DITA 101: Why the Buzz? Sarah O'Keefe Scriptorium Publishing

DITA 101 -- Why the Buzz

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DITA 101: Why the Buzz?

Sarah O'KeefeScriptorium Publishing

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About the presenter

Sarah O'KeefeFounder and president, Scriptorium PublishingConsultantExperienced with lots of different publishing ideas, including XML and DITA

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You've got questions...

...we've got answersType any questions in the Question and Answer area of the GoToWebinar barSharon Burton, MadCap Product manager, will do her best to answerI will provide contact information if you need to follow up after the webinar

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Housekeeping notes for this webinar

You are muted. Feel free to talk...but we can't hear you.We’re recording this webinar for posterity.

Your information will not appear in the final webinar.We will send you the download link in a follow-up email, which will also include...A short survey. Please fill it out so that we can make future webinars better.

We should be done by the top of the hour.We know you have a busy day.

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What is DITA?Key DITA conceptsTypical scenarios for DITAIs DITA right for you?

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What is DITA?

Darwin Information Typing ArchitectureDarwin – because you can evolve new elements from existing elementsInformation Typing – content is categorized as task, reference, conceptArchitecture – includes components for reuse, single sourcing, and generating output

Developed by IBM, maintained by OASIS

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Why is DITA important? Is DITA important?

Structured authoring is creating content with programmatic enforcement of the required structureDITA is a gateway to structured authoring

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What is DITA, really?

XML standardBuilt for topic-oriented authoringA way to work in XML without having to design your own structure?A major buzzword in tech commCost-effective way to create, publish, reuse, and exchange structured content

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DITA components

Document type definitions (DTDs)Open Toolkit for generating output

HTML, Eclipse help, CHM, and others through XSLPDF through XSL-FO


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DITA publishing

DITA topics

DITA Open Toolkit

HTMLCHMPDFEclipse help…

DITA map fileDITA topics



DITA map file

<map> <topic>... </topic> <topic>... </topic></map>

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What DITA is not

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It's more like this...

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Is DITA better than XML?

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Which is better?

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DITA's niche

Topic-oriented, modular contentContent reuseInformation exchange with other organizationSemantic requirements are minimalBasic metadata (audience, platform, output) is adequate

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DITA strengths

Topic-oriented, modularSupport for reuse of topics (map files)Support for reuse of content (content references)Specialization mechanism for customization of content model

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DITA weaknesses

Generic content modelOutput through Open Toolkit is rudimentarySpecialization can be challenging

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DITA topic (simplified)

<topic id=”seuss”><title>One tag, two tag</title><body>

<p>Red tag, blue</p> <p>Black tag, blue tag, old tag, new tag</p> <p>This one has a little car</p> <p>This one has a little star</p> <note>Say, what a lot of tags there are!</note></body>


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<?xml version="1.0"?><!DOCTYPE dita PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DITA Composite//EN" "ditabase.dtd"><dita> <topic id="aardvark" audience="internal"> <title>Aardvark</title> <body> <p>Aardvarks eat mostly termites. </p> <p>Do not take the aardvarks' offer to help deal with your termite problem. You will <b>not</b> like the results.</p> <note type="danger" id="nofeeding">Do not feed animals snacks, scraps, or people food.</note> </body> </topic> </dita>

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Key DITA concepts

TopicsMap filesContent references (conrefs)Specialization

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Requires writing modular contentThink about consistency and making pieces reusableA writing challenge rather than a technology challenge

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Map files

Let you organize topics sequentially and hierarchicallyBasis for creating books, help, deliverables

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<?xml version="1.0"?>

<!DOCTYPE map PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DITA Map//EN" "map.dtd">

rev="1" title="Zoo Policies" xml:lang="en-us">




<created date="2006/10/31"/>

<revised modified="2009/01/31"/>



<topicref href="Animal_nutrition.xml" navtitle="Animal nutrition" type="reference">

<topicref href="Aardvark.xml" navtitle="Aardvark" type="topic"/>

<topicref href="Baboon.xml" navtitle="Baboon" type="topic"/>

<topicref href="Crane.xml" navtitle="Crane" type="topic"/>

<topicref href="Dingo.xml" navtitle="Dingo" type="topic"/>


<topicref href="Visitor_behavior.xml" navtitle="Visitor behavior" type="topic">

<topicref href="Adults.xml" navtitle="Adults" type="topic"/>

<topicref href="Children.xml" navtitle="Children" type="topic"/>



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conrefs <topic id="aardvark">


<note type="danger" id="nofeeding">Do not feed animals snacks, scraps, or people food.


Named destination in Aardvark.xml


<p>Baboons eat mostly fruit.</p> <p> <note conref="Aardvark.xml#aardvark/nofeeding"/> </p>


Link in Baboon.xml

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Lets you create additional elements without breaking DITA Open Toolkit processing.New element is a specialization of the base element.This is what put the D in DITA.

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The structure you need versus the structure you have...


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Business case for XML

Content exchangeDatabase publishingReuse content/reduce duplicationAutomated formatting/publishingCompliance

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Beyond XML's business case, DITA may...

Reduce content modeling effortMake content truly portableSupport content reuseTake advantage of software supportProvide output optionsReduce overall cost of implementation

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Reduce content modeling effort

Assume that DITA structure is a reasonable matchSpeed up the transition to structureBut what if DITA doesn't match?Does your industryhave specialrequirements?

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Make content truly portable

Do you need to send content to a customer, partner, vendor, other department?Will they standardize on DITA?

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Support content reuse

Map files for topic reuseconrefs for smaller reuse

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Software support

DITA support found in many (most?) XML authoring toolsSome tools support only DITA and not general XML

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Provide output options

XHTML, HTML Help, PDF, Eclipse, DocBook, JavaHelp, troff, Word RTF through DITA Open ToolkitStarting point for outputNot suitable for production workflowCustomization is difficult and time-consuming

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Is DITA right for you?

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DITA meets all requirements.A business partner or customer requires DITA content.Single sourcing is a requirement.No existing content.Can be flexible with markup requirements to make implementation faster.

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Content must conform to a specific standard, such as S1000DContent is and should remain narrative.Semantic requirements are industry-specific, complex, and/or strict.

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DITA is not an exact match.Customization/specialization would be required.

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Contact information

Sarah O'KeefeScriptorium [email protected]+1 919 481-2701 x102

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Thank you to Madcap Software for organizing.Thank you to participants for attending.