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Controlled assessment Q1a draft

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Q1: How and to what extent have the outcomes of your research findings influenced and impacted upon your initial creative thoughts and specific planning decisions?

We have done multiple research tasks, such as audience research, music video research, our location searching and photos, camera testing, our conceptual idea (ballet dancing) research, archive footage research, and colour balance testing.Our audience research has helped us greatly, as we discovered what our genres audience and the audiences of other genres expect in a music video. We interviewed around six or seven people who liked the rock/pop genre (our target audience) and watched music videos regularly. We also interviewed around five people who were fans of different genres and watched music videos. We found out from our target audience that the majority expected our music video to have a 'dark' mood. This is reflected across the genre as in my music video research, most of the videos I looked at of the rock/pop genre were darkly lit and had a generally dark mood, such as '21 Guns' by Greenday. Taking this on board, we decided to use a location which could be made dark very easily so we can control the lighting to the optimum effect, creating the 'dark' mood that was expected from our audience. During our audience research we also found that it was very split between whether people liked a performance, narrative or concept video. Seeing this, we decided that we would include a little bit of all three. However, the majority of our target audience (the ones who liked pop/rock) said they liked a performance video, so to please all audiences, we are going to have the majority of our music video as a performance, with interlinked parts of narrative and concept.Another thing our audience research showed us was that people expect to see some form of dancing in any music video, no matter what the genre is. We realised it would be very hard to create a dance routine to match our song as it is not the correct genre for this, dance routines being much more suited to mainstream pop. Instead however, we decided upon a conceptual idea of having slow motion shots of ballet dancers in extreme closeup, showing only a piece of skin or a mouth etc. I saw an idea similar to this in The Editors 'A Ton Of Love' music video, except we have taken this a step further by including a form of dancing, and making it slow motion. I watched and analysed the music video for Greenday's '21 Guns' which included multiple slow motion shots, so we are living up to the conventions of a pop/rock music video. I also watched a video on YouTube of some

Jackie Ferdinand, 10/13/13,
Are you in a position to give a %
Jackie Ferdinand, 10/13/13,
You have done incredibly well to operate in the specifics including quoted findings, actual plans and references to moments from similar music videos. It is this winning combination that you will be expected to reproduce in your evaluation and in your summer exams.
Jackie Ferdinand, 10/13/13,
Where possible use the terms use, develop or challenge to help explain your production decisions. This will save you lots of time later on during the evaluation stage and in preparation for the summer exams.
Jackie Ferdinand, 10/13/13,
Where possible try to use headings provided by Goodwin, to help make it clear that a theoretical framework was applied during the course of your research.
Jackie Ferdinand, 10/13/13,
Have you any qualitative quotes that you can use as evidence?
Jackie Ferdinand, 10/13/13,
What was the breakdown between those who preferred performance as opposed to narrative and concept?
Jackie Ferdinand, 10/13/13,
You have done well to make a connection between specific finding gathered and providing details of actual planned moments
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ballet in slow motion, to get a feel for what it would look like. It was useful to see that it could be done to good effect, but the video I watched was not at all closeup and was very bright, opposing the mood we wanted to create.Our next task was to find a suitable camera to use for our slow motion shots. We quickly realised that most of the lower end cameras, such as the handheld video cameras and the Olympus bridge cameras, only had 24fps, meaning that when you slowed the footage down, you could see the separate frames. We thought this looked very amateur and wanted it to look more professional, so we asked if we could use the higher end Canon DSLRs. We found that you could put the fps up to 60, meaning we can slow the footage down a lot more without being able to see the frames, making it look much more professional.I saw in the Foo Fighters 'Best Of You' music video that they had used interspersed parts of archive footage, seemingly completely random but in fact related to the lyrics. I liked this idea, so I had a look at the lyrics of our song, saw it was partly about conflict and war, and started researching archive footage that we could use. I very quickly came across some, and as a group we decided which parts would be best for our video. However, we then found out that only a certain amount of the music video can be archive footage (around 5%). So, we then came up with the idea of projecting some footage onto the band while they were playing. This idea came is very similar to a part in The Editors 'A Ton Of Love' music video, so we know we are playing up to the conventions of the rock/pop genre.Watching performance music videos such as 'School Of Seven Bells' by Lafaye, I noticed that there are many closeup shots of the lead singer, showing that they are the main person in the band. This is the same in the Foo Fighters 'Best Of You' video, and the same across the pop/rock genre, so I decided that while filming, I would get lots of close up shots of the band and mainly the singer.

Jackie Ferdinand, 10/13/13,
Excellent and genuine example of how research findings collected impacted on your production choices and decision making process.
Jackie Ferdinand, 10/13/13,
Fine but try to make it clear links between; the outcome of technical research, examples taken from real media text, and specific scripted/storyboarded plans.
Jackie Ferdinand, 10/13/13,
If the above performance was to be repeated again without any of the suggested amendments, it is likely to be awarded a mid/high B
Jackie Ferdinand, 10/13/13,
It is clear that you have chosen to research key codes and conventions governing the shooting and editing of music videos. This is great however, be careful to make sure that you have completed analysis for each of Goodwin’s headings.
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Q2: So far, how useful has the use of new media technologies been in carrying out and presenting research findings as well as planning ideas?

I have used lots of different multimedia technologies, such as the different cameras, the handheld video recorder, the Olympus bridge camera, and the Canon DSLR, the Apple Mac computers, the software on it such iMovie, Final Cut Pro and iPhoto. I also used various internet presentation websites such as Prezi, Voicethread, video watching sites such as YouTube, Vimeo, Keepvid and ssyoutube, and Blogger to blog all my research and planning.Cameras- The handheld camera was not good enough for the slow motion shots as it only had 24fps, the same with the Olympus bridge camera. The Canon DSLR camera has 60fps, so this was the best camera to use.Apple Mac Computers- These have been useful as everything we need is in the same place, making the research and planning process much faster and easier.iMovie, iPhoto and Final Cut Pro- These are all software on the Apple Mac computer. These have been  very useful as I have been able to edit any parts of footage quickly and easily, and any video ideas I have can be created quickly. iPhoto was used for any photos that needed uploading, such as the location photos that I took.Prezi- This has been very useful to me to create aesthetically pleasing presentations that can easily be uploaded and embedded onto my blog. Prezi has many benefits over Powerpoint, for example, you can embed videos into Prezi where you can not on Powerpoint, and you can change the layout of Prezi, make it into a pathway, and overall make it a much more interesting and encapsulating presentation experience.Voicethread- This is a new and different way of presenting information. This has been helpful in getting my exact point across, as sometimes, in writing, the point of an argument is lost. However it is much easier to make your point through speech, which is exactly what voice thread is for, presenting our information findings by speech, with the video or picture right there.YouTube- YouTube has been very useful for me in two ways:-I can upload videos easily so my group can get access to them.-I can watch and research music videos easily, watching what I want

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whenever I want, and being able to pause and rewind at any time, an advantage over watching music videos on TV.Vimeo- Vimeo's advantages are the same as YouTube's, it is a simple and elegant video browsing site where I can upload and watch videos much more easily than I would be able to otherwise. These sites have helped me in my research and planning as it makes it easy to share videos to my group so I can get feedback, and also allows me to watch whatever music video I like at any time.Keepvid and ssyoutube- These are video-keeping sites, which I have used to look at certain parts of music videos in more detail, or to gather archive footage for our music video.Blogger- Blogger has been the most important tool in my research and planning as it allows me to write ideas down whenever I want, share music videos, share analysis' and research, and allow the whole group to be up to date with everything happening to do with our music video. It also allows me to share pieces of work easily with my teachers so it can be marked quickly and I can get feedback straight away. It is where every piece of my work culminates and can be easily seen and read in an aesthetically pleasing and simple way.