A bend in a road... A bend in the road is not the end of the road... unless you fail to make the turn.


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Page 1: Expressions

A bend in a road...

A bend in the road is not the end of the road... unless you fail to make the turn.  

Page 2: Expressions

Things aren’t always what they seem.

“Things are not always what they seem; the first appearance deceives many; the intelligence of a few perceives what has been carefully hidden...”

Page 3: Expressions

Seasons change.

Seasons change, friends move away, and life goes on from day to day. 

Page 4: Expressions

Hope springs eternal.

A: I heard your wife is divorcing you.

B: Yes.A: I’m sorry to hear that, man. Are you okay?

B: I think so. I was upset for a long time, but now I think things will be alright. I have a date tonight.

A: Hope springs eternal.

Page 5: Expressions

Out of the blue...

It was a sunny morning. Then out of the blue, it started raining!

Page 6: Expressions

A drop in the bucket...

The 1 million dollars contribution made by the Billionaire to make this hospital for poor children is just a drop in the bucket of his wealth.

Page 7: Expressions

In the nick of time...

A: Were you late?

B: Nope, I got there just in the nick of time!

Page 8: Expressions

Take a rain check

A: I’m having a dinner party tomorrow. Can you come?

B: Sorry, I’ll have to take a rain check, I already have plans.A: Okay, no problem!

Page 9: Expressions

Have a clue

A: Why did the chicken cross the road?

B: I don’t have a clue.

Page 10: Expressions

My sentiments exactly.

That is exactly how I feel.

Page 11: Expressions

Time well spent.(We can call it a day. We all did a great job! Time well spent!)

Page 12: Expressions

The End