©2013 DataStax Confidential. Do not distribute without consent. CTO, DataStax Jonathan Ellis Project Chair, Apache Cassandra Cassandra 2.1 (mostly) 1

Cassandra 2.1

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Page 1: Cassandra 2.1

©2013 DataStax Confidential. Do not distribute without consent.

CTO, DataStax

Jonathan EllisProject Chair, Apache Cassandra

Cassandra 2.1 (mostly)


Page 2: Cassandra 2.1

Five Years of Cassandra

Jun-09 Mar-10 Jan-11 Nov-11 Sep-12 Jul-13

0.1 0.3 0.6 0.7 1.0 1.2...




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•Massively scalable •High performance •Reliable/Available

Core values Cassandra HBase Redis MySQL

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CREATE TABLE users ( id uuid PRIMARY KEY, name text, state text, birth_date int);!!CREATE INDEX ON users(state);!SELECT * FROM users WHERE state=‘Texas’ AND birth_date > 1950;

New Core Value

•Massively scalable •High performance •Reliable/Available •Productivity + ease of use

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CREATE TABLE users ( id uuid PRIMARY KEY, name text, state text, birth_date int);


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CREATE TABLE users ( id uuid PRIMARY KEY, name text, state text, birth_date int);

CREATE TABLE users_addresses ( user_id uuid REFERENCES users, email text);!SELECT *FROM users NATURAL JOIN users_addresses;


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CREATE TABLE users ( id uuid PRIMARY KEY, name text, state text, birth_date int);

CREATE TABLE users_addresses ( user_id uuid REFERENCES users, email text);!SELECT *FROM users NATURAL JOIN users_addresses;X


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CREATE TABLE users ( id uuid PRIMARY KEY, name text, state text, birth_date int, email_addresses set<text>);


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UPDATE usersSET email_addresses = email_addresses + {‘[email protected]’, ‘[email protected]’};

CREATE TABLE users ( id uuid PRIMARY KEY, name text, state text, birth_date int, email_addresses set<text>);


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Cassandra 2.0

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Race conditionSELECT name!FROM users!WHERE username = 'pmcfadin';

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Race conditionSELECT name!FROM users!WHERE username = 'pmcfadin';

(0 rows) SELECT name!FROM users!WHERE username = 'pmcfadin';

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Race conditionSELECT name!FROM users!WHERE username = 'pmcfadin';

(0 rows) SELECT name!FROM users!WHERE username = 'pmcfadin';

INSERT INTO users ! (username, name, email,! password, created_date)!VALUES ('pmcfadin',! 'Patrick McFadin',! ['[email protected]'],! 'ba27e03fd9...',! '2011-06-20 13:50:00');

(0 rows)

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Race conditionSELECT name!FROM users!WHERE username = 'pmcfadin';

(0 rows) SELECT name!FROM users!WHERE username = 'pmcfadin';

INSERT INTO users ! (username, name, email,! password, created_date)!VALUES ('pmcfadin',! 'Patrick McFadin',! ['[email protected]'],! 'ba27e03fd9...',! '2011-06-20 13:50:00');

(0 rows)

INSERT INTO users ! (username, name, email,! password, created_date)!VALUES ('pmcfadin',! 'Patrick McFadin',! ['[email protected]'],! 'ea24e13ad9...',! '2011-06-20 13:50:01');

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Race condition

This one wins

SELECT name!FROM users!WHERE username = 'pmcfadin';

(0 rows) SELECT name!FROM users!WHERE username = 'pmcfadin';

INSERT INTO users ! (username, name, email,! password, created_date)!VALUES ('pmcfadin',! 'Patrick McFadin',! ['[email protected]'],! 'ba27e03fd9...',! '2011-06-20 13:50:00');

(0 rows)

INSERT INTO users ! (username, name, email,! password, created_date)!VALUES ('pmcfadin',! 'Patrick McFadin',! ['[email protected]'],! 'ea24e13ad9...',! '2011-06-20 13:50:01');

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Lightweight transactions

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Lightweight transactionsINSERT INTO users ! (username, name, email,! password, created_date)!VALUES ('pmcfadin',! 'Patrick McFadin',! ['[email protected]'],! 'ba27e03fd9...',! '2011-06-20 13:50:00')!IF NOT EXISTS;

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Lightweight transactionsINSERT INTO users ! (username, name, email,! password, created_date)!VALUES ('pmcfadin',! 'Patrick McFadin',! ['[email protected]'],! 'ba27e03fd9...',! '2011-06-20 13:50:00')!IF NOT EXISTS;

INSERT INTO users ! (username, name, email,! password, created_date)!VALUES ('pmcfadin',! 'Patrick McFadin',! ['[email protected]'],! 'ea24e13ad9...',! '2011-06-20 13:50:01')!IF NOT EXISTS;

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Lightweight transactionsINSERT INTO users ! (username, name, email,! password, created_date)!VALUES ('pmcfadin',! 'Patrick McFadin',! ['[email protected]'],! 'ba27e03fd9...',! '2011-06-20 13:50:00')!IF NOT EXISTS;

[applied]!-----------! True

INSERT INTO users ! (username, name, email,! password, created_date)!VALUES ('pmcfadin',! 'Patrick McFadin',! ['[email protected]'],! 'ea24e13ad9...',! '2011-06-20 13:50:01')!IF NOT EXISTS;

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Lightweight transactions

[applied] | username | created_date | name !-----------+----------+----------------+----------------! False | pmcfadin | 2011-06-20 ... | Patrick McFadin

INSERT INTO users ! (username, name, email,! password, created_date)!VALUES ('pmcfadin',! 'Patrick McFadin',! ['[email protected]'],! 'ba27e03fd9...',! '2011-06-20 13:50:00')!IF NOT EXISTS;

[applied]!-----------! True

INSERT INTO users ! (username, name, email,! password, created_date)!VALUES ('pmcfadin',! 'Patrick McFadin',! ['[email protected]'],! 'ea24e13ad9...',! '2011-06-20 13:50:01')!IF NOT EXISTS;

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Atomic log appends with LWTCREATE TABLE log (! log_name text,! seq int static,! logged_at timeuuid,! entry text,! primary key (log_name, logged_at)!);!!INSERT INTO log (log_name, seq) !VALUES ('foo', 0);

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Atomic log appends with LWTBEGIN BATCH!!UPDATE log SET seq = 1!WHERE log_name = 'foo'!IF seq = 0;!!INSERT INTO log (log_name, logged_at, entry)!VALUES ('foo', now(), 'test');!!APPLY BATCH;!

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•Paxos state is durable + quorum based •Paxos made Simple

•Immediate consistency with no leader election or failover •ConsistencyLevel.SERIAL •4 round trips vs 1 for normal updates


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Reads in a cluster

Client Coordinator

40% busy

90% busy

30% busy

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Reads in a cluster

Client Coordinator

40% busy

90% busy

30% busy

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Reads in a cluster

Client Coordinator

40% busy

90% busy

30% busy

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Reads in a cluster

Client Coordinator

40% busy

90% busy

30% busy

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Reads in a cluster

Client Coordinator

40% busy

90% busy

30% busy

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A failure

Client Coordinator

40% busy

90% busy

30% busy

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A failure

Client Coordinator

40% busy

90% busy

30% busy

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A failure

Client Coordinator

40% busy

90% busy

30% busy

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A failure

Client Coordinator

40% busy

90% busy

30% busyX

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A failure

Client Coordinator

40% busy

90% busy

30% busyXtimeout

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Rapid read protection

Client Coordinator

40% busy

90% busy

30% busy

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Rapid read protection

Client Coordinator

40% busy

90% busy

30% busy

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Rapid read protection

Client Coordinator

40% busy

90% busy

30% busy

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Rapid read protection

Client Coordinator

40% busy

90% busy

30% busyX

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Rapid read protection

Client Coordinator

40% busy

90% busy

30% busyX

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Rapid read protection

Client Coordinator

40% busy

90% busy

30% busyX

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Rapid read protection

Client Coordinator

40% busy

90% busy

30% busyXsuccess

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Rapid Read Protection


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Latency (mid-compaction)

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Cold data

10,000 req/s 5,000 req/s

4,000 req/s 10 req/s

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Cold data

10,000 req/s 5,000 req/s

4,000 req/s 10 req/s

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Cold data compaction

10 req/s

10,000 req/s

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Cassandra 2.1

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User defined typesCREATE TYPE address ( street text, city text, zip_code int, phones set<text>)!CREATE TABLE users ( id uuid PRIMARY KEY, name text, addresses map<text, address>)!SELECT id, name, addresses.city, addresses.phones FROM users;! id | name | addresses.city | addresses.phones--------------------+----------------+-------------------------- 63bf691f | jbellis | Austin | {'512-4567', '512-9999'}

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Collection indexingCREATE TABLE songs ( id uuid PRIMARY KEY, artist text, album text, title text, data blob, tags set<text>);!CREATE INDEX song_tags_idx ON songs(tags);!SELECT * FROM songs WHERE tags CONTAINS 'blues';! id | album | artist | tags | title----------+---------------+-------------------+-----------------------+------------------ 5027b27e | Country Blues | Lightnin' Hopkins | {'acoustic', 'blues'} | Worrying My Mind!!

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(UDT indexing?)

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Counters++•simpler implementation, no more edge cases

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Counters++•simpler implementation, no more edge cases•possible to properly repair now

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Counters++•simpler implementation, no more edge cases•possible to properly repair now•significantly less garbage and internode traffic generated

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Counters++•simpler implementation, no more edge cases•possible to properly repair now•significantly less garbage and internode traffic generated•better performance for 99% of uses

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Counters++•simpler implementation, no more edge cases•possible to properly repair now•significantly less garbage and internode traffic generated•better performance for 99% of uses

•RF>1, replicate_on_write=true

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Counters++•simpler implementation, no more edge cases•possible to properly repair now•significantly less garbage and internode traffic generated•better performance for 99% of uses

•RF>1, replicate_on_write=true

•topology changes not leading to data loss (#4071)

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Counters++•simpler implementation, no more edge cases•possible to properly repair now•significantly less garbage and internode traffic generated•better performance for 99% of uses

•RF>1, replicate_on_write=true

•topology changes not leading to data loss (#4071)•commitlog now 100% safe to replay (#4417)

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Counters++•simpler implementation, no more edge cases•possible to properly repair now•significantly less garbage and internode traffic generated•better performance for 99% of uses

•RF>1, replicate_on_write=true

•topology changes not leading to data loss (#4071)•commitlog now 100% safe to replay (#4417)•Internal format overhaul still coming in 3.0 (#6506)

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What hasn’t changed

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What hasn’t changed•same API

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What hasn’t changed•same API•same average throughput

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What hasn’t changed•same API•same average throughput•same restrictions on mixing counter and non-counter columns

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What hasn’t changed•same API•same average throughput•same restrictions on mixing counter and non-counter columns•same restrictions on mixing counter and non-counter updates

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What hasn’t changed•same API•same average throughput•same restrictions on mixing counter and non-counter columns•same restrictions on mixing counter and non-counter updates•same restrictions on counter deletes

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What hasn’t changed•same API•same average throughput•same restrictions on mixing counter and non-counter columns•same restrictions on mixing counter and non-counter updates•same restrictions on counter deletes •same retry limitations

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Writes (low contention)

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Writes (high contention)

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Data directories (2.0)/var/lib/cassandra/data/foo/bar/foo-bar-jb-1-CompressionInfo.db/var/lib/cassandra/data/foo/bar/foo-bar-jb-1-Data.db/var/lib/cassandra/data/foo/bar/foo-bar-jb-1-Filter.db/var/lib/cassandra/data/foo/bar/foo-bar-jb-1-Index.db/var/lib/cassandra/data/foo/bar/foo-bar-jb-1-Statistics.db/var/lib/cassandra/data/foo/bar/foo-bar-jb-1-Summary.db/var/lib/cassandra/data/foo/bar/foo-bar-jb-1-TOC.txt

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Data directories (2.1)/var/lib/cassandra/flush/foo/bar-2fbb89709a6911e3b7dc4d7d4e3ca4b4/var/lib/cassandra/flush/foo/bar-2fbb89709a6911e3b7dc4d7d4e3ca4b4/foo-bar-ka-1-CompressionInfo.db/var/lib/cassandra/flush/foo/bar-2fbb89709a6911e3b7dc4d7d4e3ca4b4/foo-bar-ka-1-Data.db/var/lib/cassandra/flush/foo/bar-2fbb89709a6911e3b7dc4d7d4e3ca4b4/foo-bar-ka-1-Filter.db/var/lib/cassandra/flush/foo/bar-2fbb89709a6911e3b7dc4d7d4e3ca4b4/foo-bar-ka-1-Index.db/var/lib/cassandra/flush/foo/bar-2fbb89709a6911e3b7dc4d7d4e3ca4b4/foo-bar-ka-1-Statistics.db/var/lib/cassandra/flush/foo/bar-2fbb89709a6911e3b7dc4d7d4e3ca4b4/foo-bar-ka-1-Summary.db/var/lib/cassandra/flush/foo/bar-2fbb89709a6911e3b7dc4d7d4e3ca4b4/foo-bar-ka-1-TOC.txt

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Inefficient bloom filters


= ?

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Inefficient bloom filters

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Inefficient bloom filters

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Inefficient bloom filters

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HyperLogLog applied

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HLL and compaction

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HLL and compaction

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HLL and compaction

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More-efficient repair

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More-efficient repair

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More-efficient repair

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More-efficient repair

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More-efficient repair

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More-efficient repair

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More-efficient repair

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More-efficient repair

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More-efficient repair

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Implications for LCS (and STCS)

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The new query cache

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The new row cacheCREATE TABLE notifications ( target_user text, notification_id timeuuid, source_id uuid, source_type text, activity text, PRIMARY KEY (target_user, notification_id))WITH CLUSTERING ORDER BY (notification_id DESC) AND caching = 'rows_only' AND rows_per_partition_to_cache = '3';!

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The new row cachetarget_user notification_id source_id source_type activity

nick e1bd2bcb- d972b679- photo jbellis liked

nick 321998c- d972b679- photo rbranson commented

nick ea1c5d35- 88a049d5- user mbulman created account

nick 5321998c- 64613f27- photo jbellis commented

nick 07581439- 076eab7e- user thobbs created account

rbranson 1c34467a- f04e309f- user jbellis created account

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The new row cachetarget_user notification_id source_id source_type activity

nick e1bd2bcb- d972b679- photo jbellis liked

nick 321998c- d972b679- photo rbranson commented

nick ea1c5d35- 88a049d5- user mbulman created account

nick 5321998c- 64613f27- photo jbellis commented

nick 07581439- 076eab7e- user thobbs created account

rbranson 1c34467a- f04e309f- user jbellis created account

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Read performance

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Reads post-compaction

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