CSS Best Practices, Style Guide, and Tips #ITDEVCON Chris Love http://love2dev.com @ChrisLove

Css best practices style guide and tips

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CSS Best Practices, Style Guide, and Tips


Chris Lovehttp://love2dev.com@ChrisLove

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Who Am I?• ASP.NET MVP• ASP Insider•MS Edge User Agent• Author• Speaker• Tweaker, Lover of Web, JavaScript, CSS & HTML5•@ChrisLove• Love2Dev.com


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High Performance Single Page Web Applications• Responsive Design• Touch• Mobile First• SPA• Extensible, Scalable Architecture• Web Build and Workflow• Goes Really Fast!

• ~395 Pages• 20 Chapters• $9.99


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Slide Decks & Source Code• Slide Deck – http://slidesha.re/19NZInK• Source Code – http://GitHub.com/docluv


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CSS• Language Defining Rendering Rules


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CSS.main-content { overflow: hidden; left: 6.3166666%; right: 0; top: 50px; bottom: 4.166666%; position: absolute; border-radius: 5px 5px 0 0; background-color: #000000; -moz-transition: all 700ms ease-out; -o-transition: all 700ms ease-out; -webkit-transition: all 700ms ease-out; transition: all 700ms ease-out;}




Vendor Specific

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CSS•Rules•Defined using selector syntax

•Properties• The specifics

•Media Queries•Define Rules Based on Browser & Device Characteristics


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CSS Property Units•px – pixels•% - percent•em – relative to the element’s font-size• rem – Relative to the root element’s font-size•vh/vw – Viewport Height/Viewport Width•Any 0 does not require a unit


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CSS Selector Syntax• Element• H1, DIV, P

• Class• .btn, . spa-child-view

• ID• #tryToAvoid


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Advanced CSS Selector Syntax• Nested Selectors

• Allows You To Apply Rules to Children of Matched Elements• .main-content p• Be careful to avoid complexity

• Dynamic By Attributes• script[class='spa-view']


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By Attribute/typeinput[type="email"] {

color:blue; }


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Starts With[class^="my-class-"] {

color:red; }


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Ends With[class$=“-my-class"] {

color:red; }


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Contains[class*="class"] {

color:red; }


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Customize Social Linksa[href*="twitter.com"] { color:#55acee; } a[href*="facebook.com"] { color:#3b5998; } a[href*="google.com"] { color:#db4437; }


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Remove webkit Input Borderinput[type="text"]:focus { outline: none; }


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psuedo-classes•Define CSS Rules for Element States• Hover• Active

•Define Rules for hidden elements• :before, :after

•Define Rules for nth Element• :nth-of-type(3n)

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Content Property•Defines ‘text’ value for matched element•Useful with :before and :after pseudo element

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Responsive Table Trick• Tables Create a Unique Responsive Design Problem• Change CSS To Change Rendering Rules• Turn Table into a fake set of DIVs• Leverage content property to define value labels

• https://css-tricks.com/responsive-data-tables/

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Responsive Table Trick<table>



<th>First Name</th>

<th>Last Name</th>

<th>Job Title</th>







<td>Chief Sandwich Eater</td>





<td>Crimefighter Sorta</td>




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Responsive Table Trick@media only screen and (max-width: 760px),(min-device-width: 768px) and (max-device-width: 1024px) {

table, thead, tbody, th, td, tr { display: block;



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Responsive Table Tricktd:nth-of-type(1):before { content: "First Name"; }td:nth-of-type(2):before { content: "Last Name"; }td:nth-of-type(3):before { content: "Job Title"; }td:nth-of-type(4):before { content: "Favorite Color"; }td:nth-of-type(5):before { content: "Wars of Trek?"; }td:nth-of-type(6):before { content: "Porn Name"; }td:nth-of-type(7):before { content: "Date of Birth"; }td:nth-of-type(8):before { content: "Dream Vacation City"; }td:nth-of-type(9):before { content: "GPA"; }td:nth-of-type(10):before { content: "Arbitrary Data"; }

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CSS Selector Specificity• Complex Specificity

• .main-content > article #myArticleId p• Leads to large CSS files• Makes Code Unmanageable• Lower the Score the Better

• Browsers Parse Selectors Right to Left• * Avoid Universal Selector

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Right-Left Rule• .main-content > article #myArticleId p• Translates to:

• #myArticleId p• Think More Like the Browser When Defining Selectors

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Calculate CSS Specificity• Count the Inline Style• count the number of ID selectors in the selector (= a) • count the number of class selectors, attributes selectors,

and pseudo-classes in the selector (= b) • count the number of type selectors and pseudo-elements

in the selector (= c) • ignore the universal selector

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Calculate CSS Specificity


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BEM Naming Convention• Block• Element•Modifier

• Bootstrap and Primer Good Examples

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BEM Naming Convention• .btn {…}• .btn-primary {…}• .btn-primary:disabled {…}• .btn-xs {…}

•Might also see __ between words

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BEM Naming Convention• <button type="button" class="btn btn-primary">Primary</button>• <button type="button" class="btn btn-success">Success</button>• <button type="button" class="btn btn-info">Info</button> • <button type="button" class="btn btn-warning">Warning</button>

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CSS Cascading• Last, Most Specific Rule Wins• Be mindful of your CSS Definition Order

•Overwrites Previously Defined Rules• Simple rule make this easy to maintain and create

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Responsive Design“this unspoken agreement to pretend that we had a certain size. And that size changed over the years. For a while, we all sort of tacitly agreed that 640 by 480 was the right size, and then later than changed to 800:600, and 1024; we seem to have settled on this 960 pixel as being this like, default. It’s still unknown. We still don’t know the size of the browser; it’s just like this consensual hallucination that we’ve all agreed to participate in: “Let’s assume the browser has a browser width of at least 960 pixels.”

Jeremy Keithbit.ly/1bhH6rw

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Responsive Web Design


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Responsive Web Design• Introduced by Ethan Marcotte 2010 -

bit.ly/178an9e• Web Design Approach To Create An Optimal

Viewing Experience Across All Browser ViewPorts• Fluid Layouts• Media Queries• Minimal if any JavaScript Required

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Fluid Layout

• Stretch as the Browser ViewPort Changes• Browser’s Viewable Area Inside the Chrome

• Serve as the Foundation for the Web Application Layout• Great Way To Create Native Like Experience

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Fluid Layout

• Leverage Absolute Positioning• Enables Fixed Positioning Without

position:fixed• Leverage overflow scrolling

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Media Queries@media (min-width: 600px) { /* Selectors & Rules */}

@media (min-width: 820px) { /* Selectors & Rules */ }

@media (min-width: 1080px) { /* Selectors & Rules */}

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Avoid Embedded Styles•Don't separate content from design• Cause more maintenance headaches•Make your pages larger•Do not take advantage of Http Caching• Lead to Duplicate Rules

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CSS - Files• Should• Use External Files• Hosted on a CDN• Bundled & Minified *

• HTTP/2 Changes the Bundling Rule

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CSS – Debug Files• Should• Use Many Files• They Should Correlate to a Purpose

• View• Component• Layout

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CSS –Filescss/



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CSS Best Practices• Link to External Files in the HEAD• Ensures CSS read before HTML

• Avoid Using @import• Causes CSS to be Parsed After Document

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CSS Reset• Establishes a Common Base• Each Browser has a default CSS stylesheet•Many Resets Availble• Normalize.css probably most popular• Popular libraries have resets; ex bootstrap uses


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CSS Libraries•Many Available• Bootstrap is the current defacto standard• Primer based on Boostrap• Created by bootstrap author• GitHub’s internal library

• https://github.com/primer/primer

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CSS Libraries• Be Careful to not be Completely Dependent on Library•Understand How CSS Rules, Apply Best Practices• Build Your Own Custom Version

• Grunt/Gulp

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Critical CSS• The CSS Required to Render The Above the Fold Content• Embed Inline, in HEAD element• Instant Render if HTML < 14kb• Works great for a SPA

• criticalCSS Node Module• https://www.npmjs.com/package/criticalcss

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Critical CSS Gruntgrunt.initConfig({ criticalcss: { custom: { options: { url: "http://localhost:4000", width: 1200, height: 900, outputfile: "dist/critical.css", filename: "/path/to/local/all.css", // Using path.resolve( path.join( ... ) ) is a good idea here buffer: 800*1024, ignoreConsole: false } } },});

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UnCSS Grunt uncss: { dist: { src: ['app/index.html'], dest: 'app/css/tidy.css', options: { report: 'min' } } }


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CSS Code Style•Define Section Titles

/*------------------------------------*\ $MAIN\*------------------------------------*/

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CSS Rule Formatting•Use one discrete selector per line in multi-selector rulesets.• Include a single space before the opening brace of a ruleset.• Include one declaration per line in a declaration block.•Use one level of indentation for each declaration.• Include a single space after the colon of a declaration.

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CSS Rule Formatting•Use lowercase and shorthand hex values, e.g., `#aaa`.•Use single or double quotes consistently. Preference is for double quotes, e.g., `content: ""`.•Quote attribute values in selectors, e.g., `input[type="checkbox"]`.• _Where allowed_, avoid specifying units for zero-values, e.g., `margin: 0`.

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CSS Rule Formatting• Include a space after each comma in comma-separated property or function values.• Include a semi-colon at the end of the last declaration in a declaration block.• Place the closing brace of a ruleset in the same column as the first character of the ruleset.• Separate each ruleset by a blank line.

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Rule Formatting Example.selector-1,.selector-2,.selector-3[type="text"] { -webkit-box-sizing: border-box; -moz-box-sizing: border-box; box-sizing: border-box; display: block; font-family: helvetica, arial, sans-serif; color: #333; background: #fff; background: linear-gradient(#fff, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8));}

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Consistently Declare Property Order•Makes it Easier to Read•Makes it Easier for Teams to Share Code

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Consistently Declare Property Order

.selector { /* Positioning */ position: absolute; z-index: 10; top: 0; right: 0; bottom: 0; left: 0;

  /* Display & Box Model */ display: inline-block; overflow: hidden; box-sizing: border-box; width: 100px; height: 100px; padding: 10px; border: 10px solid #333; margin: 10px; 

/* Other */ background: #000; color: #fff; font-family: sans-serif; font-size: 16px; text-align: right;}

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Clock-Wise Rule•Margin & Padding Work Clock-wise around the element•margin: 5% 10% 15% 20%;•margin-top : 5%;•margin-right : 10%;•margin-bottom : 15%;•margin-left : 20%;

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Element Layout Box

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CSS Animations•Do Not Use JavaScript Libraries for Animations• CSS Animations are Native• Run on the GPU

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CSS Key-Frame Animations• Allow You To Define Complex Animations

• Define Rules/Properties Along a Timeline• Animate.css is a collection of turn-key animations

• http://daneden.me/animate

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CSS Key-Frame Animations• Can be Applied by adding and removing CSS classes on an element

loginDlg.classList.add("fadeInDown"); showLogin.classList.add("fadeOut"); loginDlg.classList.remove("fadeOutUp");

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CSS Key-Frame Animations• Can be Applied by adding and removing CSS classes on an element

loginDlg.classList.add("fadeInDown"); showLogin.classList.add("fadeOut"); loginDlg.classList.remove("fadeOutUp");

• http://bit.ly/1Lt1kTb

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CSS Shapes• CSS Can be Used to Create All Sorts of Shapes• http://www.cssshapes.com/

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Create a CSS Heart•My Site’s Logo is a CSS Heart•Here is how to create it:• http://bit.ly/1NF3Sjf

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Perfectly Align to Center.my-class-parent { position:relative; }

.my-class { position:absolute; top:50%; left:50%; -webkit-transform:translate(-50%, -50%); transform:translate(-50%, -50%); }

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High Performance Single Page Web Applications

• Responsive Design• Touch• Mobile First• SPA• Extensible, Scalable Architecture• Web Build and Workflow• Goes Really Fast!

• ~395 Pages• 20 Chapters• $9.99