The impact of new and digital media on social networking By Mariam

Case study digital media pp

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The impact of new and digital media on social networkingBy Mariam

Page 2: Case study digital media pp

6’c CommunicationConnectionsCommon experienceContentCommerce Cool experiences (entertainment)

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FB-Mark Zuckerberg -04..£ from targeted advertising 57% of people talk more online than face to face. 48% of young Americans said they find out about news on

FB Twitter-06..Jack Dorsey...Google real-time Myspace-03 once it lost users it became music orientated

for young people. UGC


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The rumours and the formal announcement of the death of Michael Jackson caused a sharp increase in the number of Twitter messages on June 25, 2009

Twitter users click on : 17.6% of Twitter’s downstream traffic goes to entertainment websites, 10% of goes to News and Media websites, 14.6% goes to social networks, 6.6% to blogs and finally4.5% to online retailers.


Twitter.com is the 291st most visited website in the UK..

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Twitter Pear Analytics analysed 2,000 tweets (originating from the

US and in English)

Pointless babble – 40% Conversational – 38% Pass-along value – 9% Self-promotion – 6% Spam – 4% News – 4%

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Americans spend 13.9 billion minutes a year on Facebook and five billion minutes on MySpace

The average Facebook users spend more than 55 minutes a day on the site. They use the Like button nine times a month and write 25 comments each month

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social network profiles are all about self-expression and being seen, but a platform for self-expression isn’t necessarily designed for the audience that does “the seeing.”

The news feed is cluttered right now with people I don’t care about.” Anything that’s unpredictable produces a feeling of uncertainty — and that’s never a comfortable feeling.( on fb)

MIT professor Sherry Turkles thesis is simple: technology is threatening to dominate our lives and make us less human. Under the illusion of allowing us to communicate better, it is actually isolating us from real human interactions in a cyber-reality that is a poor imitation of the real world.

Social media has bred a generation of "slacktivists". It has made people lazy and enshrined the illusion that clicking a mouse is a form of activism equal to real world donations of money and time.


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Celeb promotion Celebs use these sites to promote themselves as they have followers on

twitter or fanpages therefore it makes the audience feel like they are addressing them directly when their message is going out to all their followers. sometimes social networking sites can be used as a weapon to attack other people with publicly e.g. Cheryl Cole tweets about missing ring finger in relation to her marriage falling apart.

'The rich will do anything for the poor but get off their backs’- Karl Marx

Chezza Cole has released a statement via her PR Company’s Twitter Page (Supersonic PR) to answer back at photos today of her in Paris sans wedding ring – and reports that she wore another ring to deliberately upset Ashley Cole.


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Impact on audiences MySpace wasn't long lasting but FB and Twitter had more options to

interact. applications -Farmville, fan pages. groups.. uploading pictures, sharing links and videos. UGC has replaced old forms of media like newspapers and letters.

Although celebs mainly use Twitter and have followers on their there are other forms of accessing celebrity gossip such as digital spy.

Also the banner ads targets people specifically based on their activities they're interested in this is to generate profit.

not only has the web transformed how we interact with our idols, we the audience have also wrested the power to create celebrities from the traditional star-makers. We can now act outside the system, promoting ourselves using similar techniques as the studios, using carefully placed pieces of media and cultivating followings among specifically targeted communities. We can also thrust unwitting people into the spotlight by posting a video on Twitter or Facebook for our friends to see and pass on. Web fame is a moving target and utterly unpredictable. (http://www.guardian.co.uk/technology/2011/jan/23/effect-of-internet-on-celebrity)

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Impact on media institutionsconvergence ..iphone, ipad-

higher bills :oBut more easy access on the go

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Size of audienceTwitter and fb available in

different languages

Facebook’s implementation of the News Feed doesn’t capture the full power of designing for Audience: While Twitter distributes every message consistently, Facebook decides algorithmically which update is shown to whom.

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UK audience spends roughly about 6 hours on FB per day compared to Japan who spend 2 hours and 50 mins

in the past the age range used to start roughly from 18-24 but now the age range has expanded and children who are 12 can have FB. The different applications prove this such as games for the younger audience..and fan pages for older possibly.

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Changing audiences http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1153583/Social-websites-harm-childrens-brains-Ch


In the past social networking sites where just simply used for socialising but now celebs use them to promote themselves in the media and to get their name in the paper..e.g Jordan (Katie Price)

Many regulars at the Facebook site would prefer it to stay as it was and do not welcome the new developments.

Used to have top friends now you have random friends

Nowadays, after bringing in new upgrades and enforcing them on users, Myspace is a pale shadow of its former self. Myspace is full of spammy messages, is difficult to use, and many people have deleted their accounts because they have had enough.

I don't want my comments board and message boxes full of adverts for bands and singers, and worse! I want real communication between people who at least know a bit about you. Myspace is now only of any use to me for posting links to hubs and keeping in touch with a few friends who send me personal messages there.

It will be a very sad day if Facebook turns out like MySpace has done, a very sad day indeed


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Concerns and social implications

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privacy concerns ( leaked pics of celebs)..identity fraud…child pornography…paedophiles

Dermot O'Leary has revealed that he has been kicked off Facebook because he was thought to be an imposter.

X Factor host Dermot O’ Leary had an account on FB, but it was taken off.

"I've got to be honest, they chucked me off Facebook - they thought it was someone pretending to be me, so I haven't got a Facebook, they literally threw me off Facebook, how annoying is that?" he told Absolute Radio's Christian O'Connell on his breakfast show.

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Privacy Issues Will Continue to Cause Problems: Diaspora

We form around true networks instead of one –fb now has option to create different gruops

They’re mostly now thinking about serving demographically targeted ads to you, but that’s not very interesting. Third-party software companies will start to offer features to websites to actually drive social features. This will take a few years but players such as Meebo are already innovating in this category

Social Chaos Will Create New Business Opportunities: Klout, Sprout Social, CoTweet, awe.sm, (next gen) Buzzd

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Future effects on institutions Privacy Issues Will Continue to Cause Problems: Diaspora We form around true networks instead of one –fb now has option to

create different gruops They’re mostly now thinking about serving demographically targeted

ads to you, but that’s not very interesting. Third-party software companies will start to offer features to websites to actually drive social features. This will take a few years but players such as Meebo are already innovating in this category

Social Chaos Will Create New Business Opportunities: Klout, Sprout Social, CoTweet, awe.sm, (next gen) Buzzd


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Marhsall Mcluhan- The medium is the message: an inventory of effects -'The medium, or process, of out time electric technology is reshaping and restructuring patterns of social interdependence and every aspect of our personal life. It is forcing us to reconsider and re-evaluate practically, every thought, every reaction.‘

Language is a process of free creation; its laws and principles are fixed, but the manner in which the principles of generation are used is free and infinitely varied. Even the interpretation and use of words involves a process of free creation.

-Noam Chomsky

Moral panic teenagers being influenced by celebs ..too much time on social networking…less face to face interaction…create their own subcultures