How effective is the combination of your main product and the ancillary task?

How effective is the combination on your main product and the ancillary texts

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Page 1: How effective is the combination on your main product and the ancillary texts

How effective is the combination of your main product and the ancillary task?

Page 2: How effective is the combination on your main product and the ancillary texts

For my ancillary task I have decided to create the Digital Digipack as well as the album advert poster. I have decided to use these two text as I felt they were more appropriate for the artist we have created; this is because the artist is an unknown upcoming artist and therefore is not recognised easily, I felt by creating the album advertisement poster the artist would receive more attention from the seeking audience allowing the project to be compared to real life examples that use the same techniques within their industries; an example of this is TinieTempah which uses advertisement on a energy drink that’s targeted at the young generation. The step prior to creating the digipack, I researched other similar products which portray their them selves to the audience trough many different ways. For example the new album by Lana Del Ray (Born To Die) seems as if it was very subtle as well as innocent however it contrasts when compared to the music she produces . The album artwork is simple but effective this has inspired me to create my album artwork which is also simple but has allot of meaning behind it. The reason for creating my cover and making it simple and innocent is to contradict the music that the artist produces. This links to the target audience as it sucks them into buying the CD expecting it to follow the codes and conventions where as the actual music opposes the cover.

The star image contrast between the two main product as well as the album cover; this is shown throughout the constant use of the same style of clothing and behaviour in the music video as well as in the artwork. We as a group have chosen to portray our character as a modern teenager which is going trough a hard life; this connotes the album artwork as the character does not look at the camera suggesting that he is depressed or unhappy. We have tried to maintain this image thorough our work as we felt that this way we can create a brand image for the artist; which will allow the artist to become more mainstream.

The use of colours was very important in my project, I have decided to use colour as my main aspect to create a type or genre. This is because I am very confident with using colour to create effects. I have used this in almost all of my pieces of work; this also ads to the star image of the artist. In this particular album cover I have decided to extract all the colour from the image apart from the green grass; I have decided to do this to make it seem almost as if the artist was in the depressed part of his life looking at the new begging which is represented by the green grass. This creates an effect without making a sacrifice in the original purpose of the artwork which is to promote the track.

Page 3: How effective is the combination on your main product and the ancillary texts

This is another exampled of the colour effect in the music video; this effect was created to add emotion into the video. I was hoping to create the sense of the past whenever using this effect; this was successful as throughout the video there are constant remarks of this effect. This show was also taken when the artist was not paying attention therefore it was natural which is represented trough the smile. Combining the back and white effect with this shot emphasises the true meaning behind the shot which is to remember the good times that the characters had.

The example on the right is a much more drastic black and white effect which creates an effect to make it seem like the memory is almost forgotten and out of reach. This allows my our music video to be compared to the videos that are being made professionally in the music industry.

Another effect that we have used within the whole video is the colour correlation effect this effect allows us to make the whole video a different shade of colour; the reason behind this is that it allows our music video to be in a higher contrast and therefore look like a professional video where the camera captures rich colour.

To the left we have the inside of the digipack which contains a picture of the artist wearing a white t shirt covered with writing, the writing are the lyrics of the song . This does not follow the generic codes of digipacks as most of the lyrics in other examples are clearly visible and therefore no different to others. I have choose to include the lyrics on the artists t shirt as it catches the audience attention and this is one of the main aspects that I am trying to portray throughout my work; to catch the audience attention using different ways.

Page 4: How effective is the combination on your main product and the ancillary texts

The use of effects throughout the video creates enigma within the audience; a reason behind this is that the effect interest the audience and makes them want to carry on watching the video to see what else there is in store. I wanted to keep the audience engaged throughout the video which is the reason why I have used these effects very often.

Using effects could also make the video look tacky and unprofessional which is what we tried to avoid when editing the video. Having the right balance of effects meant that the video had a high standard and therefore fulfilled its purpose. Within the music video I have also used transitions between shots as well as speeding and slowing down the shots.

The fast cutting scenes meant that the music video codes and conventions were being in place. The pace of editing was important due to the fact that our video was a remix of the original song which meant that the cuts had to be in time with the music. This also o brings me the point that most of the digital effect that were created were in sync with the beat of the track; this also allowed our video to be compared to professional videos out there as they consist of similar effects.

The second part of the ancillary task was to create an album advertisement poster; I have been inspired by some of the ones already on the market which follow simple generic rules . These include the artist name and the name of the song as well as the release date with some kind of graphic image. I have included all of these in my music poster; I feel that this poster could be a potential poster for a professional album. One of my reasons is the use of the eye catching font; this font is not easily readable which means that the person viewing the poster would have to stop and look at the poster properly to be able to read the title. This advertising technique is widely in the industry to create the same effect.