Baltimore, Maryland Blue Sky Factory Eggnog, Elves, and Email: How to Plan a Successful Holiday Email Campaign Lindsay Clark & Joanna Lawson-Matthew Thursday, September 16, 2010 1:00 – 1:45 PM (EDT) Driving Email Marketing Performance

Holiday webinar 2010 final

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Baltimore, Maryland

Blue Sky Factory

Eggnog, Elves, and Email: How to Plan a Successful Holiday Email Campaign

Lindsay Clark & Joanna Lawson-Matthew

Thursday, September 16, 2010 1:00 – 1:45 PM (EDT)

Driving Email Marketing Performance

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Getting Acquainted

Feel free to submit questions via the GoToWebinar dashboard

or #bsfwebinar on Twitter.

Lindsay Clark Senior Client Services Manager

Joanna Lawson-Matthew Senior Client Services Manager

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About Blue Sky Factory

Blue Sky Factory is both a full & self service ESP.

Design, execute, and track your email marketing communications

with Blue Sky Factory’s platform, Publicaster.

Visit us at www.blueskyfactory.com.

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Why start planning for the holidays now?


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Why Start Now?

Consumers are already starting their holiday shopping and research.

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Source: http://www.emarketer.com/Article.aspx?R=1007872

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Competition is Heating Up!

Email marketing volumes are expected to increase 15% to 20% for the upcoming 2010 holiday season, compared to

the same time period in 2009.1

1 Experian Marketing Services’ annual 2010 Holiday Marketer: Benchmark and Trend Report. 2 Flickr Photo Credit: mx5tx

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Our Agenda

1. Getting Started

2. What Worked in 2009

3. The Best Practices You Should Stick With

4. The Most Important Tip for 2010 Holiday Emailing

5. Q&A

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I. Getting Started

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Ask Yourself

• What are your goals for this year’s holiday campaigns?

• What will be the main call-to-action of your campaigns?

• Will you vary your current email template only slightly or will you completely redesign your template to optimize for recipients’ holiday mindset?

• Will you have a dedicated holiday email series or will you jazz up your current campaigns (think: auto-response campaigns and transactional emails) with holiday flair?

• How will you measure success this year?


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Review last year’s campaigns to evaluate what worked.


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Review Last Year’s Campaigns

Which campaigns generated the best response? Remember to look at all metrics:

• Open

• Click-through

• Conversion

• Forward

• Unsubscribe

• Complaint

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Review Last Year’s Campaigns

Did your complaint or opt-out rate start to spike mid-series? Identify the issues and plan for 2010 accordingly.

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Review Last Year’s Campaigns

What days of the week did you send on? Were weekdays or weekends more successful?

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Come up with a schedule, a plan-of-action.


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Develop a Schedule

Plan frequency and number of campaigns:

• How often are your subscribers used to receiving emails currently?

• Do you want to increase that level or maintain the same schedule?

• Will you come right out and announce your holiday series or deals or will you slowly tailor the emails more and more to the holidays?

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Develop a Schedule

Review your schedule with other departments to confirm there are no conflicts. You want to sprinkle timely and relevant emails in between now and the holidays, not bombard your subscribers.

Flickr Photo Credit: emma.kate

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Don’t Flood The Inbox

59% of US and UK Internet Users said the reason for not regularly opening/reading email marketing messages is

that they come too frequently.1

1 e-Dialog "Manifesto for E-mail Marketers: Consumer Demand Relevance" (2010) 2 Flickr Photo Credit: Greg Hayter

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For a full pre-holiday audit guide, check out our two-part blog post, “It’s Time for your Pre-Holiday Email


Part One: http://blog.blueskyfactory.com/general/it%E2%80%99s-time-for-your-pre-holiday-email-check-up-part-1/

Part Two: http://blog.blueskyfactory.com/creativeanddesign/it%E2%80%99s-time-for-your-pre-holiday-email-check-up-part-2/

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II. What Worked in 2009

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What Worked in 2009

Announcing early bird specials to encourage subscribers to shop early

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What Worked in 2009

Creating urgency closer to the holiday

• Only 10 more days until Christmas!

• Guaranteed shipping by X date

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What Worked in 2009

Giving your recipients “insider status”, special deals just for them

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What Worked in 2009

Introducing a daily or weekly sale item just for subscribers

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What Worked in 2009

84% of recipients open an abandoned cart emails within 24 hours, and 99% of recipients open within a week.

Experian (2010)


Triggered emails for abandoned shopping carts

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What Worked in 2009

Recommendations based on what was frequently viewed in recent sessions

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What Worked in 2009

Showing recipients the closest store to them to encourage both online and offline purchases

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What Worked in 2009

Promote “last minute” gift items

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What Worked in 2009

Showcase gift ideas by budget, gender, age and interests

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No Matter What the Core Offer…Include Free Shipping!


Last holiday season, free shipping offers with no minimum spend requirement had 70% higher transaction rates, triple the revenue per email, and more than double the average order value compared to free shipping offers with minimum requirements. 1

1 Experian Marketing Services’ annual 2010 Holiday Marketer: Benchmark and Trend Report (2010) 2 Flickr Photo Credit: Robert S. Donovan

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What Worked in 2009

During the holiday season, be sure to spread the cheer.

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Spread the Cheer

Sent on 11/4

Relevant holiday tips, how-to guides

• Recipes

• How to stay healthy this holiday

• Guide to a stress-free holiday

• Travel tips

• Party planning

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Spread the Cheer

• Give a “family & friend” discount, reward for referring a friend

• Prompt subscribers to submit their own holiday tips, recipes, money-saving ideas, best traditions

• Send a video that will give your subscribers a good laugh


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Spread the Cheer


Emails with a refer-a-friend link have been proven to drive 14% higher open rates, 20% higher clicks and 40% higher transaction rates than those without.1

1 Experian Marketing Services’ annual 2010 Holiday Marketer: Benchmark and Trend Report (2010)

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Spread the Cheer


Encourage sharing by providing Forward to a Friend links and Share With Your Network buttons

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Spread the Cheer

Be interactive by showcasing a game, quiz, or survey

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Spread the Cheer

Give away something…for FREE!

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Spread the Cheer

Show your subscribers you appreciate them, and don’t just see them as a dollar sign

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Spread the Cheer

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Add a little humor to your subscribers’ holiday season

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Spread the Cheer

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Show subscribers the more charitable side of your company

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What Worked in 2009

Your job is not over come New Year’s.

Be there after the holidays.

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Post-Holiday Emails

Survey buyers about their purchases

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Post-Holiday Emails

Image source: Smith-Harmon, “Retail Email Guide to the Holiday Season” 2009

Complement their holiday purchases with accessories

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Post-Holiday Emails

Encourage gift card redemption or purchases

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The promotion of gift cards in holiday email marketing messages more than tripled transaction rates for multichannel retailers last year. Experian Marketing Services’ annual 2010 Holiday Marketer: Benchmark and Trend Report

Image source: Smith-Harmon, “Retail Email Guide to the Holiday Season” 2009

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III. Best Practices to Stick With

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Best Practices To Stick With

The holiday season is not the time to try out new and fancy tricks. Instead stick with what works for you and

follow these 15 general tips.

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1. Make sure only true opt-in subscribers are included in your email campaigns

2. Segment list based on click behavior

3. Remember the expectations regarding frequency you set up front with your subscribers

4. Consider setting up a separate opt-in just for the holidays and set up a holiday-only unsubscribe option

5. Check with your ESP to make sure your IP reputation is in good standing

Best Practices to Stick With

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6. Find a balance between offer and value-added content

7. A/B split test: subject lines, call-to-action placement, offer used

8. Use this holiday to plan for next holiday

9. Subscribe to your competitors' emails to generate ideas for next year

10. Ensure your call-to-action is prominent (5 second test)

Best Practices to Stick With

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11. Include a View in Browser link

12. Remember to include Share With Your Network links, and encourage social sharing

13. Ensure all images have alt tags

14. Take the time now to ensure your email renders well across all email clients

15. Build a strong subject line that reflects content of email and creates urgency

Best Practices to Stick With

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IV. Most Important Tip for 2010 Holiday Season

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Mobile Version

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Your carefully crafted email is often being viewed by a potential buyer or key decision maker on a mobile device

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Mobile Version

Optimize each email for all mobile devices by featuring a link to a mobile version

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Mobile Version

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1 Experian Marketing Services’ annual 2010 Holiday Marketer: Benchmark and Trend Report (2010) 2 Flickr Photo Credit: William Hook

24% of online consumers (with or without Web-enabled phones) say they expect to be comparing prices, and 22% expect to be purchasing items from their mobile phones in the next 12 months.

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Mobile Version

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Make sure all links in your email lead to landing pages which mobile devices can support (e.g.- no flash)