Email marketing an unsung hero

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Email Marketing an Unsung Hero?

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Villains hate email too!

With Social Media Ruling

Email is Dead.

Or is it?

Did You Know?

About $25 Million funding was made (in the US) for apps around email in 2011.

Some Interesting Apps

FanBridge, helps bands, artists, sports teams, and even small businesses and brands manage their fan base through opt-in emails and sophisticated analytics.

It manages more than 120 million fans via email alone.

Patent pending technology that allows Banks to send out emails such that readers can transact immediately via email itself.

Loyalty card solution without any plastic card or any phone app. Your email address is your loyalty card.

Helps sell and buy email ad inventory.

Email isn't
Dead.Read More

The Best Thing About This Channel



Published Benchmarks

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Email Trends Reports

Campaign Monitor 1MailChimp 2Juvlon 3

Retail~ 10- 15%~ 18%~ 12%

Education~ 30% ~ 17%~ 11%

Finance~ 10-15%~ 21%~ 13%

1 Read more2 Read more3 Read more

Email Open Rates

Published Standards

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Formed and followed by Industry Leaders.

What is the best way to use of this channel for your business?

Here are some examples.

Salon Newsletter

Usually a full image email is not recommend

Salon Newsletter

But this salon email worked for me. Lesson: Know what works for you.

A Mutual Fund Newsletter

Notice the consistency. Branding of newsletter. Relationship building takes time and effort.

One sentence paras. White space. Left to right reading. Clean. Blue Underlines. Easy to read.

A Diwali Greeting

Came with a Rs500 Voucher. Made this email special. Timing and Promo was right.

3rd Party email. Right audience + Right message worked.

Consistent Voice across Triggered Email and Marketing Newsletter.

Consistent Voice. Email is a first touch point many times. Lesson: Use to establish high recall.

Email is best used when You DO NOT treat your reader as


Email Channel Is Unique

Opportunity for DIALOG




FB, Twitter Users = DATABASE?

You treat them as PEOPLE.

Email is no different.

Email Marketing to PEOPLE

Email Best Practices VALUE email address

COLLECT at every opportunity

MEASURE growth of the list

CLEAN it. Preen it.


Best PracticesInform before subscription

Send a welcome email

Email Best Practices FREQUNCY - do they have a preference?

Don't mine the list. Seed it.

Email Best Practices

How much Time do they spend reading email?

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Email Best Practices

On what devices?

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Measure Traffic from Email

Compare Email with other Channels

Is Email Right For You?

Email Readers spend upto 30% more time on your website.

2 Key Areas to Focus

1 Email Content StrategyWho will write the content?

Which type of email? Newsletter, greetings etc.

What will you talk about?

When will it go out? Have a calendar.

Where will it be viewed. Design for devices.

How will you manage the sending?

2 Key Areas to Focus

2 CRM Management Who owns the CRM? IT? Marketing?

What data fields do you collect?

When will it get cleaned? Monthly?

Where do you collect the information from?Social media, sign up pages?

Which sources of data are better? Track this.

How will you update the data with Email open Stats?

Perceived Email Marketing Challenges

How do I ensure that my email reaches the inbox?

What subject lines work better?

How do I improve the email design?

How do I improve Open Rate?

Actual Email Marketing Challenges

How do I plough back email open data into CRM?How do I make use of the data?How do I segment my audience?What content do I offer?

Very Interesting Stuff around Email

Here are some examples.


Pre-headers= first few characters of Email. Use them to improve open rate.

Video image in email....

Video image in email draws attention.

From Share on FB / Twitter

To putting content from SoMe into Email


Only Email Based Websites

Great Apps

Interesting Apps

Awesome Apps

Cutting Edge Apps

Cutting Edge Apps

Cutting Edge Apps

Email is an amazing channel if used well.

Do get in touch for specific workshop on how to align your business processes with Email Marketing.

[email protected]





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