The founding of Pella and its rich history Paula Winward, Teacher Librarian

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The founding of Pella and its rich historyPaula Winward, Teacher Librarian

Credits: Sod House: "Historic Pella - Inside a Straw House." Pella Historical Society.

2008. Web. 05 July 2010. <http://www.pellatuliptime.com/historical-village/history/lessons/straw/strwinside.html>.

Photo of Dutch Delft: Kipp, Brenda L. "The Daily Commute." GRIT Magazine -- Rural America, Vegetable Gardening, Great Recipes, Livestock, Farm Machinery, Do It Yourself. 12 Aug. 2009. Web. 05 July 2010. <http://www.grit.com/blogs/blog.aspx?blogid=184&tag=family>.

Story adapted from and pictures of the Scholtes and Scholte house: "The Scholte House." The Scholte House. Ed. Beverly Graves. 2004. Web. 05 July 2010. <http://www.scholtehouse.com>.

Ship picture: "Tall Ships." The WoodenBoat Forum. WoodenBoat Publications, 2010. Web. 05 July 2010. <http://forum.woodenboat.com/showthread.php?80245-Tall-Ships>.

Pella Historical Village, downtown, Scholte House, US Postal Service where my pictures were taken.

Dvorak, Anton. "Symphony No. 9-Largo." Mad about the Classics the Greatest Stars, the Greatest Music. Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra. Deutsche Grammophon, 1993. CD.