Exploring Social Influence via Posterior Effect of Word-of-Mouth Recommendatio ns

Exploring social influence via posterior effect of word of-mouth

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Exploring Social

Influence via

Posterior Effect of





the posterior effect ofword-of-mouth recommendations:whether or not word-of-mouth recommendations can influence users’ posterior evaluation on the products or services recommended to them.

word-of-mouth recommendations directly prompt the posterior evaluation of receivers.

a method for investigating users’ socialinfluence.


This paper finds a counter-intuitive phenomenon

that word-of-mouth recommendations are

correlated to a raise in users’ posterior evaluation.

We prove, for the first time, that word-of-mouth

recommendations can significantly prompt users’

posterior evaluation.

We propose a framework to quantitatively

measure individuals’ social influence by examining

the number of their followers and their sensitivity of

discovering good items.

We develop a method for identifying influential

friends with strong social influence.

PRELIMINARY STUDY 1. Data collection

Douban and Goodreads

If a user rates an item that has been recommended by anyone

he/she follows, we consider it as a rating with word-of-mouth

recommendation. Otherwise, it is a rating without word-of-mouth

recommendation .

2. Higher ratings on items with


an individual is more likely to present

a high rating to an item with a word-


recommendation, compared with an

item without.

a word-of-mouth recommendation is

correlated to a raise in user posterior

evaluation .

an item recommended at least

once has a much larger

collection count than an item

without any

recommendation, and the

collection count of an item is

strongly related to its

recommendation count.

the mean rating of items with at

least one recommendation is

higher than that of items

without recommendations.


two possible models :

1. a word-of-mouth recommendation and

a higher rating of an item both attribute

to certain common but unknown factors;

2. a word-of-mouth recommendation

directly influences the rater to present a

higher rating.


1. Designing statistical hypothesis tests

recommender’s rating, r’

a) r’ depends on c symmetrically as r in the

original independent model;

b) m’ fully depends on r’ due to a common

practice that whether or not a user

recommends an item is determined by

his/her rating on this item.

examining the conditional independence

between m’ and r given r’

we discretize the real-valued r’ into

distinct values in two ways:

For the equal-interval partitioning, the

values of r’ in each partition are confined

within a fixed small interval.

For the equal-frequencies

partitioning, each partition has a fixed

number of data points.

p(m’|r’) and p(r|r’)

p(r|m’=0,r’) p(r|m’=1,r’)

The location t -test and the Kolmogorov-

Smirnov test

2. Results of statistical hypothesis tests

1. Slice data into partitions. All data points in each partition share a unique r’ value.

2. Divide each partition into two samples, one with m’= 1 and the other with m’=0.

3. In each partition, employ the two-sample t -test and a two-sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov test to examine the null hypothesis, i.e. the two samples are identically distributed.

4. Report the percentage of partitions where statistical hypothesis tests reject the null hypothesis.


Two kinds of factors, namely, the social

positions of users in the friendship network and

their personal characteristics independent on

other individuals.

1. PageRank and LeaderRank

2. collection size, collection frequency (number

of items collected per day) and sensitivity.

It is necessary to combine the social position of individuals

and their personal characteristics when identifying the

influential friends for social recommendations.


word-of-mouth recommendations can

not only improve the prior expectation of

users, who receive the

recommendations, on the recommended

items, but also raise their posterior


a method for investigating a user’s social


Maximizing Product Adoption in

Social Networks


it is important to distinguish product adoption

from influence.

We adapt the classical Linear Threshold (L T)

propagation model by defining an objective

function that explicitly captures product

adoption, as opposed to influence.

maximize the number of product adoptions

contributions :

1. We present an intuitive model called LT-C , for

LT with Colors

2. We study two types of networks movies

networks and music networks

3. we found that there is a positive correlation

between the number of initiators and the final



a matrix R of Users * Products

1. LT -C Model

2. Maximizing Product Adoption

3. Choosing Optimal Seed Set

Monte Carlo simulation

CELF algorithm

4. Learning Model Parameters

Edge Weights

Ratings Matrix

Node Parameters λ and μ


Classical LT. Linear Threshold model.

LT-C. Our proposed model.

LT Ratings. Our proposed model without Tattle

nodes. That is, all the nodes who are influenced

adopt the product.

LT Tattle. Our proposed model without any ratings.

That is, all the nodes in Adopt state are assumed

to rate the item as r-max ,as do those in Promote

state, while users in Inhibit state rate r-min.

1. Adoption of Movies

2. Adoption of Music


a propagation model called LT-C model

We formalized the problem of adoption

maximization as distinguished from

influence maximization and showed that

it is NP-hard.
