Cover Letters by Adrian O’Donnell Lado Management Consultants

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Cover Letters

by Adrian O’DonnellLado Management Consultants

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• Purpose• Layout• Content• Writing

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Clarify what employers want to know:

Can you handle the responsibilities of the job? Do you enjoy your work? Are you a professional and will you fit in?

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Why Cover Letters are so Important

1. The cover letter is the first thing an employer sees.

2. Stand out from the crowd in a positive, exciting way to ensure you are the one employers are determined to hire.

3. Get the employer excited about the resume. 4. Targeting a resume and cover letter is essential in

today’s competitive environment 5. Part of the whole package that WILL encourage

an employer to want to get to know you better.

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Use paragraphs

Paragraph 1 - introductionParagraph 2 - supportParagraph 3 - summary of suitabilityParagraph 4 - desire for an interview

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1. The job you are applying for 2. How you found out about the job 3. Why you are interested in the position 4. What qualifies you to do the work5. Examples of related achievements 6. A closing summary of your qualifications 7. Your desire to meet for an interview

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Writing Your Cover Letter

What if I'm Not a Good Writer?- Think about what is most important to convey.- Concentrate on getting your thoughts on paper. - Revise the sentences later.

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What Achievements should I Include?- Look at the job announcement for which you are

applying. - What made you interested. - Why do you feel you are qualified?- Write the reasons in a short bullet list.

Writing Your Cover Letter

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How is it Supposed to Look? - Make sure that the header matches your resume.- Header includes your name and contact

information.- Make it visually appealing and easy to read.- Do not exceed one page!

Writing Your Cover Letter

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How to Customize The Cover Letter?- Find out what that particular company's history is.- Find out what the position entails. - Find out what their future plans are. - Include the company's name in your cover letter.

along with the position you are applying for.

Writing Your Cover Letter

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Tips for Writing Cover Letters

Avoid negatives- don’t mention why you left a job

Do not start every sentence with “I”. Be clear and succinct. Leave a space between paragraphs. Use Formal or Neutral language. Be Proactive.

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Cover Letter Checklist

1. Use the same paper that you use for your resume. 2. Proofread. Proofread. Proofread. 3. Keep the letter to one page. 4. Ensure the name of the person addressed in the letter is

spelled correctly and that you have his/her correct title. 5. Demonstrate that you have researched the company by

including some information in one or more of your sentences.

6. Sign the cover letter with a blue or black ink pen. 7. Use clear and concise sentences. 8. Sell yourself. 9. Ensure your letter is an original and not a copy and printed

on good/quality printer.

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Dear Mr./Ms. _______,

I am applying for the position of ________, which was posted in ____.

Dear Sir or Madam,

I would like to apply for a position in the ______ Department of your

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Showing Requirements of Job

Your Requirements

• Responsible for evening operations in Student Center and other facilities, including managing registration, solving customer problems, dealing with risk management and emergencies, enforcement of department policies.

• Assist with hiring, training, and management of staff. Coordinate statistics and inventory.

• Experience in the supervision of student staff and strong interpersonal skills are also preferred.

• Valid driver's license with good driving record. Ability to travel to different sites required.

• Experience in collegiate programming and management.

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Showing Qualifications

My Qualifications

• Register students for courses, design and manage program software, solve customer problems, enforce department policies, and serve as a contact for students, faculty, and staff.

• Hiring, training, scheduling and management of staff, managing supply inventory, and ordering.

• Clean international driver's license. • Extensive experience in collegiate programming and management. • Excellent interpersonal and communication skills.

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Dealing with Salary

My salary requirements are in the range of $----- to $------, depending upon the duties and requirements of the position plus the overall benefit package offered.

If the advertisement is silent on salary requirement or relocation, never include such information!

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Closing your cover letter

I appreciate your taking the time to review my credentials and experience. Again, thank you for your consideration.

Yours Sincerely,

Your Signature

(Typed Name)

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Sample Cover Letter (unedited)

Tom Jones,1234, West 67 Street,

Cardiff, CA 01741,(123)-456 7890.

Date: 1st November, 2009. Mr. George Bush,

National Solutions,257, Park Avenue South,New York, NY 12345-6789.

Dear Mr. Bush,        I am writing with reference to your advertisement in the local Employment News magazine for want of a Software

Developer. I consider that my credentials and interests match with your requirement and want to apply for the same.

       Presently I am deputed as an assistant at ABC for the last two years. During these years I have acquired a very good knowledge of Web technologies (Perl CGI, PHP). My responsibility includes providing back end support for the distributed applications and guiding new trainees through their jobs.

       Although I am enjoying my present job, I am looking out for new opportunities in the same field. I will be contacting you on Friday, 12th November, to arrange a personal meeting and discuss the prospect.

Sincerely, Tom Jones.

Enclosures:1. Resume - myresume.doc

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Sample Internship Cover Letter (unedited)

Jerry Chen123 Yanji Street,

Taipei 110 00,(02)-3456 7890.

Date: 11 November, 2009. Mr. Andreas Schmidt,

National Marketing Inc.,257, Roosevelt Rd, Sec1,Taipei 120-789.

Dear Mr. Schmidt,

        My unique mix of previous work experience and my status as a National University business student in my junior year studying marketing, make me an ideal candidate for a summer internship with National Marketing Inc.

       My experience in sales and customer relationship management, combined with my courses in marketing, has convinced

me that hospitality marketing is a career option I would like to explore.         More importantly, an internship with National Marketing Inc., would be mutually beneficial. Your company has an excellent

reputation for customer satisfaction, and I know that the combination of my experience, education, and motivation to excel will make me an asset to your marketing department.

        I am sure that it would be worthwhile for us to meet. I will contact you within a week to arrange a meeting. Should you have

any questions before that time, you may reach me via phone (02)-456 7890) or via email ([email protected]).        Thank you for your time and consideration. Sincerely, Jerry Chen, Business Management, National Taipei University of Technology.

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Sample Recent Graduate Cover Letter

Dear Mr _____,

I am writing to apply for the position of Media Relations Manager. ___ is a fast-moving global institution and an outstanding communications pioneer, now poised to guide the direction of print journalism.

As a recent graduate of the National Taipei University of Technology with significant experience in finance, administration and media, I bring the energy and commitment to excellence necessary to thrive in ____'s innovative environment.

As the current Media Relations Coordinator of the XYZ company, I am a practiced business liaison and an able administrator. These strengths, combined with deep and varied employment and internship experience as a journalist and media consultant with ABC and DEF, prepare me to make a strong and immediate impact at ____.

I am excited about the opportunity to join the ___ team as it moves to the center of the print media conversation. Thank you for your time and consideration.


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Writing Follow Up Letters

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Successful Interview Follow Up Letter


1. Write the Follow-Up Letter Immediately 2. Include an Incident That Occurred at the

Interview 3. Write to Every Interviewer 4. Show Your Awareness Of Company Culture 5. Write in a Positive Tone

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First paragraph:

• Thank the interviewer for taking the time to meet with you and remind him/her of the position for which you interviewed

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Second paragraph:

• Reiterate your sincere interest in the position and company.

• Mention something you learned from the interview or comment on something of importance that you discussed – This will make you stand out from the other applicants.

• Emphasize your strengths, experiences, skills, and accomplishments. Tweak them towards the points that the interviewer considered the most important for the position. 

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Third Paragraph

• Thank the interviewer for his/her time and consideration. If you feel it is appropriate, close with a suggestion for next steps (e.g. a second interview), or mention that you plan to follow up with a phone call in a few days.

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Sample Initial Interview Thank You Letter

40Minzu E.Rd Sec.2Taipei 150 12(02) 555-1111

[email protected] May 26, 2009

Ms. Joyce ChangHuman Resources ManagerSogo Department Store200 ZhongXiao East RdTaipei 110 00

Dear Ms. Chang,

I enjoyed interviewing with you during your recruiting visit to NTUT on May 25. The management trainee program you outlined sounds both challenging and rewarding and I look forward to your decision concerning an on-site visit.

As mentioned during the interview, I will be graduating in June with a Bachelor’s degree in Fashion Merchandising. Through my education and experience I have gained many skills, as well as an understanding of retailing concepts and dealing with the general public. I have worked five years in the retail industry in various positions from Salesclerk to Assistant Department Manager. I think my education and work experience would complement Sogo’s management trainee program.

I have enclosed a copy of my college transcript and a list of references that you requested.

Thank you again for the opportunity to interview with Sogo Department Store. The interview served to reinforce my strong interest in becoming a part of your management team. I can be reached at (02) 555-1111 or by email at [email protected] should you need additional information.

Sincerely, Marianne Boles

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Sample Thank You For On-Site Interview

Dear Ms. Lee,

Thank you for the opportunity to visit with you and see your facilities last Wednesday. Both the interview and the tour made for an exciting and complete day.

I was particularly impressed with your warehousing procedures.  Mr. Hu was so thorough in explaining your process to me, and I will be corresponding directly with him to express my appreciation. Incidentally, the process you use is quite similar to one I have been researching through an independent study this term. Perhaps I can share my final report with you and Mr. Hu.

The expense report you requested is enclosed.

Again, thank you for your hospitality during my visit and for all your efforts to arrange my visit. Having seen your operation, I am all the more enthused about the career opportunity that Lin Computers and Electronics offers. I look forward to your decision.


Vicky Wang