いつやるの?Git入門 v1.1.0

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Frontrend Vol.6 powered by CyberAgent, Inc. http://frontrend.doorkeeper.jp/events/6907 で発表したプレゼン資料です。 こういう資料に対する投げ銭的なのがどうなるのか気になっていたので、もしよろしければ・・・!15円からできるソーシャルカンパサービスだそうですm(_ _)m http://kampa.me/t/dev

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  • 2013/11/16 @matsukaz 1.1.0

commit (P113) (P147) Git (P153P154) @matsukaz DevLOVE http://www.flickr.com/photos/flavijus/3635413767/ !! http://www.flickr.com/photos/aschultz/3407606139/ Jenkins ... https://groups.google.com/forum/#!msg/jenkinsci-dev/-myjRIPcVwU/ t4nkXONp8qgJ Hi all, I have triggered an involuntary "forced push" last night on the list of Jenkins-CI plugins indicated below in this e-mail. My apology I did not realise that I actually had forced push permissions and I do apologise for the inconvenience caused. The operations pushed back the all the branches to around 1 month. The history is not lost and is still on the GitHub server but on detached branches. The solution I can raise a request to GitHub to provide the "reflog" of those repositories and restore the branches to the point before my forced push. Alternatively the owners of those repositories can still perform a "forced push" to restore the correct position of the branches. (if you would like to do so, please write to the mailing list so that we do not overlap the recovery operations) AW - *PLEASE READ* Re: strange pushes on GitHub lucamilanesio antexec-plugin.git artifactory-plugin.git associated-files-plugin.git audit2db-plugin.git audit-trail-plugin.git backend-pull-request-greeter.git beaker-builder-plugin.git branch-api-plugin.git build-flow-plugin.git buildgraph-view.git build-pipeline-plugin.git build-timeout-plugin.git buildtriggerbadge-plugin.git bytecode-compatibility-transformer.git ci-game-plugin.git clearcase-plugin.git clearcase-ucm-plugin.git cloudbees-folder-plugin.git cloudbees-plugin-gateway.git cloudtest-plugin.git clover-plugin.git cobertura-plugin.git collabnet-plugin.git collapsing-console-sections-plugin.git compact-columns-plugin.git compress-artifacts-plugin.git conditional-buildstep-plugin.git config-file-provider-plugin.git configurationslicing-plugin.git copyartifact-plugin.git copy-project-link-plugin.git copy-to-slave-plugin.git cppcheck-plugin.git credentials-plugin.git crowd2-plugin.git crowd-plugin.git customtools-plugin.git cvsclient.git cvs-plugin.git dashboard-view-plugin.git datical-db-plugin.git dependency-check-plugin.git deploy-plugin.git disable-failed-job-plugin.git disk-usage-plugin.git doclinks-plugin.gitugin.git dry-plugin.git dynamic-axis-plugin.git ec2-plugin.git elastic-axis-plugin.git email-ext-plugin.git envinject-lib.git envinject-plugin.git extended-choice-parameter-plugin.git extra-columns-plugin.git extras-executable-war.git extreme-feedback-plugin.git gearman-plugin.git gerrit-trigger-plugin.git gitbucket-plugin.git git-chooser-alternative-plugin.git git-client-plugin.git git-plugin.git global-build-stats-plugin.git global-variable-string-parameter-plugin.git gradle-jpi-plugin.git grails-plugin.git greenballs-plugin.git groovy-postbuild-plugin.git heavy-job-plugin.git hockeyapp-plugin.git http-request-plugin.git humbug-plugin.git instant-messaging-plugin.git integrity-plugin.git ironmq-notifier-plugin.git ivytrigger-plugin.git jacoco-plugin.git jclouds-plugin.git jira-plugin.git jobConfigHistory-plugin.git job-dsl-plugin.git job-import-plugin.git job-poll-action-plugin.git jquery-plugin.git jquery-ui-plugin.git json-lib.git kiuwan-plugin.git label-verifier-plugin.git ldap-plugin.git leiningen-plugin.git lib-annotation-indexer.git lib-task-reactor.git lib-windows-remote-command.git literate-cli.git logfilesizechecker-plugin.git m2release-plugin.git m2-repo-reaper-plugin.git mailer-plugin.git matrix-auth-plugin.git maven-hpi-plugin.git maven-info-plugin.git mercurial-plugin.git mesos-plugin.git metadata-plugin.git mock-security-realm-plugin.git msbuild-plugin.git naginator-plugin.git nerrvana-plugin.git nested-view-plugin.git next-build-number-plugin.git next-executions-plugin.git parameterized-trigger-plugin.git perforce-plugin.git performance-plugin.git persona-plugin.git pitmutation-plugin.git plain-credentials-plugin.git plugin-compat-tester.git postbuildscript-plugin.git promoted-builds-plugin.git prqa-plugin.git publish-over-cifs-plugin.git puppet-jenkins.git radiatorview-plugin.git rapiddeploy-plugin.git release-plugin.git repo-plugin.git rich-text-publisher-plugin.git robot-plugin.git run-condition-plugin.git rvm-plugin.git scm2job-plugin.git scm-api-plugin.git scoring-load-balancer-plugin.git script-scm-plugin.git selenium-axis-plugin.git selenium-builder-plugin.git selenium-tests.git skype-im-plugin.git skytap-cloud-plugin.git smartfrog-plugin.git sms-plugin.git sounds-plugin.git ssh-agent-plugin.git ssh-credentials-plugin.git sshd-module.git ssh-slaves-plugin.git starteam-plugin.git stashnotifier-plugin.git subversion-plugin.git suppress-stack-trace-plugin.git swarm-plugin.git synergy_scm-plugin.git tap-plugin.git teamconcert-plugin.git testlink-plugin.git tfs-plugin.git thin-backup-plugin.git throttle-concurrent-builds-plugin.git tikal-multijob-plugin.git timestamper-plugin.git token-macro-plugin.git transifex-plugin.git translation-plugin.git trilead-ssh2.git unity3d-plugin.git veracode-scanner-plugin.git view-job-filters-plugin.git virtualbox-plugin.git vsphere-cloud-plugin.git vstestrunner-plugin.git walldisplay-plugin.git warnings-plugin.git weblogic-deployer-plugin.git winstone.git wix-plugin.git ws-cleanup-plugin.git xcode-plugin.git xstream.git xtrigger-lib.git xunit-plugin.git xvfb-plugin.git xvnc-plugin.git 184...() http://www.flickr.com/photos/tjflex/233579552/ http://www.flickr.com/photos/pennuja/5363515039/ !! http://www.flickr.com/photos/danielygo/7357503268/ Agenda Git Git Git Git Agenda Git http://www.google.com/about/datacenters/gallery/#/tech/12 http://cmpilato.blogspot.jp/2009/02/subversion-desktop-wallpaper.html Subversion commit update (merge) commit update (merge) commit update (merge) commit update (merge) commit update (merge) Subversion commit Subversion commit commit commit update log Git Git commit push (merge/ rebase) fetch commit push (merge/ rebase) fetch commit push (merge/ rebase) fetch commit push (merge/ rebase) fetch commit push (merge/ rebase) fetch commit push (merge/ rebase) fetch commit push (merge/ rebase) fetch fetch + merge/rebase pull commit push (merge/ rebase) fetch Git merge/rebase Git commit (push/fetch) Pro Git Subversion developer developer developer pull request developer public developer public developer private developer private integration manager Linux developer public developer public developer public developer Git!! http://www.flickr.com/photos/llamnuds/2723112918/ GitHub Flow git-flow https://github.com/darashi/horesa.se Agenda Git Git Git 3 () Git () 3 Git!! 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Git !! URL - Git - http://matome.naver.jp/odai/2136491451473222801 - 15 http://kampa.me/t/dev