Doin’ it (Leeroy) ----Jenkins Style! Drupal, Jenkins and Continuous Integration Drupal Camp Chattanooga September 13, 2014 Presented by Lisa Ridley Friday, September 12, 14

Drupal jenkins2014sep13

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Doin' it (Leeroy) Jenkins Style! Drupal, Jenkins and Continuous Integration Drupal Camp Chattanooga September 13, 2014 Continuous Integration is the "best" practice of merging developer works-in-progress into a single project several times a day, building a test site out of the merged codebase, testing the site, publishing the results of the tests, and ultimately deploying a site. Automatically. In this session, we'll cover how you can set up and use a Jenkins CI server to automate your integration and development testing process using the "Jenkins Job Template for Drupal Projects", a template developed and made available publicly by Reload!, a Drupal development agency located in Copenhagen, Denmark. We'll cover configuring your project template, setting up your Drupal project, configuring your build properties and finally, running a successful build, with test results.

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Doin’ it (Leeroy) ----Jenkins Style!

Drupal, Jenkins and Continuous Integration

Drupal Camp ChattanoogaSeptember 13, 2014

Presented by Lisa Ridley

Friday, September 12, 14

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About meLisa H. Ridley

Drupal Developer for 4 years, PHP for 9 years

15 years project management

You can find me:

- Drupal.org: lhridley- LinkedIn: linkedin.com/ln/lisa.h.ridley- blog: www.codementality.com- GitHub: https://github.com/lhridley

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Who the heck is Leeroy Jenkins?

Internet meme for WoW character created by Ben Shultz

Made famous in the WoW gaming community in an internet video titled “A Rough Go”, about a failed guild melee attack

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Why is he here?

Ran across it while googling for information on Jenkins CI

Thought it would make a cool title for this presentation

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What is Jenkins?

Build and automation server

- Java application

Built for continuous integration

Awesome for repetitive tasks


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Installing JenkinsEach platform is different

Check out jenkins-ci.org

- Find your platform on the right hand side of the home page

- Follow the instructions

For Debian based builds

- “Continuous Integration on a Budget” series on www.codementality.com

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General Installation/ Hardware Guidelines

LAMP server running php 5.3+, Apache 2.2+, MySQL 5.1+



30G HD Space

2 CPU cores

PHP’s “safe mode” must be disabled

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What can Jenkins Do?Inspect your code

Run cron

Build documentation

Test drush make files

Run tests

Deploy sites

Build project profiles

Test Drupal install profiles

If you can standardize it, you can automate it, and Jenkins can help

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AuthenticationOut of the box, Jenkins doesn’t have it

Easy to enable and configure

Different authentication methods available:

- Built-in (jenkins database)- Unix user/group database- LDAP- Others available with plugins

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Jenkins EcosystemLike Drupal, Jenkins has a thriving community of users and developers

Many plugins are available to extend functionality (Drupal-speak: modules)

- Easy to install with the Plugin Manager

You will use some of them for performing certain testing tasks

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Some Useful PluginsGIT/GiT client plugins

JUnit plugin

Matrix Authorization Strategy Plugin

PHing Plugin


Email notification

Plot Plugin

PMD plugin

Publish over SSH

Static Analysis Collector

Duplicate Code Scanner

SSH Credentials

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Jenkins Job List

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Basic Drupal Code Analysis

Syntax checking

Drupal Coding Standards violations

Duplication of Code

Code Complexity

Code Tests (SimpleTest in D7, Unit & Functional tests in D8)

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Guidelines for Using Jenkins with Drupal

Use Source control

Only analyze your own code

- Don’t spend time checking Drupal Core or contrib modules

Know what you’re analyzing

Understand the output

Standardize, Standardize, Standardize

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Standardize…Repository Structure

Drupal Setup

Module file naming conventions/structure

Theme structure

Standardization is the Key to Automation

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Jenkins doesn’t do this alone….

PHing -- PHP Project build tool based on Apache Ant

- Runs automated PHP tests (PHPUnit / SimpleTest)

- Performs source control operations (GIT / SVN)

- Generates documentation

- Executes Drush commands

- And more

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Jenkins doesn’t do this alone….

PHP Lint -- PHP Syntax Checker

PHPUnit / SimpleTest (Testing)

PHP Mess Detector (Code complexity)

PHP Copy/Paste Detector (Duplicate Code)

PHP Lines of Code (Code Length and Complexity)

PHP Code Sniffer (Style Checker)

Configuring your build file for PHing is key!

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Configuring PHing Build files is somewhat complicated...

...and the Drupal Community comes to the rescue!

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Jenkins Job Template for Drupal Projects

Developed by Reload!

- Drupal shop in Copenhagen, Denmark

Based on Sebastian Bergman’s “Template for Jenkins Jobs for PHP Projects”

Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution - ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License


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PHing Drupal Template

XML build file for PHing designed for Drupal projects

Also developed by Reload!

Works with the Jenkins Job Template for Drupal Projects

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What tools does the PHing Drupal Template use?






Mozilla Rhino

Coder module & PHP CodeSniffer



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How do I get started?

Set up a Jenkins server & Configure to work with your Git repo

Install tools (Phing, PHPMD, etc)

Install Reload!‘s Drupal Job Template

You only have to do this once!

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Then what?Set up a Drupal project

Add the build.xml, build.default.properties and build.properties files

Commit to Git

Configure your build server for a new subdomain

Create a new Jenkins Job from the Drupal Job Template

Run it!

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What Else?Learn from my mistakes

Visit www.codementality.com, read “Continuous Integration on a Budget” series for help setting up Jenkins, PHing and analysis tools

Use my sanitized templates

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Sanitized Templates?


A few added features from the originals by Reload!

Cleaned some hidden characters that caused build headaches to start

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Sound Great?

Let’s see it in action!

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What just happened?Jenkins kicked off PHing

PHing pulled your drupal project from your code repository

PHing used that to build a drupal site at the URL you provided using your code and a new database using the credentials you provided (more on this in a minute)

PHing executed a number of analysis tools on your codebase (syntax checking, duplicate code check, Drupal coding standards compliance, debug statement detection, etc.)

PHing executed any available SimpleTest test cases for the code you wanted tested

PHing published the results of those tests

Jenkins graphed those results

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Resides in the build/ directory, which you create in the root directory of your Drupal installation

Houses all of the build instructions for PHing to build a test site and run code analysis and tests

Uses variables contained in build.default.properties and overridden by build.properties

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build.xml (cont.)Also contains instructions to build documentation from docBlocks using phpDocumenter

- Skipped due to time and CPU intensity

- Can be added back by editing build.xml and adding “docs” to the “depends” parameter on line 15

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build.default. properties

Resides in the build/ directory of your Drupal installation

Holds the default values used by build.xml

Can be overridden with values placed in build.properties

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Resides in the root directory of your Drupal installation

Overrides any default settings in build/build.default.properties

Provides values specific to your Drupal installation

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build.properties variablesphing.project.name














...plus any variable you add from build.default.properties

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Key Variablesphing.project.name: the unique project name for your project.

drupal.version: the version of drupal you are testing (6 or 7)

drupal.profile: the install profile you want used to build your test site (standard, minimal, or a custom profile)

drupal.admin.email: the superadmin account email

drupal.admin.name: the superadmin username

drupal.admin.pass: the superadmin password

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Key Variablesdrupal.sitename: the site name you want created for your test site

drupal.sitemail: the email address for mail sent from the test site

drupal.uri: the browser address for your test site

drupal.rewritebase: the Base URL for your drupal installation

project.code.dir: the main directory where files & modules to be tested reside (themes & modules)

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Key Variablesproject.code.prefix: the “Group” name you use on all of your SimpleTest test cases for your custom code. These tests will be executed, and code will be analyzed

project.code.custom: any modules not included in the “Group” for which you want tests executed & code analyzed

drupal.db.url: database information in URI format for the test database:

- mysql://username:password@host[:port]/databasename

- sqlite://path/to/database/databasename.sqlite

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What else can we do?Automate Deployments

Automate Project setup

Run cron jobs

Trigger backups

And more…….

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CI is your friend

For more on Jenkins, PHing, Drupal Testing and Continuous Integration, stop in after lunch for our “Birds of a Feather” discussion

BOF - Jenkins and CI, Room 1006, 3pm

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Lisa Ridley

Drupal.org: lhridley

Blog: www.codementality.com


Linked In: linkedin.com/ln/lisa.h.ridley

Thanks for coming!

Friday, September 12, 14