Here are all the words that I need to revise <3

Courtney And Sophie French Revisiob

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Here are all the words that I need to revise <3

Page 2: Courtney And Sophie French Revisiob

Les paysJ’Habite en/ au = I live in

L’Allemagne = Germany

L’Angleterre = England

L’Autriche = Austria

La Belqique= Belgium

L’Ecosse = Scotland

L’Espangne= Spain

La France= France

Le pays de galles= Wales

La Grande-Bretagne= Great Britain

L’Irlande= Italy

Le Luxembourg= Luxembourg

La suisse= Switzerland.

Page 3: Courtney And Sophie French Revisiob

Je Suis

• Anglais/ Anglaise= English

• Belge/belge= Belgian

• Ecossais/ ecossaise= Scottish

• Espagnol/ espagnole= Spanish

• Francais/ Francaise= French

• Gallois/galloise= Welsh

• Irlandais/irlandaise= Irish

Page 4: Courtney And Sophie French Revisiob

Have You Got any brothers or sisters ?

• Jai un frere= One Brother• Jaii Une souer= I have A sister• Jai deux freres= I have two brothers• Jai deux sourers= I have Two Sisters• Jai un frere une sourer= I have one brother and one sister• Je n’ai pas de freres et soures. I Haven't any brothers or sister• Jeer suis fils/ fille unique= I'm An Only child.• Jai un demi- frere= I have a half brother• Jai une demi soeur= I have A half sister.• Mon frere= My brother• Ma Soeur= My sister• Mon Copain= my friend ( female)• Ma copine= my friend ( male and female)• Mes copines= my friends ( female )