Enjoy the Vue.js @andywoodme

Enjoy the vue.js

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Page 1: Enjoy the vue.js

Enjoy the Vue.js


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Page 3: Enjoy the vue.js
Page 4: Enjoy the vue.js
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<html> <head> <title>My Fab App</title> </head> <body> <my-fabulous-app></my-fabulous-app> </body> </html>

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<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title>My Fab App</title> <link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css"> </head> <body> <div id="app"> <my-fabulous-app></my-fabulous-app> </div> <script src="app.js"></script> </body> </html>

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Vue.js can do this*

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Vue.js 2.0

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Page 12: Enjoy the vue.js

Progressive Web Framework by Evan You

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Less More

React Vue Angular Ember MeteorTemplating!Engines


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<body> <div id="app"> {{ name }} </div> <script src="vue.js"></script> <script> var app = new Vue({ el: '#app', data: { name: 'Hello!' } }) </script> </body>


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DOM (Page)

Data (State)


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<body> <div id="app"> <input v-model="name"> {{ name }} </div> <script src="vue.js"></script> <script> var app = new Vue({ el: '#app', data: { name: 'Hello!' } }) </script> </body>


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<div id="app"> <select v-model="type"> <option value="icon-dice">Board Game</option> <option value="icon-spades">Card Game</option> </select> <input v-model="name"> <p> <span :class="type"></span> {{ name }} </p> </div>


! data: { name: 'Snakes and Ladders', type: 'icon-dice' }

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One-way text interpolation !{{ message }} !!One-way binding !<option v-bind:selected="value">...</option> !!Two-way binding !<input v-model="message">

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</select> <input v-model="game"> <button @click="games.push({name: name, type: type})”>Add</button> ! <p v-if="games.length == 0">Zarro Boords!</p> <ul v-else> <li v-for="game in games"> <span :class="game.type"></span> {{ game.name }} </li> </ul> </div>


! data: { name: 'Snakes and Ladders', type: 'icon-dice', games: [] }

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<input v-model="name"> <button @click="games.push({name: name, type: type})">Add</button> <p v-if="empty">Zarro Boords!</p> <ul v-else> <li v-for="game in games"> !


! data: { name: '', type: 'dice', games: [] }, computed: { empty: function() { return this.games.length == 0 } }

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</select> <input v-model="name" @keyup.enter="addGame"> <button @click="addGame">Add</button> <p v-if="empty">Zarro Boords!</p> <ul v-else> !


computed: { empty: function() { return this.games.length == 0 } }, methods: { addGame: function () { this.games.push({ name: this.name, type: this.type }) } }

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<select v-model="type"> <option value="dice">Board Game</option> <option value="spades">Card Game</option> </select> : : <span :class="icon(game.type)"></span>


computed: { empty: function() { return this.games.length == 0 } }, methods: { icon: function (type) { return 'icon-' + type }, addGame: function () { this.games.push({

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<div id="app"> <select v-model="type"> <option value="dice">Board Game</option> <option value="spades">Card Game</option> </select> <input v-model="name" @keyup.enter="addGame"> <button @click="addGame">Add</button> <p v-if="empty">Zarro Boords!</p> <ul v-else> <li v-for="game in games"> <span :class="icon(game.type)"></span> {{ game.name }} </li> </ul> </div>


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<script> var app = new Vue({ el: '#app', data: { name: '', type: 'dice', games: [] }, computed: { empty: function() { return this.games.length == 0 } }, methods: { addGame: function () { this.games.push({ name: this.name, type: this.type }) }, icon: function (type) { return 'icon-' + type } } }) </script>


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<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title>My Fab App</title> <link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css"> </head> <body> <div id="app"> <my-fabulous-app></my-fabulous-app> </div> <script src="app.js"></script> </body> </html>

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<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title>iBoards</title> <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/fonts.css"> </head> <body> <div id="app"> <board-library></board-library> </div> <script src="dist/app.js"></script> </body> </html>


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var Vue = require('vue') var BoardLibrary = require('./BoardLibrary.vue') !Vue.component('board-library', BoardLibrary) var app = new Vue({ el: '#app' })


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<template> <div> <select v-model="type"> <option value="dice">Board Game</option> : </div> </template> !<script> module.exports = { data: function() { return { game: '', type: 'dice', games: [] : </script>


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!// dependencies var Vue = require('vue') !// module implementation function myFunc() { : } !// exported module.exports = { myFunc: myFunc }


Node / Server Side

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npm install -g vue-cli vue init browserify-simple my-project !Using grunt or gulp already? vueify or vue-loader slot straight in


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props: ['data']

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<p v-if="empty">Zarro Boords!</p> <ul v-else> <board-game v-for="game in games" :type="game.type" :name="game.name"></board-game> </ul>


<script> var BoardGame = require('./BoardGame.vue') !module.exports = { data: function() { : components: { BoardGame: BoardGame } } </script>

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<template> <li> <span :class="icon"></span> {{ name }} </li> </template> !<script> module.exports = { props: [ 'name', 'type' ], computed: { icon: function () { return 'icon-' + this.type } } } </script>


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<ul> <board-game v-for="game in games" :type="game.type" :name=“game.name"></board-game> </ul>


! props: ['name', ‘type’], computed: { icon: ...


<li> <span :class="icon"></span> {{ name }} </li>

! data: { games: [ { name: 'Carcasonne', type: 'dice' }, { name: 'Linkee', type: 'spade' } ] }



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props: ['data']




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<template> <div> <board-add @add="handleAdd"></board-add> <p v-if="empty">Zarro Boords!</p> <ul v-else> <board-game v-for="game in games" :type="game.type" :name="game.name"></board-game> </ul> </div> </template> !<script> var BoardAdd = require('./BoardAdd.vue') var BoardGame = require('./BoardGame.vue') !module.exports = { data: function() { return { games: [] } }, : methods: { handleAdd: function (game) { this.games.push(game) } }, components: { BoardAdd: BoardAdd, BoardGame: BoardGame } } </script>


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<template> <div> <select v-model="type"> <option value="dice">Board Game</option> <option value="spades">Card Game</option> </select> <input v-model="name" @keyup.enter="add"> <button @click="add">Add</button> </div> </template> !<script> module.exports = { data: function() { return { name: '', type: 'dice', } }, methods: { add: function () { this.$emit('add', { name: this.name, type: this.type }) } } } </script>


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<template> <span class="icon-bin" @click="del"></span> </template> !<script> module.exports = { props: [ 'index' ], methods: { del: function () { this.$emit('delete', this.index) } } } </script>


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<board-game v-for="(game, index) in games" :type="game.type" :name="game.name"> <board-delete :index="index" @delete="handleDelete"></board-delete> </board-game>


methods: { handleAdd: function (game) { this.games.push(game) }, handleDelete: function (index) { this.games.splice(index, 1) } }, components: { BoardDelete: BoardDelete,

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<template> <tr> <td><span :class="icon"></span></td> <td>{{ name }}</td> <td><slot></slot></td> </tr> </template>


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<table v-else> <thead> <tr> <board-sort v-model="sortCol" col="type">Type</board-sort> <board-sort v-model="sortCol" col="name">Name</board-sort> <th></th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <board-game v-for="game in sorted" :type="game.type" :name="game.name"> <board-delete :index="game.index" @delete="handleDelete"></board-delete> </board-game> </tbody> </table>


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BoardLibrary.vue data: function() { return { sortCol: 'type', games: [] } }, computed: { sorted: function() { // update each game with its index in the array this.games.forEach(function (value, index) { value.index = index }) return _.sortBy(this.games, [this.sortCol]) }, :

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! _.sortBy(this.games, [this.sortCol]) ![ { name: 'Codenames', type: 'Card', index: 2 }, { name: 'Snake Oil', type: ‘Card', index: 0 }, { name: 'Star Wars', type: 'Board', index: 1 } ]

games: [ { name: 'Snake Oil', type: 'Card' }, { name: 'Star Wars', type: 'Board' }, { name: 'Codenames', type: 'Card' } ], sortCol: 'name'



<board-game v-for="game in sorted" ...>

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<button class="button-primary" :disabled="blankName" @click="add">Add</button>


computed: { blankName: function() { return this.name.trim().length == 0 } }, methods: { add: function () { if (!this.blankName) { this.$emit('add', { name: this.name.trim(), type: this.type }) this.name = '' } } }, mounted: function() { this.$refs.name.focus() }

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BoardAdd.vue} </script> !<style scoped> input, select { width: 100%; } button { margin-top: 2.9rem; } button[disabled] { opacity: 0.5; } button[disabled]:hover { background-color: #33C3F0; border-color: #33C3F0; } </style>

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1. It’s Approachable

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Alice Bartlett Origami Components Lead, FT

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2. Single File Components

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3. Incremental Adoptability

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more Library-ish than Framework-esque

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Vue Resource !

Vue Router !



Single Page App URLs !

State Machine

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4. Plays well with Others

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<script lang="coffee"> module.exports = props: ['options'] methods: sort: (event) -> @$emit ‘change' event.target.value </script> !<style lang="sass"> @import "components"; div.dashboard-sort { margin-right: 1.45em; margin-bottom: 1em; @include select(1.25em); } </style>

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5. Goes with the Grain

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One of Ruby’s friends really makes her crazy. When they try to wrap Christmas presents together Ruby wants to be creative and have many different ways of using the wrapping paper.  !- No, says Django. 

There is one - and only one - obvious way to wrap a present. 

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google vue events !

use of this. !

array manipulations

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</thead> <transition-group name="board-list" tag="tbody"> <board-game v-for="game in sorted" :type="game.type" :name="game.name" :key="game.id"> <board-delete :id="game.id" @delete="handleDelete"></board-delete> </board-game> </transition-group> </table>


methods: { handleAdd: function (game) { game.id = idGenerator++ this.games.push(game) },

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<style> .board-list-move { transition: transform 1s; } .board-list-enter-active, .board-list-leave-active { transition: all 0.5s; } .board-list-enter, .board-list-leave-active { opacity: 0; } .board-list-enter { transform: translateX(960px); } .board-list-leave-active { transform: translateX(-960px); } :


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Thank you


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CreditsDoge / Minecraft - http://www.yoyowall.com/wallpaper/dog-mountains.html LED Lightbulb - http://edisonlightglobes.com/ Bricksauria T.rex - https://www.flickr.com/photos/115291125@N07/12107675253/ CSS Windows - https://twitter.com/neonick/status/747423962783748096 DJECO - http://www.djeco.com/en !JS Framework Spectrum - The Progressive Framework, Evan You Documentation isn’t Complicated - Can't you make it more like Bootstrap, Alice Bartlett Only one obvious way to wrap a present - Ruby & Django, Linda Liukas !Further Reading !Vue.js - https://vuejs.org Vue Awesome - https://github.com/vuejs/awesome-vue How popular is Vue.js - https://www.quora.com/How-popular-is-VueJS-in-the-industry iBoards code examples - https://github.com/woodcoder/vue-2-list-example

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AMD — RequireJS / client side ! define(['vue'], function (Vue) { …

UMD — two-in-one ! (function (root, factory) { if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) { …

ES2015 / ES6 — tree shakeable ! import Vue from ‘vue’ ! export default {...

XKCD 927 — standards