My first Drupal module! Why not?

Gajendra sharma Drupal Module development

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My first Drupal module!

Why not?

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About @ Gajendra Sharma

• Started as PHP developer with custom CMS •“You need Linux” they said •I know Drupal since version 5.x

Email: gajen.ksharma@gmail Skype: gajendrakumarsharma1688 LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/gajendrasharma

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•  Available from drupal.org.

•  Runs on every machine with

PHP, supported database

and web server.

•  Very customizable

(themes, modules).

•  Good documented.

•  No limits.

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A whole bunch of modules

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Which one to use?

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Missing a module?

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Three kinds of modules (3 Cs)

•  Core

–  Shipped with Drupal

–  Approved by core developers and community

•  Contributed

–  Written by community

–  Shared under the same GNU Public License

•  Custom

–  Created by website developer

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Where to?


Core Modules Core Themes


Contributed Themes


Custom Module Custom Theme


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Module name

•  Should be a UNIQUE “short name”

•  Used in all file and function names

•  Must start with a letter

•  Only lower-case letters and underscores

•  We will use name: “dc_stat”

–  For display current node/user stats

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Create a folder + module file

•  Module name “dc_stats”.

•  Create empty folder:

–  /sites/*/modules/custom/dc_stats/

•  Create new file “dc_stats.module” with

opening PHP tag and NO closing tag!!

•  Create new file “dc_stats.info” for

meta information.

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•  Required for every module!

•  Standard .ini file format – key/value pairs

name = Drupal statistic!

description = Provides some statistic data.!

core = 7.x!

package = Damjan Cvetan!

Other optional keys:

stylesheets, scripts, files, dependencies, …

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•  Navigate to Modules section on your site

•  You should see your module

•  Enable it!

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Coding standards

•  Use an indent of 2 spaces, no tabs!

•  UNIX line ending (\n)

•  Omit closing “?>” PHP tag

•  Constants should be all-uppercase

•  Comments are your friends!

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Half way there


hook – [hoo k], noun Ÿ a

curved or angular piece of

metal or other hard

substance for catching,

pulling, holding, or

suspending something.

•  Fundamental to Drupal

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How does it work?

Foreach (enabled_module):!


end foreach;!


l dis



Call for hook: hook_menu()

Drupal runFme












Drupal runFme

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Hooks line up!

•  hook_help() – Provides

available documentation.

•  hook_menu() – For paths registration in order to define how URL request are handled.

•  hook_init() – Run at the beginning of

page request.

•  hook_cron() – Called whenever a cron

run happens.

•  More at http://api.drupal.org/

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•  Drupal developer’s documentation.

•  Doc for Drupal 4.6+.

•  Describes function calls, their

parameters and return values.

•  You can see the code and “who” is

calling this code within Drupal.

•  http://api.drupal.org

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Let’s code

•  Define callback function dc_stats_page()

as follows:

funcFon dc_stats_page(){

return "Hello world! You’re awesome!”;


•  This will return defined string on call.

•  Put this code in dc_stats.module file.

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Hey Drupal! Come in!

•  Register path with hook_menu().

•  We will use basic return array structure.

funcFon dc_stats_menu(){ $items['dc/stats-page'] = array( 'Ftle' => 'Stats info page',

'page callback' => 'dc_stats_page', 'access arguments' => array('access content'), 'type' => MENU_CALLBACK,


return $items;


Visit URL: /dc/stats-page to see if it works.

(You might need to clear cache first.)

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Get some real data

funcFon dc_stats_page(){ drupal_set_Ftle("Drupal staFsFcs"); $node_count = $db_node_count; $user_count = $db_users_count; $header = array("InformaFon", "Value");

$rows[] = array('Number of nodes:', $node_count);

$rows[] = array('Number of users:', $user_count);

return theme_table(array( 'header' => $header,

'rows' => $rows,

)); // return


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Happy ending

•  Refresh your page and see your work.

•  You can do much more – I’m certain!

•  Use your PHP + any other knowledge

with existing Drupal functions, hooks

and variables!

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Links to consider

•  http://api.drupal.org


•  http://buildamodule.com/

•  http://drupal.org/project/devel

–  A suit of modules containing fun for

module developers and themers.

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•  Drupal 7 Development by Example

•  Beginning Drupal 7

•  Drupal 7 Module Development

•  …

•  …

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Q & A