Cool Stuff Your App Can Do Ed Donahue Academic Developer Evangelist [email protected] creepyed.com | @creepyed

Cool Stuff Your App Can Do

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Page 1: Cool Stuff Your App Can Do

Cool Stuff Your App Can Do

Ed DonahueAcademic Developer Evangelist

[email protected] | @creepyed

Page 2: Cool Stuff Your App Can Do

Windows Phone

What I’m Going to Cover

Storage and tombstoningAlarms and remindersApplication tilesOther cool stuff


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Storage and Tombstoning

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Fast Application Switching

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Windows Phone

Application Lifecycle - Dormant





Phone resources detachedThreads & timers suspended

Fast App Resume

Save State!State preserved!e.IsApplicationInstancePreserved== true

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Windows Phone

Application Lifecycle - Tombstoned



dormant Phone resources detachedThreads & timers suspended

Restore state!e.IsApplicationInstancePreserved == false

Resuming .. .

Tombstone the oldest app



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Windows Phone

Finding the Resume type

The Activation handler can test a flag to determine the type of resume taking place

private void Application_Activated(object sender, ActivatedEventArgs e){ if (e.IsApplicationInstancePreserved) { // Dormant - objects in memory intact } else { // Tombstoned - need to reload }}

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Windows Phone

Deactivation Resource Management

Deactivated App



Framework:Detach Resources

Framework:Suspend Timers and


Dormant App



Save page/global state

XNA Audio Paused

Sensors Notifications suppressed

Networking Cancelled

Sockets Disconnected



Camera Disposed

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Windows Phone

Activation Resource Management


Socket.ConnectAsyncnew PhotoCamera/VideoCamera

Restore app state if tombstoned

Running App



Framework:Attach Resources

Framework:Resume Timers and


Dormant App

XNA Audio Resumed

Sensors Notifications resumed

Networking Completed with Cancellation

Sockets -



Camera -

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Windows Phone 10

Isolated Storage vs State Storage Isolated storage is so called because the data for an

application is isolated from all other applications It can be used as filestore where an application can

store folders and files It is slow to access, since it is based on NVRAM

technology It can also be used to store name/value pairs, e.g.

program settings State storage is so called because it is used to hold the

state of an application It can be used to store name/value pairs which are

held in memory for dormant or tombstoned applications

It provides very quick access to data

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• With No Storage• With Storage• Fully Working

Captain’s Log

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Windows Phone 12

Fast App Switching and Tombstoning Review Only one Windows Phone application is Active at any

time The Start and Back buttons on the phone are used to

start new applications and return to previously used ones

If an application is replaced by another it is either made Dormant (still in memory but not running) or Tombstoned (removed from memory)

Applications must use populate methods provided in the App.xaml.cs class to save and retrieve state information when appropriate

State can be stored in memory for quick reload and in isolated storage which serve as a permanent store

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Alarms and Reminders

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Windows Phone

Scheduled Notifications

Time-based, on-phone notifications

Supports Alarms & RemindersPersist across rebootsAdheres to user settingsConsistent with phone UX

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Alarms vs Reminders?




•Modal•Snooze and Dismiss•Sound customization•No app invocation•No stacking

• Rich information• Integrates with other

reminders• Snooze and Dismiss• Launch app• Follows the phones global


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Windows Phone

Creating a Reminder

This code creates a reminder and adds it as a scheduled service The value eggTime holds the length of the delay This code also sets the url of the page in the application

using Microsoft.Phone.Scheduler;...eggReminder = new Reminder("Egg Timer");

eggReminder.BeginTime = DateTime.Now + new TimeSpan(0, eggTime, 0);eggReminder.Content = "Egg Ready";eggReminder.RecurrenceType = RecurrenceInterval.None;eggReminder.NavigationUri = new Uri("/EggReadyPage.xaml",



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Windows Phone

Reminder Housekeeping

Reminders are identified by name

This code finds the “Egg Timer” reminder and then removes it from the scheduler

Reminder eggReminder = ScheduledActionService.Find("Egg Timer") as Reminder;

if ( eggReminder != null ) { ScheduledActionService.Remove("Egg Timer");}

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Egg Timer

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Application Tiles

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Windows Phone

Tiles 101

Shortcuts to apps Static or dynamic 2 sizes: small &

large Large only for

1st party apps End-user is in


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Windows Phone

Data Driven Template Model A fixed set of data properties Each property corresponds to a UI

element Each UI element has a fixed position on

screen Not all elements need to be used Animations are not extensible

Background Image(173 x

173 .png)

Title Count

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Windows Phone

Scenarios/Popular Applications

Send to WP7 Link Tile Link Toast

AlphaJax Turn Tile Move Toast

Seattle Traffic Map Traffic Tile

Weather Apps Weather Tile Warning Toast

Chess by Post Turn Tile Move Toast

Beezz Unread Tile Direct Toast

There are hundreds and hundreds of Push apps in Marketplace!

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Windows Phone

Primary and Secondary Tiles

Application Tile Pinned from App List Properties are set initially in

the Application Manifest

Secondary Tile New in Windows Phone 7.5! Created as a result of user

input in an application



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Windows Phone

Live Tiles – Local Tile API

Local tile updates (these are *not* push) Full control of all properties when your app

is in the foreground or background Calorie counter, sticky notes

Multi-Tile! Deep-link to specific application sections Launch directly to page/experience

Application TileLaunches main app experience

Secondary TileLaunches world news page

Secondary TileLaunches local news page

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Windows Phone

Live Tiles – Local Tile API Continued… Back of tile updates

Full control of all properties when your app is in the foreground or background

Content, Title, Background

Flips from front to back at random interval Smart logic to make flips asynchronous




BackgroundContent string is bigger

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Live Tiles – Local Tile API

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Other Cool Stuff

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Windows Phone

Easy-Bake Oven Apps

AppMakrFollow My FeedScriptTDSilverlight Toolkit: silverlight.codeplex.com

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Windows Phone

AppMakr (appmakr.com) Tips Find RSS feeds either by searching AppMakr or

searching the site for “RSS” Want a Twitter RSS?


Use www.idfromuser.com to find Twitter user ID Want to make multiple RSS feeds into one?

Yahoo Pipes http://rssmix.com ( I used this one)

Feel free to upload your own images App icon: 512 x 512 pixels Splash screen: 480 x 800 pixels


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Windows Phone


Uses PanoramaOne RSS feedAllows for favorites

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Windows Phone


Tower defense game engineAll you have to do is change the graphics & audio!


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Windows Phone

Idea of the Week

Submit your great app idea for a chance to win $50!

Create a Sketchflow prototype and post it online (wp7sketchflow.codeplex.com/)

Tweet the URL with #WPAppItUp

Judged on Innovation, Experience and Potential

Rules: bit.ly/idearules

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Windows Phone

Your App Here

Be a featured app in December, January or February!

Win a digital ad campaign that will deliver one million ad impressions!

Receive featured placement on the Windows Phone Marketplace

More info: wpyourapphere.com

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Windows Phone

Core77 Fast Track

Design a productivity app for Windows Phone

5 winning designers get an App Development Deal, Windows Phone, Xbox 360 with Kinect, & App Hub subscription

Ends Nov. 18. 2011 More info:


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