Freshers' Quiz Rohit Gupta Vivek Gupta Rahul Bhattacharyya

Freshers gen quiz prelims

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Freshers' Quiz

Rohit Gupta Vivek Gupta

Rahul Bhattacharyya

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Three or less people per team.Most innovative team name gets a prize.Written prelims and six teams in the finals.Starred questions are tie-breakersQuiz-master is GOD.

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Q1.Name this ingenious device

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Q2.Identify this company

Founded in 1889 in Kyoto,Japan as a maker of handmade playing cards,which till the 1960's remained its sole business .

Later it tried its luck at a taxi service,a Hotel chain,a TV network,instant rice,all of which failed.

In 1974,it entered the video game business of which it is a major player today.

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Q3.Name this famous personality

Controversial for his Anti-Semitic views he was a highly respected Industrialist and pro-ponent of welfare capitalism.He was awarded the Grand Cross of the Ger-man Eagle(the highest award of Nazi Ger-many given to a foreigner) in 1927 on his 75th birthday.His company was a major contributor to the US war effort in both world wars.His most famous words were:“Whether you think that you can, or that you can't,you are usually right...”

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Q4.Name the building

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Q5.Name the country which used this flag in the past

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It is called "Montezuma's Revenge", "Turistas" or "Aztec Two-Step" in Mexico, "Pharaoh's Revenge" or "Cairo Two-Step" in Egypt, "Kurtz Hurtz" in Uzbekistan, and "Kabulitis" in Afghanistan. The Canadians call it "Beaver Fever". A recent local term in Thailand is "Thai-dal Wave”. It was in the news recently. What is the local

rhyming phrase for this?

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This football club was founded in 1899 as a cricket club by English lace-maker Herbert Kilpin and businessman Alfred Edwards.

Its name till today retains the English spelling of the name of its home city, though during fascist rule it was forced to use the local language spelling.It was acquired in 1986 by Silvio Berlusconi.

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During a total solar eclipse visible in India, in 1868, a French scientist named Pierre Jansen traveled to a tobacco field just outside Guntur to observe the spectrum. A resultant yellow line in the spectrum was a pointer to which new element, which was the first-ever ele-ment to be discovered outside Earth before it was found on Earth?

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Q9.Give Funda

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Q10. Connect.

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Q11. Connect


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Q12. What is X???This could be Heaven or this could be Hell!

Then it lit up the quickbar

And it showed me the way.

There were pages begging for clean-up;

I thought I heard them say:

Welcome to the Hotel X

Such a lovely place

So much empty space

Plenty of work at the Hotel X

Any time of year

You can find us here...

On a dark office evening,

Sat down in my chair

Sharp smell of stale coffee

Circling round in the air.

Suddenly on the web page

There came a flickering light.

My head grew heavy, and my sight grew dim;

I had to stop for the night.

There it was in the link list:

"Edit page; you'll do well"

And I was thinking to myself

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Supposedly taken by a Lon-don gynecologist, this pho-tography was published in the Daily Mail on April 21, 1934. Initially claimed to be the first photographic evi-dence of the subject in dis-play, it was later claimed to be a hoax in 1994. A 1999 book, that was titled after the nickname of the subject, de-scribed how the photo was manipulated.

Q13. What is this alleged to be a pho-tograph of???

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Q14. This ad is for which company?

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In 1988, to commemorate the 100th year of the birth of Jawaharlal Nehru, what was intro-duced with the name being a Hindi translation of "100 years"?


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Q16. Id X.

X was founded in 1964 by Y, then professor of electrical engineering at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

He first set out to deliver better sound after being disappointed by the quality of a high end

music system he brought as a graduate student at MIT in 1956.The field of Psychoacoustics was based on his

research.Most of his initial capital was provided by small

investors like his former professor Y.W. Lee, who invested all of his life's savings.

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Viagra was invented and designed here; new drugs will not be made in

this city as Pfizer is closing down its plant. Which historic city, that gave the greatest use for sliced bread?

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X is a ghost or witch featured in Western folklore. She is said to appear in a mirror when her name is called three times or sometimes more while in a dark room, depending upon the version of the story, often as part of a game or dare.

X is also the name of a popular cocktail.

Id X.

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Q19. Id.

“Today, whenever you use a piece of tech-nology, there is a good chance a little bit of ____ _____ is behind it.”

He is an alumnus of IIT Kanpur from 1983

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Q20. Id X.

X is known as the father of modern chemistry.He found and termed both oxygen (1778) and hydrogen (1783), helped construct the metric system.

At the height of the French Revolution he was accused by Jean-Paul Marat of selling watered-down tobacco, and of other crimes, and was


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Q21. Connect

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Q22. Identify

In 1974, he was granted honorary citizenship of ev-ery country that is a member of the United Na-tions. However, recently, he announced his desire to give up the citizenship of the country he be-longs to. This is after he attended protests in a country which is politically very opposed to his own.

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Q23. Identify the movie from the still.

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Q24. Name the founder of apple computers pictured below

*Name his autobiography for bonus points

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Q25. Identify the logo

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X's original name was Abdul Hasan and he lived around the period 1540 to 1600. X returned to India along with Humayun and later on became a favourite of Akbar because of his wit and humour(some also say that his wit was a competition to Birbal).It is said that when Akbar landed in India he tasted Y and liked it very much. He called the dish “Syed ul Twam” which literally means the king of dishes. Ab-dul Hasan became known by his now popular name X because he re-fused to go to any banquets or dinners where Y was not being served.

Q26. Id. X & Y

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Q27. Revisit the Arcade

The gluttonous legend called Paku along with the sight of a partly eaten pizza inspired one of the biggest cult game of all times. Name the game.

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Q28. What are Nelson Mandela and Desmond Tutu talking about?

'A traveller through a country would stop at a village and he didn't have to ask for food or for water. Once he stops, the people give him food, entertain him. That is one aspect of X, but it will have various aspects. X does not mean that peo-ple should not enrich themselves. The question therefore is: Are you going to do so in order to enable the community around you to be able to improve?' -Nelson Mandela'One of the sayings in our country is X – the essence of be-ing human. X speaks particularly about the fact that you can't exist as a human being in isolation. It speaks about our interconnectedness. You can't be human all by yourself, and when you have this quality – X – you are known for your generosity.' -Desmond Tutu

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Which former Aussie bowler is the Founder of this charity organization?

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Q30. Name the city

It is believed to have been founded by Chandel, king of the state of Sachendi.

In the 19th century, this city was an important British garrison with barracks for 7,000 soldiers.

This city was known as the "Manchester of India" during the 20th century