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Page 1: Holes
Page 2: Holes

This happens from 36s-45s. They used this to show movement and the person that we are following is the man in denim. This is effective because from just watching that 9 seconds clip, the audience got a feel to the surroundings of the place and see what the people in the opening are doing. But also it introduced an enigma because we want to know why they are digging and why they are in the dessert.

Page 3: Holes

This helps establishing the setting more so the audience can know more about where this film is set. It is effective because at first we only see a couple of people digging holes so this puts it to a scale of how many holes they have dug, which also adds to the enigma because we see the scale we want to know more of why are they doing this.

Page 4: Holes

The close up is used to show his emotions and facial expression. Its is effective because it just shows the audience his reaction to digging holes and from looking at his face he is really upset and fed up about it, as a result this makes the audience have sympathy for him because he has to dig the holes.

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The wide shot is used to show the audience, more setting, body language and movement. This is effective because we can see straight away the status between the characters here from the children digging in the holes to the man walking around with a gun this also makes the audience feel sympathy for the children because not only to they have to dig the holes in the desert but they have to do it with the leader carrying the gun around which suggests that he is cruel to the children. , again with the setting we can see where the film will be set.

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The mid shot is used to not only show the character facial expression but to show the clothes which help us to see what the characters is going though or his personality. This character is wearing orange overalls and we relate that to prisoners. It is effective because we have know answered why are these people there digging which was part of the enigma, its because they done something bad and they are being punished.

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The purpose for this extreme close up is to shoe emphasis and tension, the main focus here is the tail. Before is was only rattling slowly but when the boy moves closer it gets faster. This is effective because everyone knows how dangerous a rattle snake is and this boy is going up to it, so we feel scared for him and worried that he is going to get hurt, even in a small amount of time we have developed an attachment to this boy, so we are scared for him.