abusetti.wordpress.com abusetti.wordpress.com abusetti.wordpress.com Building an Internet Presence …BUT I’M ON THE WEB !!! I ARE A IDIOT… episode 1

Building an Internet Presence

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This presentation is to illustrate the considerations and the(simple) roadmap I’ve followed to build my Internet Presence.

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Page 2: Building an Internet Presence



• The aim of this presentation is to illustrate the considerations and the(simple) roadmap I’ve followed to build my Internet Presence (started on September 2010).

• The aim of this presentation is not to provide a management and/or strategy guide to Internet Presence.

• This presentation is a work in progress, it will evolve according to the evolution(s) of my Internet Presence, that’s why this is “episode 1”.

Page 3: Building an Internet Presence


Forewordwhy an Internet Presence ?

When you meet someone new (for professional or personal reasons ), to better understand who you’ve met:

do you search for her/him on

the net ?

You know the benefits: just assume that other people do the same with you…

You don’t need an Internet Presence:probably you won’t perceive the benefits…

yes no


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Foreword be aware of the business fall outs…

...what turns out to be useful on the net, soon or later will be applied successfully within the company (on the Intranet) even if we don’t acknowledge it…

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Foreword: be aware of the business fall outs about Invisible Assets…

Business Vision:

“A small but increasing number of managers add

information to the list (of corporate assets). That final item

is not easy to pin down. Technology is an example, but

information is much more than that. Consumer trust, brand

image, control of distribution, corporate culture, and

management skill are all informational resources. I call

these information-based resources invisible assets, and they

are just as essential for effective operation as the more

visible corporate resources. More than that, I believe they

are the most important resources for long-term success.

….Most invisible assets and some human resources are

necessary are necessary for competitive success …”

Hiroyuki Itami, 1980:Mobilizing Invisible Assets

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Backgrounders: that’s why Web Presence is no more Internet Presence…

Old definition:

“A Web presence (or Web site) is a collection of Web files on a particular subject that includes a beginning file called a home page.

For example, most companies, organizations, or individuals that have Web sites have a single address that they give you…”

(whatis.com 2005)

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Backgrounders: that’s why Web Presence is no more Internet Presence…

New definition:“The Internet presence, or Web presence, for an organization or company encompasses, but is not limited to :• E-mail

• Internet forums

• Blogs

• Minisites

• Search engine listings

• Social networks

• Web directories

• Websites

• Word of mouth marketing (WOMM).”

(wikipedia 2010)


some individuals actually have an Internet Presence without a Web site…

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Backgrounders: that’s why Web Presence is no more Internet Presence…

New definition:“The Internet presence, or Web presence, for an organization or company encompasses, but is not limited to :• E-mail

• Internet forums

• Blogs

• Minisites

• Search engine listings

• Social networks

• Web directories

• Websites

• Word of mouth marketing (WOMM).”

(wikipedia 2010)


some individuals actually have an Internet Presence without a Web site…

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Backgrounders: so what are social networks ?

“A social network is a social structure made up of individuals (or organizations) which are tied (connected) by one or more specific types of interdependency, such as friendship, kinship, common interest, financial exchange, dislike, sexual relationships, or relationships of beliefs, knowledge or prestige.”

“A social network service is an online service, platform, or site that focuses on building and reflecting of social networks or social relations among people, e.g., who share interests and/or activities.”(wikipedia)

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Backgrounders: what’s the difference ?

Having an account on some social networking service(s)

does not mean you are, or even participate to a social network,

…unless you’ve something tiyng yourself with other people and you share it…

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Backgrounders: social networking requirements

1. Something tying you with people or organizations in the social network you intend to participate to;

2. A presence plan: i.e. which service to intend to use for what;

3. Some content of value for your network, to publish at a regular rate on the services you’ve subscribed;

4. Monitoring access from your network to your content and refocusing if needed.

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Backgrounders: but you must consider also web apps…

“A web app is an application that uses internet technologies and is executed in a web browser.

Developers release their applications as web apps because of the larger flexibility of the format.

The application can be run directly from a website, or can be downloaded and installed locally, for offline use. “


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My Internet Presence: putting social networking requirements at work…

1. Something tying you with people or organizations in the social network you intend to participate to;

2. A presence plan: i.e. which service to intend to use for what;

3. Some content of value for your network, to publish at a regular rate on the services you’ve subscribed;

4. Monitoring access from your network to your content and refocusing if needed.

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My Internet Presence: putting social networking requirements at work…

1. I intend to share my technological interests with the corresponding on-line communities;

2. I’ll do that either publishing articles, documents and videos or commenting and sharing videos, articles and links;

3. I’ll provide the content at least weekly with marginal effort, using ideas or insights arising from my current professional activities;

4. Monitoring has to be provided by the network services I’ll use.

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My Internet presence: 1. a blog


my internet presence

The Blog is used to publish articles and to comment Internet pages, sites, news or events.

I use it also to keep a log of my ideas hoping to have contributions or comments from visitors…

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My Internet presence: 2. sharing services


my internet presence

Videos: Youtube channel, Vodpod channel

Files: Slideshare channel.

Links: Del.ic.ious

I use sharing services to share my (public) content and my favorites, to have comments and to keep track of related content from other people…

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My Internet presence: 3. social network services


my internet presence

Linkedin: Professional social networkind service.

Facebook: Personal social networking service.

Different social networking services to participate to different social networks…

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My Internet presence: all these services are linked for automatic update and navigation


my internet presence

RSS / embed

RSS / embed


NAVIGATION / LINKSthrough RSS / embed


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My Internet presence: some examples of the final result, the blog

Connections to other services I use:

My sharing services updates (automatically using RSS)

Identity / branding: I use everywhere, when possible the same image, colors, fonts, icons…

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My Internet presence, some examples of the final result, content sharing (YouTube)

Connections to other components of my presence:

My Blog

Identity / branding: I use everywhere, when possible the same image, colors, fonts, icons…

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My Internet presence: some examples of the final result, social network (Linkedin)

Updates from blog and shares:

my document share

my blog

Identity / branding: I use everywhere, when possible the same image, colors, fonts, icons…

Connections to other components of my presence:

my blog

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My Internet presence: people in my linkedin network see my profile not only on the web…

beyond the WEB: my contact in their contact list is automatically updated. Updates appear also in the e-mail s I send them…

(MS Outlook 2010 + Linkedin Connector required)

NB the same can be donewith Facebook, and other services

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Costs & Benefits: the cost for starting up

Task Description Work Hours

euros (€)

Project planning: 32:00

Setting up ideas, surfing the net for backgrounders, identifying platforms, tip and tricks… (3 work days)

32:00 -

Platforms & services set-up: 07:15

Blog (includes: themes and widgets identification, and config., linking to translation, finding images, writing Info page,...)

04:00 -

Youtube 00:15 -

Vodpod 00:15 -

Slideshare 00:15 -

Del.ic.ious 00:15 -

Linkedin (includes: profile set-up, CV,etc…)

02:00 -

Facebook 00:15 -

Total 39:15 -

Start-up costs (CAPEX):

• No license costs for platforms: all platforms and services are used in the «free» version.

• Most of the time was spent not on technical aspects, but in refining the idea of my Internet Presence (this gave raise to this presentation btw)

• These hours have been spent in my free time (it took about three weeks elapsed…)

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Costs & Benefits: what about operational costs (i.e. costs of content publishing) ?

Operational costs (OPEX):

• Think time is excluded (depends on you).

• Production costs for uploaded content: docs, ppt, videos, images,… are excluded (depends on you).

• Upload time is excluded (depends on connection).

• Blog posts and pages are written using MS Live Writer.

• Sharing is done either through free browser’s add-on or add-hoc pop-up pages (Vodpod).

Publishing and sharing marginal costs*

time other

Blog posts and pages < 00:01 -

Youtube (favorites) 1 mouse click

Youtube (my videos) < 00:01 -

Vodpod (videos from Internet) < 00:01 -

Slideshare < 00:01 -

Del.ic.ious 1 mouse click

Linkedin (sharing + comment) < 00:01 -

Facebook (sharing + comment)

< 00:01 -

* Marginal with the respect of content ideation and production (writing).

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Costs & Benefits:

Internet Presence costs are not a concern…

• If you own valuable, well presented and constantly renewed digital assets, the marginal costs for maintaining an Internet Presence can be kept minimal…

btw, if your assets are not valuable nor well presented, consider if you’d better not having an Internet Presence…

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Costs & Benefits: benefits are almost intangible…

Other benefits from my experience:(for myself, not related to social network…)

• I better focus on the ideas I consider relevant (because I know I will publish and share them…);

• I try to better express them (improving the quality of content I produce and share), because I know I won’t be there to answer questions;

• As a result my Internet Presence represent a much clearer framework of my own ideas even to myself…