Drupal Community Awesomeness

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Drupal Community Awesomeness

Welcome to Drupal!

nsyll - http://www.flickr.com/photos/nektar/2256963521/


Drupal Community Awesomeness

Who Am I?Drupal: winstong.d.o.: winstondTwitter: winston_dBlog: winstonpro.com

Drupal For Fun Since 2005Hobbyist/EnthusiastLooking to have fun and make friends

Drupal Community Awesomeness

Who Are You?

So who are you?And can you help me?Introductions? If a small group.

Drupal Community Awesomeness

It's Free!


It's Open Source!It's Free!

Is that a good thing? Bad thing?

Mean's different things to different freedom.

Drupal Community Awesomeness

Is It This Kind of Free?

hugovk - http://www.flickr.com/photos/hugovk/2660862/

There is a lot of this kind of free yes?

Is there a hidden catch? Something else you have to buy?

- Well ya got to run it somewhere - Someone has to make the website work!

Drupal Community Awesomeness

Hopefully It Isn't
This Kind of Free?

drumm - http://www.flickr.com/photos/drumm/26441768/

For some people free = low quality/junk right?

Drupal Community Awesomeness

Personally I Don't Think It Is Free...

misterjt - http://www.flickr.com/photos/misterjt/379063272/

With respect to the free software Drupal may be freedom, but I don't think it is free.

You have to participate and sweat to get any value from it!

Drupal Community Awesomeness

Module Module Module Module Module Module Module Module Module Module Module Module Module Module Module Module Module Module Module Module Module Module Module Module Module Module Module Module Module Module Module Module Module Module Module Module Module Module Module Module Module Module Module Module Module Module Module Module Module Module Module Module Module Module Module Module Module Module Module Module Module Module Module Module Module Module Module Module Module Module Module Module Module Module Module Module Module Module Module Module Module Module Module Module Module Module Module Module Module Module Module Module Module Module Module Module Module Module Module Module Module Module Module Module Module Module Module Module Module Module Module Module Module Module Module Module Module Module Module Module Module Module Module Module Module Module Module Module Module Module Module Module Module Module Module Module Module Module Module Module Module Module Module Module Module Module Module Module Module Module Module Module Module Module Module Module Module Module Module Module Module Module Module Module Module Module Module Module Module Module Module Module Module Module Module Module Module Module Module Module Module Module Module Module Module Module Module Module Module Module Module Module Module Module Module Module Module Module Module Module Module Module Module Module Module Module Module Module Module Module Module Module Module Module Module Module Module Module Module Module Module Module Module Module Module Module Module Module Module Module Module Module Module Module Module Module Module Module Module Module Module Module Module Module Module Module Module Module Module Module Module Module Module Module Module Module Module Module Module Module Module Module Module Module

Here is why I don't think it is free.

So tell me...

Which Module is the best?Which one will do what you want?Which module will be around two versions from now?Which one will leave you up the creek without a paddle?

Drupal Community Awesomess

chrys - http://www.flickr.com/photos/chrys/3333486097/

When you are part of the community...

Drupal Community Awesomeness



Admin Menu






It gets easier!

Drupal Community Awesomeness

Payment Time :)

add1sun - http://www.flickr.com/photos/add1sun/3338925389/

Who is Drupal Core?

Drupal Community Awesomeness

Interesting People!

Dare I Say Idealists?

chrys - http://www.flickr.com/photos/chrys/2803015296/

Drupal Community Awesomeness

So How Do You Join?

And Learn?

Well you've already made the right start.

Find ways to meet fellow drupallers face to face at...


Drupal Community Awesomeness

Start With Your Local Group


Drupal Community Awesomeness

That's Nice Peter.

But seriously,

where do I go to get help?!?

Drupal Community Awesomeness



- Asynchronous - Permanent - Slow

How You Ask Is Key

The person you want to anser:- Is a volunteer/limited time to spend on this non-$$ task- Is probably scanning forum titles trying to pluck out questions they think they can answer (or would like the answer to themselves)- The easier you make it, the more likely you'll get a response- If you don't get a response, maybe you didn't ask the right question?

Drupal Community Awesomeness

Handbooks (Documentation)

Properties: - Permanent - Reviewed - Open

**Documentation is one place where someone new to drupal can contribute!See http://drupal.org/contribute/documentation

Handbooks are an excellent resource.

As a newbie this is one area where you can give back right now!

Don't forget api.drupal.org. Keep going back to it to understand what is under the hood.

Drupal Community Awesomeness

The Planet - http://drupal.org/planet


- Current - Non-Interactive - Trendy!

Knowing which way the wind is blowing is critical in Open Source Software. It helps you to make good choices for your projects.

It gives you a better feel for the community.

Drupal Community Awesomeness



- Transient - Democratic - Fresh - Great at Parties


Kind of a stream of consciousness

Tags to follow:#drupal#d4d (for the theming and design crowd)#drupaldelphia (or inserteventtag here...)

Really a blast when you are at an event like Drupalcon!

Definitely for the hard core can't get enough drupaller

Drupal Community Awesomeness

The Issue Queue!


- The Workhorse - The Workshop

The Issue Queue!

It's where maintainers live!

Everything (almost) in Drupal has an issue queue. Even things you might not have thought of like - webmasters -

Drupal Community Awesomeness

Know How To State Your Issue Clearly...

Go to http://drupal.org/getting-involved, and look for Report a Problem and Use the Issue Queue sections for much more information and advice!

Category:Is it really a bug? If so, boil it down to the simplest way to report/reproduce if possible then report it.Feature Request? You'll do best if you make sure you are working with the latest version. Developers mostly want to add new features to the latest code.Task? Unless you are the maintainer, you won't use this one much.Support Request? Did you REALLY try the forums, IRC and other channels first? Make sure that is clear in your issue. No one owes you anything here.

Assigned. Don't assign it to yourself unless you are planning to fix it!Status. Mostly for the maintainer or anyone participating in FIXING the problem will use that field. If the maintainer looks at your feature requests, gives you a reason why they don't want that feature, then marks your issue won't fix well too bad. Nothing stopping you from rolling your own.What do the status mean? Active, Needs Work, Needs Review, Reviews and Tested by the Community, patch (to be ported), fixed, postponed, postponed (maintainer needs more info), duplicate, won't fix, by design, closedComponent: Standard are Code, Documentation, Miscellaneous and User Interface. Project maintainers can define their own. Try your best to pick the right oneTitle: Can the maintainer get an idea of what your problem might be just by the title? If so, it is a good title. Help!! Not so much...

Drupal Community Awesomeness

The Drupal Dojo



- Training - Curriculum - Working Group

Drupal Community Awesomeness


Properties: - Live, all the time - Global - Local - Real People - Drupal Community loves IRC

http://drupal.org/ircPlease read and understand everything on this page. Please.

Drupal Community Awesomeness

The Channels: - #drupal - #drupal-support - #drupal-theming - #drupal-design - #drupaldelphia - #drupalcon

The Commands:/join/me/msg/away

The Bot! (Druplicon!!):seen?tellkarmafactoidsfunction lookupnode lookuplogs

Don't ask if you can ask, just ask



Use thesedruplicon: tell winstond I have a great idea for your presentation...wait you giving it now aren't you doh!Seen webchick?Yay!cache_set?Cheer?Context?Views?Zen?Winstond++druplicon: karma webchick

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