Creating Killer Trend Stories Distributing Your Customer Stories and Data

Creating Killer Trend Stories with Redis Labs Cameron Peron

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Creating Killer Trend Stories

Distributing Your Customer Stories and Data

About Me / Cameron Peron

$28M Funding (Series B) $4M Funding (Acquired 2013)

1,000+ Unique Visitors in 72


10%All unique visitors for

30 days

1 Trend Story =

Objective: surround the IT organization with content about the problem that you solve

● 67% of IT buying journey is from research alone● You’ll never be Oracle in traditional marketing● Funding and product launches aren’t scalable● Become a news channel● Consistently delivers value over time

Why Trend Stories?

Your Ideal Developer Customer >

2 Approaches: ● Hijacking● Curating

3 Forms● Customer Data● Customer Stories● User Behavior

Why Trend Stories?

Why?● Establishes expertise in a narrow domain● Builds rapport with analysts and writers● Concise and easy to understand

Steps to Get Customer Data

= $ + ?

Case Study

● Topic: AWS Reserved Instances

● Positioning: Expert in reserved instance cost and utilization

● Promotion: Massive social, press, and analyst pickup

Steps to Get Customer Data

Steps to Get Customer DataHow???● Dive deep into user usage

statistics ● Anonymize the statistics● Create report with 3 main

conclusions via 5-10 data points

● Share report with Tier 1 influencers and bloggers

● Blast: social, press, analysts

● Blog post● Repeat (quarterly,

semiannually, annually)

Why?● Your customers tell the best

stories● No one gives a sh** about your

company after funding● Solving a customer’s end

challenge is gold● Your customer’s R&D team is

more than likely poor in PR currency

Steps to Get Customer Stories

Case Study

● Customer: Hotel Tonight● Timeliness: Black Friday

‘14● Story: “High profile travel

brands use cloud technologies to win Black Friday and Holiday demand.”

Steps to Get Customer Stories

Result: Featured placement on “Fast Company”

How?● Find celebrity customers● Find timeliness in the industry● Create a dead simple story ● Pitch to the #1 R&D team challenges● Promote ● Circulate

Steps to Get Customer Stories

Why?● Easy and fun to collect● Builds great rapport with customers● Generates deeper customer understanding

Steps to Get User Behavior

How valuable is their experience to you?

Case Study

● Timing: Holidays ‘14● Wider Topic: Databases● Positioning: Expert in

general database usage on AWS


● Venturebeat Feature ● Repeat Coverage

Steps to Get User Behavior

Steps to Get User Behavior? Process: Quality + Quantity Survey Data:● Find a wider topic● Create your own data via survey ● 10 questions max● Test questions● Design: Nothing fancy● One page● Irresistible incentive● Tight 72 hour window● “Become” the news● Promote and share results!

Great Placements… Now What?Cascade Your Coverage to:● Sales collateral, scripts, ● Nurturing campaigns, drip email, retarget ● Community newsletter, blog, and external channels● Social profiles and signatures● Recruiting tool

Cameron Peron


[email protected]

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