Effective Method to Check Backup Time of Inverter Battery 4/7/2016 Microtek International Pvt. Ltd Microtek

Effective method to check backup time of inverter battery

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Effective Method to Check Backup Time of Inverter Battery 4/7/2016 Microtek International Pvt. Ltd Microtek

Page 2: Effective method to check backup time of inverter battery

Power consumption has become excessively high nowadays and as a result we basically

suffer from power cuts frequently. Still, inverter came to us as a light of hope and thus

there is no reason to worry about now. With its excellent performance, Microtek inverter

has proved itself in the market. Even during the longest power cuts, it performs very

well. There is no surprise now that Microtek provides best inverter battery and most

trusted inverters in India.

There are times when the little things make a greater ruckus in our brains. Few of those

little yet vital things are what is the Back-up time of the inverter battery? And to what

extent will the inverter backing if there should be an occurrence of a power outage?

All of the general population who own inverters would have posed this question to their

battery merchants at any rate once over the span of their utilization. In any case, as

dependably the shop owners don't give the data required to ascertain the Back-up time

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of any inverter battery in India. It is really basic and any individual who knows

fundamental science can comprehend it and begin computing it.

Equation to Calculate the Back-up Time of Inverter Battery:

Inverter Battery’s Backup Time = (Volt of Battery) x (AH rating of Battery)/ (Total watts

on Load)

Let’s think that a Person utilizes 1 Tube Light + 1 ceiling Fan + + 1 (15watts) CFL all the

while with 150 AH 12V battery. For this situation, the inverter battery’s backup time can

be ascertained as:

Page 4: Effective method to check backup time of inverter battery

Inverter Battery’s Backup Time = N x 12V x Battery AH x Efficiency of Battery/Load in

Watts Where,

Battery AH denotes = Ampere Hour Capacity of Battery.

N denotes = Number of 12 V Batteries required (For this situation N=1).

Battery’s Efficiency = It is generally 0.8, which is the maximum. So, the Power variable

of home is standard.

This implies the individual gets the whole time of Backup = 150 x 12 x 1 x 0.8/130 =

11.07 Hours (in approximate).

Hope with the help of above formula, you can easily calculate the backup time of your

own inverter battery. Do it yourself and feel free to comment in the mentioned section


Appliances Watts expended

1 Tube Light 40 Watts

1 Ceiling Fan 75 Watts

1 15 Watts CFL 15 Watts

Total Consumption 130 Watts

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