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How to Increase Alexa Ranking

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Here I have described all secrets about How to Increase Alexa Ranking also known as Improve Alexa Ranking. You will be able to increase your site's alexa ranking if you follow these ways. I have included 25+ Basic and Advance ways with details in this. So let's visit it :) You can also get the web version here: http://tuthow.com/increase-alexa-ranking-quickly-secret-tricks/

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Secret Tricks - How to Increase Alexa Rank in 2014

Writter: Shaifur Rahaman

Web link: How to increase Alexa Ranking

Table of ContentsHow to Increase Alexa Ranking in 2014 – Secret Tricks:....................................................................1

Secret 1: Bring some visitors to your site’s Alexa page regularly...................................................2

Secret 2: Give Some referral link to Alexa Page from your blog....................................................2

Secret 3: Target to gain visitors from Social Networking Sites:......................................................2

Secret 4: Make Some Social Bookmarking....................................................................................3

Secret 5: Get some Facebook, Twitter, Google+ share of Your Alexa Page...................................3

How to improve Alexa Ranking Quickly – Secret touching Black Hat:................................................3

Black hat Secret 1: Getting Fake Views to your site to improve Alexa ranking..............................3

Another Secret Tricks for Improving Alexa Ranking If you have self Unlimited PHP hosting:........4

How to Improve Alexa Ranking – Basic Tips and Tricks.....................................................................4

Step 1: Make your ON-Page SEO Perfect.......................................................................................4

Step 2: Claim your site in Alexa page.............................................................................................4

Step 3: Download the Alexa’s Toolbar...........................................................................................5

Step 4: Set the Alexa Widget on your site......................................................................................5

Step 5: Start Publishing Quality Content Regularly........................................................................5

Step 6: Make post reviewing Alexa................................................................................................5

Step 7: Get Some Reviews on Your Alexa Page..............................................................................6

Step 8: Try to get those visitors who use Alexa Toolbar................................................................6

Step 9: Get Some Quality Backlinks which will be shown on Alexa Page.......................................6

Step 10: Get Backlinks from Directories........................................................................................7

Step 11: Get backlinks from Blog Directories.................................................................................7

Step 12: Finally Get Traffic for your site.........................................................................................8

Consolation and last tips from me.................................................................................................8

It is not easy to discover secrets about How to Increase Alexa Ranking in 2014. Many newbies are very excited to know Alexa Rank increasing secret. And Many are struggling to Improve Alexa ranking out there. Yeah, I was also excited and struggling achieve to the

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secret tricks of Increasing Alexa Ranking, when I created this blog ;) . And I was making a lot of efforts to be successful. Standing and Staying here, There are really some secret tricks for Improving Alexa Ranking which are unknown to almost everyone. I discovered those myself and with quite my efforts. Not only this, those tricks are tested as well :) .

Here in this article, I will describe those tricks dividing in steps with showing some points. I named those tricks as secret, because, I never saw those anywhere and these are proofed by me. I don’t know whether they are published to else anywhere or has anyone discovered it or not? But, I can say those are discovered by myself and I never followed other to share some of the secret which is published here. However, I have increased My Alexa Ranking with these tricks while I was new, So I can answer those will work!!

Today I asked a question about, is Alexa rank important for a site in a group? And someone commented it is really important and honorable for getting direct ads, reputation of a blog and so on. Yeah, I also believe it, Alexa rank is really Important! So, as it is important, get started with those tricks. Look forward at below and discover those secret tricks to Increase Alexa Ranking in 2014.

How to Increase Alexa Ranking in 2014 – Secret Tricks:

Here we come, and I am going to share those secret tricks for increasing Alexa rank that I have discovered! I like to share that, If you are an advance blogger or you are in the hard core blogging then you should try these as well. And just one recommendation for newbies (First Learners) that. Please make sure you did the basic tricks first which are given below and then come up for these secret. Okay, come to the main point:

Secret 1: Bring some visitors to your site’s Alexa page regularly

It is the first secret guys, that I try to do regularly. You may still have doubts about this fact. Actually, The page where you check your Alexa ranking is meant above and your Alexa page

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should be like this- http://alexa.com/siteinfo/tuthow.com. It is really helpful and I proofed it. First, start visiting your Alexa siteinfo’s url regularly, at least 3-6 times per day. Then, try to get some views to there. To get, view, you can take the help of your mobile or friend's computer, even in this fact, you should also use your website and refer that page. I can say surely that, One of my domains was expired for almost 10-15 days, but I keep visiting the Alexa rank page and I had not lost the rank, believe me :o. My recommendation is to try this regularly and see your rank is improving quickly.

Secret 2: Give Some referral link to Alexa Page from your blog

It is also a working way to boost up Alexa Rank. This also helps to get some viewers to your Alexa page and its benefits are discussed above point. In this way, Alexa can understand that you are giving them some links and you are admiring about them. So, It will must help to increase Alexa rank and this method has been proofed by me. Alexa will prefer if you give them some links and they will boost up your ranking. So, It would be good for trying to give them some links from different pages of your site.

Secret 3: Target to gain visitors from Social Networking Sites:

I can say This will definitely help you to improve your Alexa ranking as it has been proofed by me as well as many other bloggers. Alexa likes visitors from Social Networking Sites particularly Facebook, though Alexa also likes Twitter, Google+ and Likedin. You will need to bring some traffics to bring up your Alexa ranking as It said by many bloggers and also by me. To drive more traffic from Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and Linkedin, Do the correct use of HashTag. Find out popular hashtag according to your topic and use them in your post and

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update the post (don’t forget to use images for attacking visitors to your site). You can also use paid advertising to gain visits from social networking sites to your site, if you are able! Join in some groups or communities which is related to you and try to share your blog’s links keeping and having good techniques.

Secret 4: Make  Some Social Bookmarking

As Much as my research says, Many Bloggers haven’t idea or this is quite unknown to many that, Social Bookmarking backlinks help a lot in improving Alexa ranking. Yeah guys, It helps and It has been proofed by me with some sites. But there is a condition, You have to make backlinks from High Page Rank Social Bookmarking Sites and You can’t do spamming to those sites while making backlinks.Make backlinks from social bookmarking naturally and don’t go in the way that looks like spamming and keep a shape of daily backlinks like 2:3:1:3 . Don’t make over backlinks from those. Also try to internal linking between your social bookmarking sites. However, Below I have given a list of High PR Social Bookmarking Sites that really works! Grab these and make bookmarks to them, keeping good regularity. Don’t go for spamming with above given social bookmarking sites, have good use of these.

 The list is locked, you can unlock it by visiting: http://tuthow.com/2014/08/increase-alexa-ranking-2014/


Secret 5: Get some Facebook, Twitter, Google+ share of Your Alexa Page

It is also helpful in my opinion, though I don’t have very good experiences about this secret. But, I saw a new blog of mine, got increased Alexa rank after sharing the Alexa rank page to some group and pages. What you need to do is, Share The Alexa SiteInfo page on Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and Likedin. Hope this will help you for the journey of Increasing Alexa Rank in short time.


How to improve Alexa Ranking Quickly – Secret touching Black Hat:

Yeah guys, maybe your throught is right, I am going to share and touch some black hat method here which are still secret to many newbies. These tricks are a little bit risky, So I would request you all to not go for these without knowing. So let’s start:

Black hat Secret 1: Getting Fake Views to your site to improve Alexa ranking

This trick is known to many advance bloggers as well as unknown to many newbies also. It is a little bit risky, to do it you have to set some things that I will inform below. So let’s begin the first black hat trick:

The things you have to set before doing this black hat trick

1. Remove all the Adsense ads to avoid getting banned your Adsense account.2. If you have other advertising company’s ads on your site, then also Delete those.

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3. It would be better, if your site is hosted on blogger.4. Don’t get over views in a day from the site.5. If you are using self hosting then get views considering your bandwidth.

However, These were the condition for the work to keep your website 100% safe. Now we are going to the path of the secret.

First, go to this site: http://www.alexaboostup.com/ Sign Up for an account (It is quite free). Get some coins by an auto surf for getting views for your site. Add your site and fix a daily view limiting.

That’s it. Your Alexa ranking will be starting to boost. Also, don’t forget to read some pages of the site to be more safe.

Another Secret Tricks for Improving Alexa Ranking If you have self Unlimited PHP hosting:

If you have self unlimited web hosting then, install Pligg on your server in a path of your domain. After doing it, you will get huge amount of traffic (bots) to that pligg installed path of your domain. So, It will help to increase Alexa ranking of your main domain as well. It would be also a great and black hat way to boost up Alexa ranking.


How to Improve Alexa Ranking – Basic Tips and Tricks

Yeah, here I have come with basic tricks of improving Alexa ranking, which already many bloggers shared over the internet. But, keep it mind, those are also important if you still don’t complete these ways. First, you have to complete these basic tasks to build up your Alexa page to order for ranking up. I will describe all the basic tasks one after another, so let’s get started.

Step 1: Make your ON-Page SEO Perfect

This is the first factor of getting high Alexa ranking as like as Google ranking. You must need to make your On-Page SEO perfect. For discussing about it, First Find set Meta Keyword Tag of your site and you should create a nice keyword tag not like spamming. After this, you have to go for Meta Tag Description, Create a perfect description of your site and set it as the meta tag description of your site. Now, come to the use of ALT Tags in Images, It also be considered while Alexa rank calculates.

Step 2: Claim your site in Alexa page

Alexa includes a default page for every website, and you have to go the page which is your site’s. If your site is http://tuthow.com/ then you Alexa page will be like this: http://alexa.com/siteinfo/tuthow.com . Just change the url of your blog instead of tuthow.com. Then There you will see a text like, Claim this is your site or something like this. Click on that link and claim your site by a method of given there. There are some methods, from those,

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I like to claim with meta tag option, as it is very easy and it can be done in no time. It will certainly help to increase Alexa ranking quickly and claiming this page, adverister will understand you are the correct owner of the site.

Step 3: Download the Alexa’s Toolbar

If you download the toolbar of Alexa, they will must boost your Alexa Ranking. This is the great advantage of Alexa to improve ranking. Use the toolbar is created by Alexa, so, if you download it, then Alexa will give boost your ranking as a reward. You can call it as strategies of Alexa to market their product. Here, In the toolbar, you will get the Alexa ranking of a website while visiting any site and quite Alexa ranking report at the top of your browser where usually toolbar stays. It will also help you to know the whole Alexa info of a website in no time. However, First, Go to the link and download the toolbar of them and start using it as much as you can, to improve your Alexa ranking. http://www.alexa.com/toolbar

My Tips about this step: Having Alexa’s Toolbar enabled, Visit your site and your site’s Alexa page regularly. It will help you to increase Alexa rank.

Step 4: Set the Alexa Widget on your site

Setting Alexa’s widget also certainly helps in increasing Alexa ranking. As I said above that, Getting Views and Giving Referral links to Alexa helps to boost up Alexa ranking, So putting a widget of Alexa on your site will also certainly help your site for increasing Alexa ranks quickly. So after claiming your site, go for the managing tab and choice a widget which you want to add to your site and get the code from there. After it, put it on anywhere on your site. Though, I don’t use this method as considering the quality of my site. But it is not a fact for new blogs, because, when you are new, you have to boost up the Alexa rank of your site. After the toolbar method, these tricks  help the best in 2014. So if your blog is new, you should try this method and boost up your Alexa ranking.

Step 5: Start Publishing Quality Content Regularly

This is also a great step to be ahead in Alexa ranking. Alexa also likes to get new contents from your site regularly as like as Google. You should post at least 2-3 content per week to keep Alexa Rankings Speed improved. Alexa likes to see a site updated with new things. Having your site or blog updated, finally you will be able to speed up your Alexa ranking.And one tip from me, Please keep the regularity of updating posts, it will must reward you by Google as well as from Alexa also. So start updating posts regularly and get rewarded from Alexa and Google.

Step 6: Make post reviewing Alexa

I have said above that, Giving Referral links and some traffic to your Alexa page helps a lot. Yeah, it really helps. You can make a post about Alexa.com and give a link back to their site from that post. It is easy to write an article about Alexa on your site, just find out some reviews about Alexa on Google and See what other writers. Take some experiences from those posts and make a good post yourself. While you will write the article, then give a backlink link to your Alexa page and alexa.com (Keep it mind, it will help).

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Step 7: Get Some Reviews on Your Alexa Page

You have to get some reviews about your site on Alexa Page as well to improve Alexa ranking. If you are in advance, you will must need for it for increasing Alexa more. When, you will get into below 100k of Alexa Rank, then you will have to follow this method to order for improving your Alexa traffic rank. When, you get reviews, Alexa thinks your site is getting popular and you are getting reviews on Alexa page. But, How to get reviews? Don’t worry guys, I think you have fellow blogger friends on Facebook or Google+. Ask Them for a review of your site and you will also give back a review to their site. So, with this way, you will able to get huge reviews and finally will be successful to improve Alexa ranking. I think, this way to get reviews on Alexa SiteInfo Page is very easy, If you spend some times on Facebook and Google+. And you should know, exchanging is the best way to be enhanced :P

Step 8: Try to get those visitors who use Alexa Toolbar

I have described above, the visitors with Alexa Toolbar is really playing a big role to improve Alexa ranking. But it is not so easy to get visitors with Alexa Toolbar. You have to make a long journey to reach those visitors. You may have known, Techy Guys and Bloggers use Alexa Toolbar to get details of a site. So, you have to gain visits from techy guys and blogger guys to get visitors with Alexa Toolbar. It also can be a great way that, Make some great techy and blogger friends on Social Networking Sites and Ask them to download Alexa toolbar and visit your site. Then, also tell them you will also do the same thing, I mean you will also visit their sites with Alexa Toolbar. It is also a way of exchanging and It will surely help both to increase Alexa rank and get into the below of 100k. Hope This will also help.


Step 9: Get Some Quality Backlinks which will be shown on Alexa Page

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You may already know, Only Quality Backlinks shown on Alexa Site Info page and low quality backlinks not be counted in Alexa’s eye. Alexa also counts backlinks from High PR sites not low PR. So you have to get some dofollow backlinks for your site to improve Alexa rank. To order for earning High Quality Backlinks for Alexa as well as Google, I like to do natural blog commenting on High PR sites where Commentluv is enabled. So, from there where is commentluv enabled, I can easily get a quality dofollow backlink, which will help me to increase the Alexa Ranking and Google SERP also. Don’t for over blog commenting in a single day, keep a limiting and also try to avoid spamming for building high quality backlinks.

Step 10: Get Backlinks from Directories

There are a lot of High PR Directories, you have to submit your sites to them and gain a HIgh PR Backlinks from those. Dmoz and Yahoo are two popular directories and they give high quality backlinks. Go to both of above and order to Signup. After it, Submit your site and wait for the backlinks and approval. These submissions also help to increase your site’s Page Rank and Domain Authority also.

Step 11: Get backlinks from Blog Directories

There are many blog directories including Technorati, Best of the web blogs, Boing Boing. These are the popular and high quality blog directory website. They take a story on blogs that submitted to their site. All of above blog directories are High PR and High Quality, So go to these sites and order to Signup. Finally Submit your site for gaining a high quality backlinks for Increasing Alexa Ranking, Improving Page Rank and Getting Top on SERP.

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Step 12: Finally Get Traffic for your site

Huh, are you still reading this guide, oh Thanks for reading such a long THe moto of increasing Alexa is to increase traffic. You haveguide? done all, this will help you to get into below of 100k but then? After getting into 100k below of Aleza ranking then you will most need traffic to increase Alexa ranking. You may already know, Alexa Rank calculates considering traffic of a site. So there’s can’t be another good way except increasing traffic to improve Alexa rank. For this, I will just recommend you to publish quality blog posts regularly, and once you will must be rewarded by your readers and you will be able to increase your blog traffic easily. Another suggestion from me for increasing blog traffic is, try to make high quality backlinks naturally. That’s it for increasing blog traffic. You can also read the guide by me about, How to Increase blog traffic, I think this will help you.

Consolation and last tips from me

Hmm, I really don’t think to write such a big guide, even I also don’t know when started writing this guide. By the passion of writing, I realized that, I really wrote such a long guide about How to Increase Alexa Ranking. I can say the secret of Increasing Alexa Ranking is to get visitors with Alexa Toolbar and Having a lot of Visitors to your site. I will just tell you to download the PDF file of this post and read the whole guide step by step as I revealed all the secret of Increasing Alexa Ranking in This post. It was a really very hard and tough work for me to write an article of 3k+ about Improving Alexa Ranking but I did it.

Thanks everyone and I will request you to share this post for inspiring and reward this post.

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