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Go green with electronic cigarettes

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http://www.freedomcigarettes.com This slideshow looks at the benefits to the environment switching to electronic cigarettes will have

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Tobacco smoking is not only harmful for the smoker; it is also harmful to those around the cigarette smoker. Breathing in the cigarette smoke of a nearby smoker is called passive smoking and can trigger various smoking related diseases. Passive smoking though is often overlooked and lots of smokers will light up next to close friends without even considering the potential harm that they may well be causing.

Smoking harms the health of others too

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The more you smoke, the higher the risk

Obviously the more smoke that you inhale the higher the risk of contracting a smoking related illness. The cigarette smoker is likely to inhale a lot more smoke than the individuals close to them but this doesn't mean to say that the passive smokers aren't being harmed regardless of the fact that they are not smoking themselves.

House fires killed an enormous amount of men and women every year. It's well recognised that usually it is not the fire that kills, it is the smoke. By smoking a regular cigarette, you're inhaling the same, harmful smoke only on a much smaller scale.

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No burnt tobacco

The design of electronic cigarettes ensures that there is absolutely no burning involved. E liquid is basically heated by the atomiser that causes the e juice to vapourise. E-cigs operate just like a humidifier. The vapour is harmless and absolutely odour free also.

As e cigs do not contain tobacco, they're not included in the smoking ban and can for that reason be smoked in public areas. They also don't make any ash or awful smells so you're able to smoke e cigs inside in the warm without affecting anybody.

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No dangerous chemicals

As electronic cigarettes do not burn tobacco and merely heat a flavoured liquid, there is no dangerous, cancer causing carcinogens given off. Consequently they don't do any harm to those people close to an ecigarette user. By changing to e-cigs you're improving your health but also you're enhancing the health of your family near you. Stop harming the health of those close to you and switch to ecigs.

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Passive smokers are innocent victims

Passive smokers are innocent bystanders and should not suffer because of other people. Help to lower the number of passive smokers by switching to an e cigarette now. E-cigarettes are the healthier, cleaner way of smoking.

There is a significantly healthier option to tobacco cigarettes, When will you move to e-cigs?

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