.addEventListener("deviceready", function () {

    if (navigator.network) {        setInterval(function () {           navigator.network.isReachable( "localhost",  privateNetwork, {});        }, 5000);    }

    if (navigator.compass) {        navigator.compass.watchHeading(        function (heading) {           heading += window.orientation;            drawCompass(heading, window.orientation);        }, { frequency: 2000 });    }

   if (navigator.camera) {        $("#cameraSection").show();    }}

Adobe PhoneGapopen source hybrid framework

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50,000+ active developers; 25% created 3 or more Types of apps: 40% media, 35% games, 15% retail Apps run over 100 million times Majority of apps published to both iOS and Android In past 12 months, average time to complete halved to

just 8 weeks

appMobi press release: June 25, 2012http://www.marketwatch.com/story/appmobi-crosses-100-million-hybrid-html5-app-starts-2012-06-25