
ePSIplatform Observations

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Remarks at the PSI Alliance annual conference in Brussels, 28 June 2011.

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Some observations

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SharePSI workshop: barriersSee http://www.flickr.com/photos/epsiplatform/5737203950/

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SharePSI workshop: barriers


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SharePSI workshop: barriers



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SharePSI workshop: barriers




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transition for government

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PSI Re-useinchingtowards

Open Data definition

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Licensing: UK OGL

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Licensing: NL CC0

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France, Netherlands, Poland, Moldova

...towards no/marginal

charging default

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Amsterdam Enschede


four Dutch cities, but its local everywhere

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accumulating mass, creating gravity pull


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Access ~ Re-useTransparency ~ (Comm) Re-useNon-commercial ~ Commercial

PSI ~ Open Data

distinctions blurring

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transition for citizens and organizations

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tools emerging

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opendatachallenge.org: 430 entries!

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Low End Marketsis where activities and growth benefit most

from access and lowering charges...

as innovation theory also predicts

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existing revenue models and markets

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Competition Authorities

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“Finally, the implementation of the law ‘Market and Public Sector’ (Markt en Overheid) may also impact the re-use policy [...] This law was adopted by the Dutch legislator quite recently (March 2011), after years of political discussions. Briefly put and paraphrased this law, imposes a code of conduct upon PSBs undertaking ‘economic activities’, prohibiting them to use public funds for economic activities, unless this is necessary in the public interest. Furthermore, a PSB may not use its PSI, generated under the public task, for economic activities (not aimed at execution of the public task), unless this PSI is also made available to third parties.” (PSI pricing study, forthcoming)

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PSBs entering low end marketas perception of public task is shifting.Not to compete, but because it’s easy

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PSI as economic instrumentPSB’s using PSI as seed capital. Expecting some return when re-use is successful.

PSI as part of innovation policy.

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Two other observations

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bigger data

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new types of data

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Driving AdoptionEstablishing Impact

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Get Involved in theOpen Data CommunityThey’re missing out on you,

and you’re missing out on them

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Networked life, networked work, networked learningepsiplatform.eu


Looking forward to hearing from you!

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CreditsAll photos: Ton Zijlstra, by nc saExcept where mentioned on the photo.

Slides: http://slideshare.net/epsiplatform byContact: [email protected]: ton_zylstra