Dependency Injection and Aspect Oriented Programming presentation

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The slides from my presentation giving an overview of the concepts and some implementation of Dependency Injection and Aspect Oriented Programming.

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  • 1. Dependency Injection and Aspect Oriented Programming

2. Steve Erdman Senior Developer, Wharton Computing [email protected] 3. What is a dependency? Container of functionality defined outside the current code used by that code to achieve its central purpose 4. Jeeves and Wooster 5. public class WoosterAlone { private RedAstonMartin theCar; public WoosterAlone(){ theCar = new RedAstonMartin(); } public void trip(){; } } 6. public class WoosterWithGarage { private Garage garage; public WoosterWithGarage(Garage garage){ this.garage = garage; } public void trip(){ garage.claimCar("Best Car").drive(); } } 7. public class WoosterAssisted { private Car theCar; public WoosterAssisted(Car theCar){ this.theCar = theCar; } public void trip(){; } } 8. Why is the better? Decouples your code Reduces/Removes glue Large number of occasions where Wooster needs the car Red Aston Martin in the shop Black Jaguar instead Roads are icy take all weather car instead 9. Decoupling code Objects should only be responsible for themselves (Single Responsibility Principle) Design to interfaces Modularity Easy to debug Easy to test Easy to replace Easy to iterate 10. Glue The code that joins your objects together Gluing should not be part of an objects responsibilities All other things being equal, the less amount of glue, the better 11. Inversion of control Pull from registry Dependency Injection 12. Dependency Injection process Register your objects (beans) System determines dependencies Wire in dependencies Instantiate your beans 13. Dependencies Property setter to interface Can use constructor, but wont get into that Wiring Wired explicitly during bean registry Pulled from other bean/properties Autowired By name By type Controlled Autowiring 14. Registering Beans 15. Wiring by pulling @Value(#{theCar.licensePlateNumber}) private String garageTicket; 16. Autowiring OR 17. Annotation Autowiring public class WoosterAssisted { @Autowired private Car theCar; private void setTheCar(Car theCar){ this.theCar = theCar; } public WoosterAssisted(){ } public void trip(){; } } 18. Annotation Autowiring by Name public class WoosterAssisted { @Resource(name=RedLightning) private Car theCar; private void setTheCar(Car theCar){ this.theCar = theCar; } public WoosterAssisted(){ } public void trip(){; } } 19. Autowiring Lists @AutoWired private Car[] cars; private void setCars(Car[] cars){ = cars; } 20. Component Scanning Registers all the beans it can find Glue is completely hidden Can set starting package Can add include and exclude filters 21. Environment sets Can set beans based on environment e.g. Local environment -> embedded database Testing -> Mocked data connection Dev environment -> dev SQL Server Dev + NoSQL -> dev Cassandra Server Prod -> prod SQL Server 22. Bean scopes Singleton (default) Prototype (new instance every time) Request (new instance every request) Session (new instance every session) Thread (new instance every thread) 23. Basic Messaging public class BasicHelloMain { public static void main(String[] args) { System.out.println("Hello World!"); } } 24. Separate Pieces of Functionality Message content Message renderer Connecting content to renderer 25. Separate Messaging public class SimpleMessageProvider { public String getMessage() { return "Hello World!"; } } 26. Separate Messaging public class StandardOutMessageRenderer { private SimpleMessageProvider provider; public StandardOutMessageRenderer(){ setMessageProvider(new SimpleMessageProvider()); } public void setMessageProvider(SimpleMessageProvider provider) { this.provider = provider; } public SimpleMessageProvider getMessageProvider() { return provider; } public void render() { System.out.println(getMessageProvider().getMessage()); } } 27. Separate Messaging public class HelloWorldMain { public static void main(String[] args) { StandardOutMessageRenderer renderer = new StandardOutMessageRenderer(); renderer.render(); } } 28. Central Managed public interface MessageProvider { public String getMessage(); } public interface MessageRenderer { public void render(); public void setMessageProvider(MessageProvider provider); public MessageProvider getMessageProvider(); } 29. Central Managed public class SimpleMessageProvider implements MessageProvider { public String getMessage() { return "Hello World!"; } } public class RegistryMessageProvider implements MessageProvider { public String getMessage() { return registry.lookup(message.greeting"); } } 30. Central Managed public class StandardOutMessageRenderer implements MessageRenderer { private MessageProvider provider; public void setMessageProvider(MessageProvider provider) { this.provider = provider; } public MessageProvider getMessageProvider() { return provider; } public void render() { if (getMessageProvider()==null){ throw new RuntimeException("Missing MessageProvider"); } System.out.println(getMessageProvider().getMessage()); } } 31. Central Managed public class HelloWorldMain { public static void main(String[] args) { MessageProvider provider = new SimpleMessageProvider(); MessageProvider provider = new RegistryMessageProvider(); MessageRenderer renderer = new StandardOutMessageRenderer(); renderer.setMessageProvider(provider); renderer.render(); } } 32. Dependency Injected @Service("simpleMessageProvider") public class SimpleMessageProvider implements MessageProvider { public String getMessage() { return "Hello World!"; } } 33. Dependency Injected @Service public class StandardOutMessageRenderer implements MessageRenderer { private MessageProvider provider; public void setMessageProvider(MessageProvider provider) { this.provider = provider; } public MessageProvider getMessageProvider() { return provider; } public void render() { if (getMessageProvider()==null){ throw new RuntimeException("Missing MessageProvider"); } System.out.println(getMessageProvider().getMessage()); } } 34. Dependency Injected 35. Dependency Injected public class HelloWorldMain { public static void main(String[] args) { GenericXmlApplicationContext ctx = new GenericXmlApplicationContext(); ctx.load("classpath:di-central-app-context.xml"); ctx.refresh(); MessageRenderer renderer = ctx.getBean("messageRenderer"); renderer.render(); } } 36. Dependency Injected @Service("injectedMessageProvider") public class InjectedMessageProvider implements MessageProvider { private String message; public void setMessage(String message){ this.message = message; } public String getMessage() { return message; } } 37. Dependency Injected Hello World! 38. Aspect Oriented Programming 39. Dependency Injection - injects registered dependency objects into established Interface properties Aspect Oriented Programming - injects entirely new functionality 40. What is not a dependency? Functionality included in the flow of a request that is not part of the central purpose of the current object. Good example of this is cross cutting concerns, such as logging or security 41. Back to Jeeves and Wooster 42. Wooster wants to Keep track of all the things he does, for his autobiography Keep track of the lies he tells his Aunt Agatha Keep his financial accounts in order Not intrude where he is not wanted Speak to foreign chaps without having to learn their lingo 43. This involves Keep track of all the things he does, for his autobiography - Logging Keep track of the lies he tells his Aunt Agatha - Caching Keep his financial accounts in order - Transactions Not intrude where he is not wanted - Security Speak to foreign chaps without having to learn their lingo -Translation 44. @Logged public class WoosterActions { @Cached public String generateLieForAuntAgatha(String situation, Date occurrence){ ... } @Transactional public void transferMoney(int amount, Account accountFrom, Account accountTo){ ... } public enterClub(@Secured(Wooster Approved) Club club){ ... } @Translate public void talkTo(String message, Person listener){ ... } @Translate public String listenTo(Person talker){ ... } } 45. Aspect components Join Point a place in code that can be the target for an aspect Point Cut The query that selects the join points that will the be targets for the aspect Advice The code that will be run at the selected Join Points 46. Join Point, Point Cuts, WTH??? Very much like CSS/jQuery selectors A Join Point is anywhere that can be joined In selectors, this is any DOM element Selectors match on things like DOM hierarchy, element type, id, attributes, etc. Point cuts match on things like Class, Package, or Method names, Method signature, Annotations, etc. 47. Why is there a formal name for Join Points? Join points give us access to the runtime values when advice is being run Current class Method name Argument names and values Annotations etc. 48. AspectJ Point Cut syntax (.()) e.g. execution(public String Wooster.*(..)) execution(* @Logging*.*(..)) Dont focus on this. Im using fake syntax in my examples. 49. Composite Point Cuts && = AND || = OR ! = NOT 50. Advice types Before After After Returning After Throwing Around 51. Before Advice @Before(joinMethod) public void doBefore(JoinPoint joinPoint){ beforeAction(); } public void joinMethod(){ insideAction(); } public void joinMethod(){ beforeAction(); insideAction(); } 52. After Advice @After(joinMethod) public void doBefore(JoinPoint joinPoint){ afterAction(); } public void joinMethod(){ insideAction(); } public void joinMethod(){ insideAction(); afterAction(); } 53. Around Advice @Around(joinMethod) public void doBefore(ProceedingJoinPoint joinPoint){ beforeAction(); joinPoint.proceed(); afterAction(); } public void joinMethod(){ insideAction(); } 54. Around Advice (continued) public void joinMethod(){ beforeAction(); insideAction(); afterAction(); } 55. Inter Type Definitions (ITD) Adds code at compile time to matching Join Points Enables the Mixin behavior of many advices Can set up a dependency injection 56. @Logged public class WoosterActions { @Cached public String generateLieForAuntAgatha(String situation, Date occurrence){ lieGeneratingCode(situation, occurrence); } @Transactional public void transferMoney(int amount, Account accountFrom, Account accountTo){ transferFromAccount(accountFrom, amount); transferToAccount(accountTo, amount); } public enterClub(@Secured(Wooster Approved) Club club){ enterClubCode(club); } @TranslateIncoming public void talkTo(String message, Person listener){ talkToCode(message, listener); } @TranslateReturn public String listenTo(Person talker){ return listenToCode(talker); } } 57. Logging Aspect @Aspect public class LoggingAspect { private Log4JLogger log = new Log4JLogger("Jeeves"); @Before("@within(Logging) && execution(public * *.*(..)") public void logExecution(JoinPoint joinPoint){; } } 58. Caching Aspect @Aspect public class CachingAspect { @Autowired private Cache cache; @Around("@annotation(Cacheable)") public Object checkCache(ProceedingJoinPoint joinPoint) throws Throwable{ Object result = cache.get(joinPoint.getTarget().hashCode()); if (result != null){ return result; } result = joinPoint.proceed(); cache.put(joinPoint.getTarget().hashCode(), result); return result; } } 59. Generate Lies @Cached public String generateLieForAuntAgatha(String situation, Date occurrence){ return lieGeneratingCode(situation, occurrence); } 60. Add Logging Aspect @Cached public String generateLieForAuntAgatha(String situation, Date occurrence){; return lieGeneratingCode(); } 61. Add Cached Aspect @Cached public String generateLieForAuntAgatha(String situation, Date occurrence){; Object result = cache.get(joinPoint.getTarget().hashCode()); if (result != null){ return result; } result = lieGeneratingCode(); cache.put(joinPoint.getTarget().hashCode(), result); return result; } 62. Transactional Aspect @Aspect public class TransactionalAspect { @Autowired private TransactionService transactionService; @Around("@annotation(Transactional)") public Object doTransaction(ProceedingJoinPoint joinPoint){ transactionService.startTransaction(); try{ Object result = joinPoint.proceed(); transactionService.commitTransaction(); return result; } catch (Throwable e) { transactionService.rollbackTransaction(); throw e; } } } 63. Transferring Money @Transactional public void transferMoney(int amount, Account accountFrom, Account accountTo){ withdrawFromAccount(accountFrom, amount); depositToAccount(accountTo, amount); } 64. Add Transaction Aspect @Transactional public void transferMoney(int amount, Account accountFrom, Account accountTo){; transactionService.startTransaction(); try{ withdrawFromAccount(accountFrom, amount); depositToAccount(accountTo, amount); transactionService.commitTransaction(); return result; } catch (Throwable e) { transactionService.rollbackTransaction(); throw e; } } 65. Secured Aspect @Aspect public class SecuredAspect { @Autowired private SecurityService securityService; @Before("* *.*(@annotation(Secured) Club club)") public void checkSecured(JoinPoint joinPoint){ Annotation[][] annotations = ((MethodSignature) joinPoint.getSignature()).getMethod().getParameterAnnotations(); if (!securityService.checkAccess(joinPoint.getArgs()[0], annotations[0][0])){ throw new SecurityException(); } } } 66. Enter Club public enterClub(@Secured(Wooster Approved) Club club){ enterClubCode(club); } 67. Add Secured Aspect public enterClub(@Secured(Wooster Approved) Club club){; Annotation[][] annotations = ((MethodSignature) joinPoint.getSignature()).getMethod().getParameterAnnotations(); if (!securityService.checkAccess(joinPoint.getArgs()[0], annotations[0][0])){ throw new SecurityException(); } enterClubCode(club); } 68. Translation Aspect @Aspect public class TranslationAspect { @Autowired private TranslationService translationService; @Around("@annotation(TranslateIncoming)") public void translateIncoming(ProceedingJoinPoint joinPoint) { Object[] args = joinPoint.getArgs(); args[0] = translationService.translateMessage((String) args[0]); joinPoint.proceed(args); } @AfterReturning(value = "@annotation(TranslateReturn)", returning = "message") public String translateReturn(Object message){ return translationService.translateMessage((String) message); } } 69. Talking to foreign jobbie @TranslateIncoming public void talkTo(Person listener, String message){ talkToCode(listener, message); } @TranslateReturn public String listenTo(Person talker){ return listenToCode(talker); } 70. Add Translate Aspect @TranslateIncoming public void talkTo(String message, Person listener){; Object[] args = joinPoint.getArgs(); args[0] = translationService.translateMessage((String) args[0]); talkToCode(args[0], args[1]); } @TranslateReturn public String listenTo(Person talker){; message = listenToCode(talker); return translationService.translateMessage(message); } 71. Steve Erdman Senior Developer, Wharton Computing [email protected]