How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Backup WordPress

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How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Backup WordPress

Chris [email protected]

Who is this presentation for?

Bloggers and business owners that run their own sites

Web developers/designers that host and/or maintain client sites

What are backups?

Backups are useful primarily for two purposes. The first is to restore a state following a disaster (called disaster recovery). The second is to restore small numbers of files after they have been accidentally deleted or corrupted. Data loss is also very common. 66% of internet users have suffered from serious data loss.


Qualities of a good WordPress backup

Restore: The backup must be able to be restored back to the original or a different server.

Complete: The backup must be able to fully restore the site. This includes both the database and files.

Automation: Save time and prevent loss due to forgetting by making the backups automatic.

Duplication: Don't have a single point of failure. Can the backup can be easily (automatically?) copied to another location?

Wordpress Backup + WP DB Backup

Files: Wordpress BackupBlog Traffic Exchange /wordpress-backup/

Database: WP DB BackupAustin Matzko (filosofo)

Wordpress Backup + WP DB Backup

Site files will need to be manually uploaded to site via FTP or some other file upload method

Database export can be restored via phpMyAdmin (available in cPanel) and manually on the command line. Non-cPanel hosting tools may also have a database import utility. Great instructions on the WordPress Codex:

Wordpress Backup + WP DB Backup

ProsBoth free plugins

Both can be scheduled

Easy to set up

Both provide ability to send backups via email

ConsNeither plugin provides a restore capability

Two plugins needed

May not make full site backup

Automatic WordPress Backup

Backs up files and database

Web Design Company, Inc

Automatic WordPress Backup

ProsBacks up files and database

Stores backups in remote Amazon S3 storage

Can be automated

ConsNo restore ability


Paid plugin by PluginBuddy

Backs up both database and files


ProsBacks up both database and files

Able to send backups via email and FTP

Can be automated

Able to restore and migrate

ConsNot free

Can have issues with large (1GB+) sites


Paid service by Automattic

Backs up entire site

Monitors for site attacks and content spam

In active development, so full details are limited


ProsRealtime backup of files and data

Backups stored on Automattic's storage cloud

Does more than just backups

Able to restore content and files

ConsNot ready yet

Paid service

Backups are not available to user (not confirmed)

Other plugins to look at

Bei Fen Wordpress Backup Plugin

WP S3 Backups

When to backup

Do a full backup before a WordPress core or major plugin upgrade.

Do a full backup at least once a week.

Do a database backup, if possible, once a day.

The final piece of a solid backup plan

WordPress migration is being able to restore a backup to a site using a different database prefix, domain, or site path.

Standard backups can only recreate the site exactly as it was. This means that a migration will have to be done manually.

Not only does migration allow for better protection against unknown factors, it allows for simple testing of backups.


The WordPress Codex has a great article on this topic with a variety of techniques and tools:

If you lose some content (not images), try using a search engine's cache feature to retrieve the content.

Once a month, test your backups to make sure they are reliable.

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