The first thing I did was import Georgina’s advert video into Cubase I then added AVST instrument (synth) the instrument I chose was call ‘at the movies) and coordinated it with the video

Georgina's Advert Log

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The first thing I did was import Georgina’s advert video into Cubase

I then added AVST instrument (synth) the instrument I chose was call ‘at the movies) and coordinated it with the video

Page 2: Georgina's Advert Log

I then decided to add a drum kit that made the instrumentals a little less dramatic and more relatable to the products target audience the

I used two drum kits; one was called ‘disco house kit’, which sounded a little more poppy and cheerful

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The other drumkit was called chart breaker and blending these two instruments together created an upbeat feel to the slow starting track

I then decided that the track need some vocals, so I recorded someone narrating the ending of the advert and imported the recording into Cubase

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After importing the audio file and syncing it with the advert, I then exported the audio file, using premier pro I link the audio file with the video file and then

uploaded the complete advert soundtrack to my blog

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