Community Development Program Photos: 21 July to 27July 2012

CDP Photos 21 to 27 June 2012 Slideshow

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Community Development Program Photos: 21 July to 27July 2012

(Above) Residents of Tani district, Khost province repair an erosion protection wall intended to reduce flood damage to local farmland. Tani residents repaired 420 m3 of protection walls and 90 m of canals this week.



Residents of Zhara Kheel village in Jaji district repairan erosion protection wall. Three villages coveredunder this project finished repairs this week,bringing the cross-district irrigation restorationproject close to the 80% complete mark.

Residents of Qalatee village in Ghazni district enjoyed an extremely productive week, refurbishing 31 karezwells and 770m of irrigation canals in addition to 4 culverts, one check dam and 460 m3 of erosion protection walls. Shown here, the Qalatee workforce restores a small water passage along the canal.


HelmandResidents of Lashkar Gah district create baseline road-side canal forms using steel reinforcement bar. The steel frames will further strengthen the drainage walls, making it easier to accommodate concrete drainage covers.

Villagers meet to launch irrigation repairs across several villages in Chamkani district


A mason supervises Spin Boldak residents as they repair road side canals near the Spin Boldak main bazaar. Residents managed to repair 326 m of side canals this week, in addition to 426 m2 of pedestrian access pathways. This is one of two CDP projects ongoing in Spin Boldak district.


Residents of SarHawza district build wooden frames that will eventually shape concrete irrigation canal side walls. Residents excavated and framed 200 meters of the canal this week, in addition to reconstructing 300 m3 of erosion protection walls. The project, which is reaching the 20% complete mark, will involve repairs to 4.6km of canals as well as 24 water reservoirs.


Qalat district residents reconstructed 139 m of road side drainage canals and 172m2 of pedestrian access pathways between July 21st and July 27th, pushing planned repairs to the Qalat bazaar infrastructure past the 85% complete mark.


Residents of Zhargun Shahr district work on the reconstruction of Mohammad Dhost road.
