D.3.1: State of the Art - Linked Data and Digital Preservation

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by D. Giaretta (APARSEN), presented at the 3rd PRELIDA Consolidation and Dissemination Workshop, Riva, Italy, October, 17, 2014. More information about the workshop at: prelida.eu

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Outline Preservation – State of the Art Challenges for Linked Data Options Conclusions

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EC policy – a brief history – a personal view

EC support for DP research for creating digital objects

Data Digitisation

e-Infrastructure to Digital Agenda

National funding Significantly more than EC funding What is the EC role?

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DP research: approx 100M€ from EC

From Research on Digital Preservation within projects co-funded by the European Union in the ICT programme, 2011, Stephan Strodl et al http://cordis.europa.eu/fp7/ict/creativity/report-research-digital-preservation_en.pdf

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Situation now

The digital preservation community has failed in persuading the EC that there is need for more funding for DP research◦We do not have a consistent story about:◦ Costs◦ Rights◦ Methods etc◦ “Emulate or Migrate” inadequate!◦ Who is doing it right

Luxembourg unit which previously funded DP research – name changed to “Creativity” - now shows no funding for digital preservation research

EC expects results from the previous 100 M € research by deploying solutions

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Digital Preservation – some quotes: Head of unit funding the Digital Preservation projects asked repeatedly:◦“Who pays and why?”

NSF colleague:◦“Digital preservation is like VAT – people don’t

like it”

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Value pyramid

From Riding the Wave

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“The Digital Agenda for Europe outlines policies and actions to maximise the benefit of the digital revolution for all. Supporting research and innovation is a key priority of the Agenda, essential if we want to establish a flourishing digital economy.”

Neelie Kroes,

Vice-President of the EC, responsible for the Digital Agenda

Data is the new gold.“We have a huge goldmine… Let’s start mining it.”Neelie Kroes

That is the magic to find value amid the mass of data. The right infrastructure, the right networks, the right computing capacity and, last but not least, the right analysis methods and algorithms help us break through the mountains of rock to find the gold within.

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Gold is precious because ◦it is rare ◦it does not combine with other elements◦it does not perish


Data is valuable because ◦there is so much of it◦it is more valuable when it is combined together◦BUT it is far from imperishable

Role for Linked Data

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Preservation – State of the Art

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Problems when preserving data


Preserve what?

For how long?

How to test?

Which people?

Which organisations?

How well?

• Metadata? – What kind? How much?

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Difficulties in digital preservation

Many different terminologies

Many different views of preservation

Many different kinds of digital objects◦ Documents◦ Data◦…… and new types of objects

Tools and Services◦Which ones work for which digital objects?◦Which tools/techniques fit together?◦ How to integrate new tools

Consistent training needed

Risks vs Cost

Who can you trust?

}Need a consistent, coherent approach to digital preservation- APARSEN.

Need an Audit and Certification system – ISO 16363

OAIS – ISO 14721

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Preservation techniquesFor each technique

look for evidence – what evidence?

must at least make sure we consider different types of data◦rendered vs non-rendered◦composite vs simple◦dynamic vs static◦active vs passive

must look at all types of threats

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Basic preservation activities

Libraries say:

“Emulate or migrate”

◦Works well with data only in special cases◦ Can repeat what was done before instead of new things

◦ Does not help with building cross-disciplinary communities

• Can repeat what has been done before

BUT• Cannot use new applications

• Convert to format which new software can use

BUT• What if there are many

software systems?

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Contains numbers – need meaning


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...to be combined and processed to get this


Level 2 Level 0 Level 1



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...or this


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OAIS Information model: Representation Information

The Information Model is keyRecursion ends at


(this knowledge will change over time and region)

Does not demand that ALL Representation Information be collected at once.

A process which can be tested

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Rep Info Network

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Additional technique: add Representation Information

Descriptions of the digitally encoded objectIdeal description allows a machine to extract information

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OAIS defines various types of Migration:◦Do not change the bits ◦Refresh◦Replicate

◦Change the packaging but not the content◦Repackage

◦Change the content◦Transform (usually non-reversible)◦Need to consider “Transformational Information Properties” – important for

AUTHENTICITY◦Related to “Significant properties”◦Add appropriate Representation Information for the new format


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AND – be prepared toHand-over

Preservation requires funding Funding for a dataset (or a repository) may stop Need to be ready to hand over everything needed for preservation◦OAIS (ISO 14721) defines “Archival Information Package

(AIP).◦Issues:◦ Storage naming conventions◦Representation Information ◦ Provenance◦ ….

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Preserving digitally encoded information

Ensure that digitally encoded information are understandable and usable over the long term Long term could start at just a few years Chain of preservation

Need to do something because things become “unfamiliar” over timeBut the same techniques enable use of data which is “unfamiliar” right now

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When things changes We need to:

◦Know something has changed

◦ Identify the implications of that change

◦Decide on the best course of action for preservation

◦What RepInfo we need to fill the gaps

◦ Created by someone else or creating a new one

◦ If transformed: how to maintain data authenticity

◦Alternatively: hand it over to another repository

◦Make sure data continues to be usable

Orchestration Service

Gap Identification Service

Preservation Strategy Tk

RepInfo Registry Service

Authenticity Toolkit

Packaging Tk

Data Virtualisation Toolkit

Process Virtualisation Toolkit

RepInfo Toolkit

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Storage Service

Gap Identification


Orchestration Service

RepInfo Registry Service

Preservation Strategy Toolkit

Data Virtualisation


Process Virtualisation


Authenticity Toolkit

Packaging Toolkit

RepInfo Toolkit

Finding Aid


Cloud Storage

External Access/Use


Persistent ID i/f Service

External PI


ISO Certification Organisation

Certification Toolkit

Services: run on remote servers

Toolkits Runs on local machines

• These SUPPLEMENT what repositories do (customised for repositories)

• Make it easier for repositories to do preservation – share the effort

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Preservation objectives The same digital object may be preserved with different aims in mind by different repositories:For a digital document

Re-print the pages?To understand the numbers printed in the page to

do further research

For a piece of performance artReplay a recording of a particular performance?Re-perform the work?

For a scientific data fileUnderstand the numbers?Understand the numbers in the context of a

particular theory?

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Preservation, Value and Re-use

(re-)usability the essential test for success of preservation◦ Usability usually essential for justifying cost of preservation

Impossible to insist on common formats, semantics or software◦ How to avoid N2 problem?

Impossible to know what formats, semantics or software will be used in future

Needs appropriate Representation Information ◦ for preservation (use in the future when things have become unfamiliar)◦ for use now (use of unfamiliar data i.e. most of it!)◦ automated (re-)use as far as possible

APARSEN is bringing together a coherent, consistent, evidence-based approach to digital preservation involving tools, services, consultancy and training.

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Classification of objects

must at least make sure we consider different types of data◦rendered vs non-rendered◦composite vs simple◦dynamic vs static◦Active vs passive

RDF Triple: dynamic/complex/non-rendered/passive

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Key questions about the what is to be preservedWhat is the object to be preserved?The specific piece of RDF?The specific RDF plus data pointed toThe underlying database (if any)? The whole linked “world”?

What are the preservation objectives?The RDF and whole inference system?Just the RDF?Just the underlying database (if any)?

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Key questions about RDF

What Representation information is needed for the LD?Schema?Additional semantics?Evolution of links e.g. replace this host by a new one)?Snapshots?

What Transformation?One version of RDF to another?Move to replacement for RDF?Change of underlying database?Authenticity??

Who to hand over toWhat to do with the URIs? – maintain or change?What to do with the underlying database (if any)?

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Key questions about the things the RDF points toWill they be preserved?How to find the Representation Information?Will the Persistent Identifiers change?

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Joint Key QuestionsWho will pay, and why?

For which things?

Are some things more valuable – and therefore more likely to be preserved?What happens when some things disappear?

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OptionsBe clear about what is meantUnderstand what is possibleStart with what is agreed as valuableDon’t promise too much

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Input to standardsSee http://www.iso16363.org

Audit and Certification of Trustworthy repositoriesForum: OAIS Futures

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ConclusionsA great deal of funding (€100M) has been invested in digital preservation research by the EU

EC is not putting further funding into digital preservation research

There are technical challenges

The biggest challenge is to be clear about what the preservation aims are for Linked Data