Claim Based Authentication in SharePoint 2010 A Developers Perspective Joris Poelmans BIWUG @jopxtwits http://jopx.blogspot.com

Claim Based Authentication in SharePoint 2010 for Community Day 2011

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Page 1: Claim Based Authentication in SharePoint 2010 for Community Day 2011

Claim Based Authentication in SharePoint 2010

A Developers Perspective

Joris PoelmansBIWUG


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About Me• ECM Unit Manager @ RealDolmen• SharePoint Server MVP• Blog – http://jopx.blogspot.com• Twitter – @jopxtwits • Co-founder BIWUG – www.biwug.be• Co-author

– Real World SharePoint 2010 (November 2010, Wrox)– Real World SharePoint 2007 (August 2007, Wrox)– SharePoint 2007, The definitive guide (September 2007, O’Reilly)

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• Introduction to Claims• Claims in SharePoint 2010• Configuring Claims in SharePoint 2010• Development tasks with Claims• Trusted Identity Providers

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Identity vs Claims

• Identity– Set of attributes to describe a user

• Claim– Information such as name, e-mail address,

group membership, etc.• User identity as a set of claims

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• Claims carry pieces of information about the user










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Claim-based Terminology• Authentication: act of establishing or confirming something• Authorization: function of specifying access rights to resources• Claim: statement about an identity (attribute: Login Name, AD Group, etc)• Identity: security principal (end user)• Identity Provider (IP): provides authentication for identities, confirms that claims in a token are valid and

issues tokens. Can be accessed through a STS.• Issuer: trusted party that creates claims• Issuing Authority: issues security tokens knowing claims desired by target application• Security Token: serialized set of claims in digitally signed by issuing authority (Windows security token or

SAML)• Security Token Service (STS): builds, signs and issues security tokens carrying claims that describe the caller• Relying Party (RP): application that makes authorization decisions based on claims• Relying Party STS (RP-STS): transforms existing claims and adds new claims to a token• Windows Identity Foundation (aka Geneva): framework for building claims-based applications and services

and for implementing federated security scenarios• ADFS 2.0 (aka Geneva Server): Enterprise Identity Provider that exposes a Security Token Service

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Underlying standards

• WS-Federation 1.1– Provides the architecture for a clean separation

between trust mechanisms, security tokens formats and the protocols for obtaining tokens

• WS-Trust 1.4– How to request and receive security tokens

• SAML Token 1.1– XML vocabulary used to represent claims in an

interoperable way

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Why the move to claims?• It decouples SharePoint from authentication

provider• Applications can decide which Claims are

required and which Identity Provider to trust• Supports multiple authentication providers

for one URL• Identity can be passed without Kerberos

delegation• It enables federation between organizations

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• Introduction to Claims• Claims in SharePoint 2010• Configuring Claims in SharePoint 2010• Development tasks with claims• Trusted Identity Providers

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Multi-auth web applications

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Claims Viewer Web Part

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Claims Viewer WebPart

IClaimsPrincipal claimsPrincipal = Page.User as IClaimsPrincipal;

IClaimsIdentity claimsIdentity = (IClaimsIdentity)claimsPrincipal.Identity;

GridView1.DataSource = claimsIdentity.Claims;

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Encoded IdExample: i:0#.w|contoso\wbaer

– i = Identity Claim all other claims will use “c” as opposed to “i”– : = Colon– 0 = Reserved to support future Claims– #/? = Claim Type Encoded Value. The out of the box claim types will have a hardcoded

encoded value, this will enable parity across farms.– E.g. Key: ? Value:

http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2005/05/identity/claims/nameidentifier– Key: # Value:

http://schemas.microsoft.com/sharepoint/2009/08/claims/userlogonname – ./0 = Claim Value Type. The out of the box claim value types will have a hardcoded

encoded value, this will enable parity across farms.– E.g. Key: . Value: urn:oasis:names:tc:xacml:1.0:data-type:rfc822Name– Key: 0 Value: http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string – w/m/r/t/p/s = Original Issuer Type -> w = windows, m = membership, r = role, t = trusted

STS, p = personal card, s= local sts claim

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Claims in SharePoint 2010Normalizing Identities

NT TokenWindows Identity

ASP.Net (FBA)SAL, LDAP, Custom …

SAML TokenClaims Based Identity


NT TokenWindows Identity

SAML1.1+ADFS, etc.

Classic Claims

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Claims in SharePoint 2010• Two important scenarios– Incoming claims– Outgoing claims

• How do incoming claims work?– Identity token created by external identity STS– SharePoint STS creates claim-based identity– SharePoint STS based on Claims Provider– Incoming claim identity is mapped to SPUser– Authorization of SPUser just like it is in SharePoint 2007

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Office Applications• Office Client applications now support non-Integrated

Windows Authentication• Office 2007 with Service Pack 2 on

– Windows XP with Internet Explorer 8– Windows Vista with SP2 or optionally with Internet Explorer 8 – Windows 7

• Office 2010 on– Windows XP with Internet Explorer 8– Windows Vista with SP2 or optionally with Internet Explorer 8 – Windows 7

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Claim Based Authorization

• Use the claims enabled people picker to assign authorizations

• Access claims via the IClaimsIdentity interface

• Conditionally Display information –based on presence of claim–based on value of claim

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Conditionally display informationIClaimsPrincipal claimsPrincipal = Page.User as IClaimsPrincipal;

IClaimsIdentity claimsIdentity =


string pmClaim = (from c in claimsIdentity.Claims where c.ClaimType == CLAIM_TYPE select c.Value).FirstOrDefault();

bool authorized = bool.Parse(pmClaim);

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Outgoing Claims• What identity is used for code on WFE?– By default, code has claims-based identity– Legacy mode can be used for Windows identity

• What are the scenarios?–WFE code calls to application services–WFE code calls to external LOB systems–WFE code calls to external SharePoint farms

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Outgoing Claims

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Accessing non-Claims Aware Systems• SQL Server 2008/2008 R2–Denali is claims aware

• Claims to Windows Token Service (C2WTS)–Converts Claims back to a Windows


SQL Server


SharePoint LOB Application


Web App Service App

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• Install on Server hosting the STS Service Application (Part of WIF)

• Local Service by default (also default disabled)– Dependent on Crypto Service (must start first

– check out KB2512597)• Read

Configure Kerberos Authentication for the C2WTS (SharePoint Server 2010) whitepaper

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• Introduction to Claims• Claims in SharePoint 2010• Configuring Claims in SharePoint 2010• Development tasks with claims• Trusted Identity Providers

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Configure / Upgrade FBA sites• Setup FBA-Claims –Create authentication provider–Create or configure existing web app to use the

authentication provider–Add membership / role provider entries to

different web configs• Upgrade FBA web applications–User must update web.config(s)– Set the web app/zone to FBA-Claims to trigger

user migration

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Why 3 web.config locations?

• Central admin– Needs the references of all providers to enable picking of

principals from any provider

• STS web.config (Security Token Service app)– Needs the references of all providers in order to

• Authenticate user• Get roles of user (which are converted to claims)

• FBA Web application web.config– Needs “system claims membership provider”

• Automatically configured OOB during install

– Customer defined membership / role provider• To enable picking of FBA users & roles

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Web.config example<Configuration> <system.web> <membership defaultProvider="AspNetSqlMembershipProvider"> <providers> <add name="membership" type="LdapMembershipProvider,… server="redmond.corp.microsoft.com" port="389" …/> </providers> </membership> <roleManager enabled="true" defaultProvider=“MyRoleProv" > <providers> <add name="roleManager“ type="LdapRoleProvider, … server="redmond.corp.microsoft.com" … </providers> </roleManager>

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Upgrade FBA: Powershell sample• $ap = New-SPAuthenticationProvider -ASPNETMembershipProvider

"membership" -ASPNETRoleProviderName "rolemanager"

• $wa = New-SPWebApplication -Name “My Web App" -ApplicationPool "Claims App Pool" -ApplicationPoolAccount “domain\appool"-Url http://servername -Port 80 -AuthenticationProvider $ap

• *Note The ApplicationPoolAccount needs to be a managed account on the farm

• Modify the Web.config files (Central Admin, Security Token Service, Forms Web App)

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• Introduction to Claims• Claims in SharePoint 2010• Configuring Claims in SharePoint 2010• Development tasks with claims• Trusted Identity Providers

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Common CBA development task

• Creating claims provider• Claims providers have two roles– Augmentation

• Add additional claims into user token• SharePoint will authorize over these claims

– Picking and resolving claims • Provides listing, resolve, search and friendly display of claims

functionality in the people picker

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Developing custom claims providersClaims augmentation• Enables and application to augment additional claims into the user’s

token• Custom provider is implemented by inheriting

– Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.Claims.SPClaimsProvider– Use FillClaimsForEntity method

• Deployment done by creating feature and feature receiver that derives from– Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.Claims.SPClaimsProviderFeatureReceiver


• MSDN Article by Steve Peschka– http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ff699494.aspx

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Developing custom claims providersClaims picker• Provides Listing, Resolve, Search and Friendly display

of claims in the People Picker• Custom provider is implemented by inheriting– Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.Claims.SPClaimsProvid

er– Use FillHierarchy, FillResolve, FillSearch method

• Deployment done by creating feature and feature receiver that derives from– Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.Claims.SPClaimsProvid

erFeatureReceiver class

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FillClaimForEntity() method

• Parameters–Context (URI)–Current user (userid claim)– Empty list to contain new claims

• Called once per session– Token is passed as cookie once issued

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Entity Values

• Domain user–0#.w|domain\\user

• FBA user–0#.f|mbrshipprovidername|user

• Be sure to inspect entity when filling Claims

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SPClaimProvider.CreateClaim()• protected SPClaim CreateClaim(string claimType,string

value,string valueType)– claimType Type: String

The type of claim. Examples of claim types include first name, role and email address. The claim type provides context for the claim value, and it is usually expressed as a Uniform Resource Identifier (URI). For example, the e-mail address claim type is represented as http://schemas.microsoft.com/ws/2008/06/identity/claims/email.

– value Type: StringThe value of the claim. For example, if the claim type is role, a value might be contributor, and if the claim type is first name, a value might be Matt.

– valueType Type: StringThe type of value in the claim. These are all URIs that refer to a string.

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Boolean http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#boolean

Date http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#date

Datetime http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime



String http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string

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• Introduction to Claims• Claims in SharePoint 2010• Configuring Claims in SharePoint 2010• Development tasks with claims• Trusted Identity Providers

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Trusted Identity Providers

• Active Directory Federation Services (ADFS 2.0)– Enables identity across organizational


• Windows Live Id–http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/


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Trusted Identity Providers (Ctd)

• OpenID–Must be “Translated” into SAML Claims• WIF code• Pioneering work

– http://blogs.southworks.net/mwoloski/2009/07/14/openid-ws-fed-protocol-transition-sts/ (Matias Woloski)

– https://blogs.pointbridge.com/Blogs/nielsen_travis/Pages/Post.aspx?_ID=34 (Travis Nielsen)

–Many OpenID Providers• http://openid.net/get-an-openid/

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• Claims are the way forward for authentication

• Claims enable new scenario’s for authentication and authorization

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Additional Resources• Recommended Reading

– Read more on Claims-based Authentication in the SharePoint Server 2010 IT Professional Evaluation Guide

– Plan Authentication Methods (SharePoint Server 2010) on TechNet– Read the article

Configure Forms-based Authentication for a Claims-based Web Application on TechNet (This article also provides some good upgrade material.)

– Configure the Security Token Service on TechNet– SharePoint and Claims-based Identity on MSDN– A Guide to Claims-Based Identity and Access Control– Claims-Based Identity for Windows– Claims to Windows Token Service Overview (MSDN)