CH. 9 - Running Water

Easc116 rivers

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Lecture notes for Ch. 9 on Running Water

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CH. 9 - Running Water

Page 2: Easc116 rivers

Two sources of energy:

1) Internal energy - heat from core & radioactivity

Powers:a) EQ’sb) Volcanoesc) Mountain building

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Two sources of energy:

2) Solar energy


a) ocean circulation

b) weather & climate

c) hydrologic cycle

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Hydrologic Cycle

Includes: - running water- ground water - glaciers- atmosphere (water vapor)

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Distribution of Earth’s Water

97% ocean water

3% freshwater/brackish water

(Fig. 9.1)

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Running Water (Streams) = 0.0001% of hydrosphere

Function of streams is to drain the land

- 36,000 km3 water drains annually

- single most important agent changing landscape

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Running Water

Source is precipitation (ppt.)

~25% total ppt. becomes surface water

- depends on infiltration capacity

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Infiltration capacity depends on:






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Drainage Basin

Total land area drained by river and its tributaries

Tributary = smaller stream flowing into a larger stream

Ex: Kickapoo Creek into IL River

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Drainage Basin

Mississippi River = 3,222,000 km2

Amazon River = 5,778,000 km2

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Drainage Basins

Empty into oceans

Exception: Great Basin in Nevada

- internal drainage basin (no streams flow out)

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Drainage Divide

High point dividing adjacent drainage basins

Ex: Continental Divide in Rocky Mtns.

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Stream Order

First-order = streams with no tributaries

Second-order = two first-order streams unite

(only first-order streams as tributaries)

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Stream Order

Third-order = two second-order streams unite

- can have first- and second-order streams as tributaries

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Three main areas:

- zone of erosion

- zone of sediment transport

- zone of deposition

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Ability to erode/deposit material is function of its velocity

Velocity = rate of flow = meters


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Stream Velocity Factors:

1) Gradient – slope of stream channel

Slope = rise


= amount of elevation change

distance measured

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Varies considerably from:

a) one stream to another

b) along the course of any given stream

Ex: Gradient changes in Missouri River (maps in lab)

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Stream Velocity Factors:

2) Channel characteristics

a) Shape – controls amount of water in contact with channel

Contact with channel causes velocity to (slow down, speed up).

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Channel Characteristics

b) Size – larger channel is more efficient


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Channel Characteristics

c) Roughness –sediment lining stream channel

Boulders = rough = more turbulent = slower

Clay/sand = smooth = faster

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Stream Velocity Factors:

3) Discharge

Amount of water flowing past a certain point in a given time period

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Stream Discharge

Discharge = channel x channel x velocity width depth

Discharge = meters x meters x meters second

Discharge = meters3 = cms second

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Stream Discharge

Mississippi RiverDrainage basin = 3,222,000 km2

Discharge = 17,300 cmsAmazon River Drainage basin = 5,778,000 km2

Discharge = 212,400 cms

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Stream Order

As stream order increases:

- discharge __________

- gradient __________

- velocity __________

- channel dimensions ________

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Stream flow

1) Laminar flow – straight line

- indicates slow velocity or smooth stream channel

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Stream flow

2) Turbulent flow

- indicates fast velocity or rough stream channel (rapids)

- increased erosion - more sediment in suspension

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Longitudinal Profile

Cross-sectional view of a river from headwaters to mouth

Changes:a) Gradient decreases from head

to mouth b) Discharge increases towards

mouth of river

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Base level

Lowest elevation a stream can erode down its channel

Ultimate base level = sea level

Local base level:

- lakes, resistant rock layers, larger streams, reservoirs

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Base Level

Changes in base level causes changes in stream activities

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Base Level

Ex 1: Building a dam

- creates new local base level

Changes upstream:

Changes downstream:

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Base Level

Ex. 2: Draining a lake

- stream channel cuts down to the next local base level

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Stream Transport

1) Bed load – material in contact w/channel bottom

- moves by sliding, rolling, saltation (jumping motion)

- moves intermittently

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Stream Transport

2) Suspended Load - usually fine sand & clay-size

particles- visible sediment (muddy look of

rivers)- largest amount of material

carried by streams

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Stream Transport

3) Dissolved Load

- invisible

- transported regardless of stream velocity

- precipitates only when stream chemistry changes

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Dissolved Load

Measured in parts per million (ppm)

~4 billion metric tons supplied to oceans annually

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Streams’ ability to erode/deposit depends on:

1) Capacity

- maximum amount of sediment stream can transport

- directly related to discharge (volume of water flowing)

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Streams’ ability to erode/deposit depends on:

2) Competence – largest sediment size stream can move

- as velocity doubles, competence quadruples

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Flood stages

Greatest power of streams to erode & transport material



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Types of stream channels

1) Braided

- channel crosses back & forth

- shallow stream channel with large sediment load

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Braided streams

Sediment load is deposited quickly

Caused by:

a) abrupt decrease in gradient

b) decrease in discharge (drought)

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Types of stream channels

2) Meandering

- river is confined to one channel

- river channel is curved

Curves = meanders

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Stream-deposited sediment

- well-sorted by size

As velocity decreases, heaviest sediment is deposited first

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Depositional Features

RapidsPoint barsFloodplainsNatural leveeBack swampYazoo tributary

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Depositional Features


Alluvial Fan

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Erosional Features

WaterfallsV-shaped valleysCutbanksMeandersMeander cutoffs Oxbow lakes

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Erosional Features

Meander scar

Incised meander - meanders enclosed in steep valley walls

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Stages of stream valley development

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Stages of Stream Valley Development

Early stage:- stream is well above base level- downcutting is main erosional

work- narrow V-shaped valley w/no


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Early stage

- relatively straight course

- rapids & waterfalls may be common

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Stages of Stream Valley Development

Middle stage:- stream closer to base level- lateral erosion is major

erosional work- floodplain created & enlarged

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Middle stage

- meanders

- cutoffs & oxbows may be present

- floodplain defined by meander belt

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Stages of Stream Valley Development

Late stage:- stream close to base level- very wide floodplain- primary erosional work =

reworking floodplain sediments

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Late stage

- meanders, cutoffs, oxbows, meander scars

- natural levee is well developed

- backswamps, yazoo tributaries

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Rejuvenated Stage

River near base level is uplifted

- downcutting dominates

- incised meanders

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Ways to Lengthen Valleys:

1) Deposition at mouth of river

Ex: delta

2) Headward Erosion

- erosion cuts into upland area at the head of the river

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Stream Piracy

Diversion of one stream channel by headward erosion of another stream

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Stream Piracy

Two streams on opposite sides of a divide:

Stream w/ steeper gradient cuts headward faster

- cuts across divide and captures water from slower stream