Getting Started with CMIS January 2012 Jeff Potts Chief Community Officer Apache Chemistry cmislib lead

Getting Started with CMIS

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A brief introduction to the CMIS spec and some tips and tricks for developers new to CMIS. Demos showed how to install and use cmislib, the Python API for CMIS, and OpenCMIS, the Java API. Both projects are part of Apache Chemistry. Originally given as part of an Alfresco webinar. Recording: http://blogs.alfresco.com/wp/webcasts/2012/01/getting-started-with-cmis-2/

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Getting Started with CMISJanuary 2012

Jeff PottsChief Community OfficerApache Chemistry cmislib lead

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• What is CMIS?– Brief description– Quick overview of the domain model

• First steps using Apache Chemistry– Demos using cmislib (Python) and OpenCMIS

(Java)– Demo using OpenCMIS Workbench & the

Groovy Console

• Tips & Tricks for New CMIS Developers• Where to learn more

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What is CMIS?

• Vendor independent API for working with content repositories

• Specification managed by OASIS– Domain model– Protocol bindings• Web Services Binding• ATOM Pub Binding• Browser (JSON) Binding (Coming in 1.1)

– CMIS Query Language

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The Beauty of CMIS


Presentation Tier

Content Services Tier

?Enterprise Apps Tier


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Content Repository


Domain Model

read write







Vendor Mapping


CMIS lets you read, search, write, update, delete, version, control, … content and metadata!


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Implementations Already Available…






Developed by 30+ ECM Vendors

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Content Repository

Content Repository

Content Repository


Content RepositoryContent

RepositoryContent Repository

• Workflow & BPM• Archival• Virtual Documents• DAM / WCM

• Collaborative Content Creation• Portals• Client Application Integration• Mashup

Use Cases

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Document• Content• Renditions• Version History

Folder• Container• Hierarchy• Filing

Relationship• Source Object• Target Object

Policy• Target Object

Described byType Definitions


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Custom Type

Object• Type Id• Parent• Display Name• Queryable• Controllable

Document• Versionable• Allow Content

Folder Relationship• Source Types• Target Types


Property• Property Id• Display Name• Type• Required• Default Value• …

Type Definitions

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• Open Source implementations of CMIS

• Apache Chemistry is the umbrella project for all CMIS related projects within the ASF– OpenCMIS (Java, client and server)– cmislib (Python, client)– phpclient (PHP, client)– DotCMIS (.NET, client)

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• Apache Chemistry started as an incubator project in May 2009– Graduated to a top level project in

February 2011.

• Backed by Adobe, Alfresco, Nuxeo, OpenText, and SAP

• OpenCMIS is a de-facto reference for CMIS and is also used by the CMIS TC to test new CMIS 1.1 features

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Real-world coding examples

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Notes on my setup

• Alfresco 4.0.c Community• SomeCo content model (See ecmarchitect.com

)• Mac OS X, Tomcat, MySQL, Eclipse• Java

– OpenCMIS 0.6*– Alfresco OpenCMIS extension 0.2*– JDK 1.6.0_29

• Python– cmislib 0.5– Python 2.6/2.7

* Distributed with Alfresco 4 SDK

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Installing and Using cmislibUse easy_install to install cmislib. Docs available here.


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DEMOUsing OpenCMIS to create, query, relate, & deleteThe code comes from the ecmarchitect.com custom content types tutorial, available here. Apache Chemistry OpenCMIS lives here.


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Using the Groovy Console in the OpenCMIS Workbench


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A few tidbits for the developer new to CMIS

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Prefix cannot be null or empty• You may see this error when using

the Alfresco OpenCMIS extension• It is due to a dependency problem• If you are using Maven, see this issue

.• If you are setting an explicit

classpath, refer to the CMIS classpath set in the Ant build file in the content types tutorial

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Using Alfresco CMIS extension with OpenCMIS Workbench

• You must do this if you want to set properties defined in an aspect

• Copy alfresco-opencmis-extension-0.2.jar to workbench/lib

• Set the following on “Expert” tab:org.apache.chemistry.opencmis.objectfactory.classname=org.alfresco.cmis.client.impl.AlfrescoObjectFactoryImpl

• Click “Load Repositories” before leaving the expert tab

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In Alfresco 4 the CMIS URLs have changed

• In Alfresco 4, OpenCMIS is now the CMIS implementation– Use

http://localhost:8080/alfresco/cmisatom instead of http://localhost:8080/alfresco/s/cmis

– Consider the CMIS web scripts to be deprecated

– You may see different results b/w the two URLs

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CMIS in server-side JavaScript*var cmisConnection = cmis.getConnection();var cmisSession = cmisConnection.getSession();folder = cmisSession.getRootFolder();print("Children of: " + folder.name + "(" + folder.id + ")");

var iter = folder.getChildren().iterator();while (iter.hasNext()) { print(iter.next().name);}

*Broken in 4.0.c Community

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Experimental JSON binding in Alfresco 4

• Alfresco 4 includes an experimental implementation of the new browser binding

• http://localhost:8080/alfresco/cmisbrowserhttp://localhost:8080/alfresco/cmisbrowser

http://localhost:8080/alfresco/cmisbrowser/{repo id}/roothttp://localhost:8080/alfresco/cmisbrowser/{repo id}/root?includeAllowableActions=true&skipCount=0&maxItemshttp://localhost:8080/alfresco/cmisbrowser/{repo id}/root/cmis-demohttp://localhost:8080/alfresco/cmisbrowser/{repo id}/root/cmis demo?selector=childrenhttp://localhost:8080/alfresco/cmisbrowser/{repo id}/root/cmis demo?selector=object

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Working with permissions

• ACLs are lists of ACEs• In Alfresco, group identifiers start

with ”GROUP_”• You cannot break inheritance through

CMIS, but you can determine whether an ACE is inherited or “direct”

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CMIS Resources

• cmis.alfresco.com includes a public CMIS server and links to CMIS resources

• Read the CMIS specification• Apache Chemistry site has clients, lightweight

server, documentation• Alfresco Extension for OpenCMIS allows you to

work with aspect-defined properties• “Getting Started with CMIS” tutorial shows how

to use cURL to hit ATOM Pub binding directly• Slideshare has some CMIS related presentations

from DevCon here and here

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[email protected]@jeffpotts01 (Twitter & all chat services)http://ecmarchitect.com