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How did you attract/address your audience ?

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Page 1: How did you attract/address your audience ?

By Giulia Malacrida

Page 2: How did you attract/address your audience ?

My front cover reaches in the aim of attracting and addressing my target

audience. As the front cover is the first thing that they would see and it must give off a good impression. The cover lines and

featured articles are also a great way to attract my target audience. I made sure

that the cover lines appealed to my audience by featuring their favourite

bands/artists. This was based my focus group I created to help me decide on what

was going to be on the cover. The cover image was also very much important to

attracting and addressing the target audience. I made sure that the artist I was using to be my front cover looked directly into the camera. According to my research

my audience would pay for a magazine between 2,20 and 3 £, so I set the price of

my magazine at 2,45£.

Page 3: How did you attract/address your audience ?

On my contents page I had used a variety of images as in my audience research they wanted to see lots of

pictures of the artist they liked. I used images which I had taken from previous concerts. I also carried on the colour scheme to the contents

page to keep the consistency and to make the magazine professional. I kept the contents page simple and easy to follow. To draw peoples I have grouped the features into

box, and each box gathers a category.

I have decided to put a doodle and the editor’s letter.

Page 4: How did you attract/address your audience ?
Page 5: How did you attract/address your audience ?

In my double spread page I’ve tried to keep a sense of unity keeping the same colour scheme (Black, pink and white).

The picture occupies the whole left page and the title is spread on the bottom of that page which is quite usual in the magazines that have

inspired me (NME, INDIE, etc.).Another typical element is the bold and big first capitol letter “B” and

the quote which breaks up the column of written text are aimed at make the reading of the article a bit funny and relaxing, since also the eye of the reader doesn’t have to get lost in a thick and long text. This is also because my audience will read the article during a relaxing time off (a break, before sleeping, etc.) so it needs to be neat and quick but

at the same time interesting and appealing.