Gender Budget Analysis Tools

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Why Budget Analysis?

Budgets are crucial: •determine how governments mobilize and allocate public resources •shape policies, set priorities•an economic process: deals with allocation and mobilization of resources •articulates the macro economic policies of the state •political instrument: voted on and mediates competition between people and interests •instrument for fulfilling obligations of the state in respecting, protecting,promoting human rights

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Gap between promise and expectation in post Beijing period:

Outcome Document adopted by all states at the UNGA in 2000 lists 3 main reasons:

Lack of resources lack of innovative approaches to allocation of existing

resources Lack of gender perspective in macroeconomic policy



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Gender Budgeting is a strategy for ensuring Gender Sensitive Resource Allocation and a tool for engendering macro economic policy.

Not a separate budget for women. Dissects the Government Budget to

establish its gender differential impact. Enables Tracking and Allocating

resources for women empowerment.

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What are Gender Budgets?

•they are not separate budgets for women

•they are general budgets analyzed or constructed from a gender perspective

•they involve analysis of actual government expenditure and revenue on women and girls in comparison to that on men and boys and in comparison to the need.

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help governments to decide how policies need to be adjusted and reprioritized:

how available money is used to target those most in need.

tool for effective policy implementation where Governments can check if the

allocations are in line with the policy commitments made to their citizens;

tool for contributing to a public debate and to effective use of public funding

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The Current Interest in Gender Budgets

•the political drive for accountability : “putting the money where the mouth is”need to measure/monitor accountability :budget allocations vs actual expenditures:

•efficiency : gender inequality leads to major losses in economic efficiency and human development : gender budget initiatives can reconcile the objectives of genderequality, human development and economic efficiency

•transparency:gender budget initiatives can contribute towards demystification of the

budget and greater public participation

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equality :budgets unresponsive to the need of those in poverty and marginalized

particularly women and children will fail to lead to equality in distribution and

equity in the output and will fail to address gender-specific discrimination

important step in deepening democracy

need for recognizing women’s unpaid work as economic work:to look at not just

private and public sectors but also domestic sector including the domestic unpaid

work (the care economy) and the work of the NGOsector, both formal paid and

unpaid volunteer work and flows between them

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The Concept and its Tools

Three levels:

•Inputs: financial appropriations vs.. need: appropriations vs. actual expenditure: sector wise shares of expenditure and real per capita:revenue side

•Activities supported by appropriations: public services, delivery costs,income transfers

•Outcomes expected from appropriations vs. actual outcomes includingunintended ones: whether the money is being used in a manner that effectively achieves planned outcomes and where it is failing

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Tool 1: Gender-Aware Policy Appraisal-Linking Budgets to Policies

3 steps:

1. examine position of women and men, boys and girls in each area of economic and social life addressed by the budget, taking into account age, ethnic group,location and class;

2. examine whether government policy adequately addresses inequalities which have been identified;

3. examine whether resources are being allocated in ways that are likely to reduce inequalities.

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Step 3: Flow Chart

Planned outcomese.g. healthy, educated, well nourished peopleAn efficient economyA well governed country

Planned activitiesPublic services Public income transferLegislation

Planned inputsFinancial appropriations

Planned capacityStaffEquipment etc

Unexpected effectsUnintended consequences+ and -

Expected ImpactsHuman developmentEmpowerment of women

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Tools 2: Beneficiary Assessments

Techniques include:

Opinion polls, attitude surveys, focus groups, interviews, role


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Tool 3: Public Expenditure Incidence Analysis

Gives a sense of how gender-inclusive expenditures actually

are by comparing the distribution of public spending among

women and men, girls and boys.

Three steps:

1. Estimate unit cost of providing a service.

e.g., 1 primary school place for 1 year

2. Estimate use of service by men and women, boys and girls

e.g., number of primary school places occupied by girls and boys

3. Calculate amount spent per year on girls and boys.

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Tool 4: Revenue Incidence Analysis

Shows proportion of income paid in taxes and user charges by different categories of individuals or households.

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Tool 7: Gender-aware Budget Statement

Any government can issue a gender-aware budget statement utilizing one or more of the above tools to analyze its programmes and budgets.

Some key indicators for a gender-aware budget statement.

-share of expenditure targeted to gender equality

-women’s participation in the public-sector employment

relative to men.

-the share of prioritized expenditures towards women


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share of expenditure devoted to official gender units

- share of expenditure devoted to women’s priority income transfer

-gender balance in business support

-gender balance in public sector contracts

-gender balance in decision making bodies, forums and committees

-gender balance in training

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Tool 5: Sex-Disaggregated Analysis of the Impact of the Budget on Time Use

Similar to tool 1- but focuses in particular on the outcome for

the amount of unpaid care work done by women and men

Whenever expenditure cuts are proposed, the question should

be asked: Is this likely to increase the time that men and

women spend on unpaid care work?

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Tool 6: Gender-Aware Medium-Term Economic Policy Framework

Incorporation of gender variables into the models used for medium-term public expenditure planning are based.

For example, inclusion of:

sex-disaggregated variables in the labour market component

new variables to represent the unpaid care economy

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Global Approaches

Two main approaches:

•Sectoral analysis say of the education, agricultural, health sectorsetc. and within each sector examining the implications of the expenditure (and sometimes revenue) on women and men. Within each sector this involves looking at inputs, activities and outcomes within each of the four categories

explained above, viz., gender targeted, employment equity and mainstream expenditures and revenue: Australia, Sri Lanka

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Analysis of the overall allocation of resources among sectors, drawing on the

macroeconomic framework as a whole; South Africa

Location of analysis: Government: Women’s Machinery or Finance

Ministry led Non Government: civil society led

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Gender Budget in India: Current Scenario

Government led process at national level: Analyzing the entire budget resulting in:•Gender aware budget statement by FM: Economic Survey(2001) Section on Gender Inequality: based on gender budget analysis•Analysis of annual budgets: dissemination amongst parliamentariansduring debates on demand for grants

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Supplementary state level work by feminists/NGOs analyzing state budgets, specific sectors and specific

large programmes impact of specific expenditure increase/compression

measures on households (gender disaggregated) impact of labour market changes on women and how

budgets are/are not dealing with them Building budgets from below involving the panchayats

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CLUSTERS Protective & Welfare Services which are aimed at

directly benefiting the women mitigating the consequences of women’s social and economic subordination.

Social Services which contribute significantly to women’s empowerment, either directly by building their capacities and ensuring their material well being or indirectly through reducing domestic drudgery.

Economic Services which are critical to women’s economic independence and autonomy.

Regulatory Services & Awareness Generation which provide institutional spaces and opportunities for women’s empowerment.

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CONSTRAINTSNon availability of authentic


Data sets not available as per format

Figures related to Actual Expenditure not available (even for previous financial years)

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Cont. ConstraintsAttempts to analyse and collate the data

were constrained:

- Wide discrepancies in terms of units such as thousands or lakhs

- Inconsistencies in figures/data (totals)

- Allocations to Pro and targeted categories of schemes were mixed up due to lack of understanding

- Clusterwise distribution of schemes done by names was misleading.

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Need to coordinate field efforts of data collection-Training & Workshops

Ensuring validated & reliable information

Diverse nomenclature of schemes and programmes across states.

Revision of formats

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Non-availability of gender disaggregated data

Isolating women component in local level resource allocation

Reliability and validity of data

Need for uniformity in concept & definitions

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- Analysis of public expenditure from a gender perspective

- Standardize techniques, sectoral definitions, nomenclature of various schemes, etc. so that future research is facilitated.

- Monitoring of regular collection of physical and financial targets and achievements. Streamlining of this process by use of MIS

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Cont. Task Ahead

Organise workshops and studies on refining methodology for gender analysis of budgets.

Formulate and disseminate uniform guidelines on gender budgeting and develop appropriate software

Formulation and adoption of schedules and formats for working out women’s share in all public expenditure.

Promote capacity building of research organisations.

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ACTIONS FOR THE FUTURE Coverage of the approach has to be expanded

to all States/UTs & percolate down to District levels

The methodology to be refined.

Analysis to go beyond allocations & expenditure to benefit incidence & outcomes

Institutionalized gender disaggregated data sets.

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Formulation & dissemination of uniform guidelines for gender accounting, auditing & for physical and formal targets/documents

Extend the nature & scope of gender analysis of budgets to include benefit incidence analysis in specific geographical & sectoral areas and over a larger time frame.

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Institutionalize the process of gender budgeting. Capacity building within the Government & amongst

research organisations.

Impact analysis of public expenditure, to get comprehensive picture of household expenditure only on children and women

Analyse investment and expenditure ratios.

Taking stock of expenditure on other related infrastructure including rail/road access, electrification, water resources etc. to get clear picture of expenditure for well being of women and children.

Cont. Actions for Future

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Global context of gender budgeting

Global consensus to “Sustainable Human Development [SHD] Approach” - a fundamental rethinking in macroeconomic policies.

Tool for enhancing the SHD paradigm:– “People-mattered budget initiative”– Pro-poor, gender and green budgets”

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Gender budgeting: country experiences

AUSTRALIA was the pioneer in developing a gender-sensitive budget in 1984.

COMMONWEALTH’S GENDER BUDGET INITIATIVE in 1996, piloted in five countries; South Africa, Sri Lanka, Barbados,St.Kitts and Nevis and Fiji.

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Indian Context for Gender Budgeting

Special Reference in Budget Speech, 2000 pertaining to the “access of women to national

resources”. National Development Council adopted

“Empowerment of Women” as specific objective of 9th FYP on February 19,1999.

”Women’s Component Plan” to ensure that not less than 30 % of funds and benefits flow to women from developmental sectors.

Gender equality recognized in Indian Constitution.

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Gender Budgeting in Indian Context

Economic Survey, 2000-01 An entire section on gender equality.Highlights of Union Budget 2001-02

– Strengthening of microfinance facility for women.

– Integrated Scheme for Women Empowerment – with a new scheme for women in difficult


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Gender sensitive budget

Budgetary resource allocation through gender lens. Are not separate budgets for women. Dissection of budget to establish its gender-specific

impacts. Gendered incidence of budgetary policies for the

effective targeting of public spending Stress repriotisation rather an overall increase in

public spending. Thrust to ensure a greater visibility to care economy.

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Gender Diagnosis : Access to Resources

POSITIVES Female life expectancy doubled

from 31.7 years in 1951 to 60.9 years in 1994.

Female life expectancy at birth surpassed that of man (59.7 years).

Declining trends in IMR and CMR.

Increase in female literacy rate Increase in female gross

enrolment ratio.

NEGATIVES Adverse sex ratio female IMR > male IMR female CMR > male CMR MMR as high as 540 per one

lakh live births (NFHS-2) Around half of Indian women

are illiterate (54.28 % in Census 2001).

Female enrolment less than half, lagging much from 100 % target.

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Preparing gender-sensitive budget

– Category i. Specifically targeted expenditure to women

– Category ii. Public Expenditure with pro-women allocation

– Category iii: Mainstream expenditure that make gender-differential impacts.

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Categorization of Specifically targeted expenditure

> Protective and Welfare Services to prevent atrocities viz. domestic violence, kidnapping, rape,

dowry deaths

> Social Services education, health, nutrition

> Economic Services self employment & training programs

> Regulatory Services & Awareness Generation Programs

Maternal benefit schemes

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Category I: Specifically targeted expenditure. contd

– Direct allocations specially targeted to women and girls under various Ministries in Union Budget 2001-02 amounted to Rs. 3260 crores

– 0.87 per cent of total expenditure– Significant deviation of revised estimates

from the budget estimates [ Rs 2970 crores in BE 2000-01 and Rs 2543 in RE 2000-01]

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BE-RE: Significant Deviation

Non-approval of Schemes/ Revised Norms.Late approval of additional corpus of funds.Failure to take into account the unspent

balances of previous years.Slack on the part of implementing agency

to implement the scheme.– [Report No.1 of CAG of India, 1999, page No.


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Specifically Targeted Programs for Women:share in various Ministries

Ministry/Department 1995-96RE







Women & Child Developmentexcl.child welfare schemes

17.03 18.06 17.70 15.78 10.29 18.80 11.46

Agriculture and Co-operation 0.16 0.08 0.04 0.03 0.00 0.00 0.02Health 2.37 2.04 2.37 2.32 2.90 2.83 2.77Family Welfare 18.30 25.23 28.68 31.36 26.27 28.46 31.81Education 0.19 0.13 0.10 1.67 1.37 0.66 0.63Labour 6.61 7.29 6.64 5.19 4.52 4.17 6.70Rural Development 3.54 3.57 3.08 2.86 1.89 0.82 0.00Textiles 0.00 0.00 0.81 0.88 1.44 2.19 1.98Tribal Affairs 0.72 0.71 0.79 1.39 1.75 0.93 1.01Social Justice &Empowerment

0.90 0.89 1.13 2.66 4.87 0.80 1.35

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Public Expenditure with Pro-women allocations

Certain public expenditure have pro-women allocations; though they are not exclusively targeted for women. – Eg., poverty alleviation & employment

generation schemes; provision for drinking water, fuel, housing, improved energy resources etc.

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Public Expenditure with Pro-women allocations: Selected Ministries/Departments

Agriculture Education Health & Family Welfare Youth Affairs & Sports Labour Non-conventional Energy Resources Small Scale Industries & Agro-Rural Industries Rural Development Urban Employment & Poverty Alleviation Social Justice & Empowerment &Tribal Affairs

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Public Expenditure with Pro-women allocations:

In gender-intensive Ministries:Pro-women Allocation = [TE-WSP]*WC

– other Ministries with few gender-intensive schemes:

– Pro-women allocation= [SCS * WC]

– Share declined from 3.89 percent in 1995-96 to 2.82 per cent in 2001-02 in total expenditure.

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Gender Disaggregated Benefit Incidence

Aims to analyze the extent to which men and women benefit from expenditure on publicly provided services.

Assessing the distribution of public spending by gender.

how gender-inclusive the mainstream expenditure can be sensed.


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Central Elementary Education Budget:Benefit Incidence








284.08 285.70










1996-97 1997-98 1998-99 1999-00 2000-01 2001-02

Per capita Benefit Incidence of Central Elementary Education Budget: Gender Dissaggregation

Female Male

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Priority Actions

Collate the gender disaggregated data from relevant Departments to obtain gender-wise relevant statistical database.

Segregate the provisions for women in the composite schemes.

Protect the provisions by placing restrictions on their reappropriation for other purposes.

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