Brain chips

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[email protected]

Sri Durgadevi Polytechnic College

Kavarapettai, Tiruvallur district.

Computer Engineering 2nd Year.


Thousands of people around the world

suffer from paralysis, they are dependent on

others to perform even the most basic tasks.

But that could change, because of the latest

achievements in the Brain-Computer

Interface (BCI), which could help them

regain a portion of their lost independence.

Even normal humans may also be able to

utilize Brain Chip Technology to enhance

their relationship with the digital world-

provided they are willing to receive the


The term ‘Brain Computer interface’ refers

to the direct interaction between a healthy

brain and a computer. Intense efforts and

research in this BCI field over the past

decade have recently resulted in a human

BCI implantation, which is a great news for

all of us, especially for those who have been

resigned to spending their lives in wheel

chairs. This Brain Chip Technology is a

platform for the development of a wide

range of other assisting devices.

Brain Chip Technology helps quadriplegic

people to do things like checking e-mail,

turning the TV, lights on or off with just their

thoughts. Also the definition of Brain-

Computer Interface,the primary goal of

designing Brain gate, the basic elements of

BrainGate, the research work conducted on

it at different Universities and some short

comings of BrainGate were also presented.


The brain is "hardwired" with

connections, which are made by billions of

neurons that make electricity whenever they

are stimulated. The electrical patterns are

called brain waves. Neurons act like the

wires and gates in a computer, gathering and

transmitting electrochemical signals over

distances as far as several feet. The brain

encodes information not by relying on single

neurons, but by spreading it across large

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populations of neurons, and by rapidly

adapting to new circumstances.

Motor neurons carry signals from the

central nervous system to the muscles, skin

and glands of the body, while sensory

neurons carry signals from those outer parts

of the body to the central nervous system.

Receptors sense things like chemicals, light,

and sound and encode this information into

electrochemical signals transmitted by the

sensory neurons. And interneurons tie

everything together by connecting the

various neurons within the brain and spinal

cord. The part of the brain that controls

motor skills is located at the ear of the

frontal lobe. Muscles in the body's limbs

contain embedded sensors called muscle

spindles that measure the length and speed

of the muscles as they stretch and contract as

you move. Other sensors in the skin respond

to stretching and pressure. Even if paralysis

or disease damages the part of the brain that

processes movement, the brain still makes

neural signals. They're just not being sent to

the arms, hands and legs. A technique called

neurofeedback uses connecting sensors on

the scalp to translate brain waves into

information a person can learn from. The

sensors register different frequencies of the

signals produced in the brain. These changes

in brain wave patterns indicate whether

someone is concentrating or suppressing his

impulses, or whether he is relaxed or tense.


Brain Gate was developed by the bio-tech

company Cyberkinetics in 2003 in

Conjunction with the department of

Neuroscience Brown University.

he device was designed to help those who

have lost control of their limbs or other body

function. The computer chip which is

implanted into the brain, monitors brain

activity in the patient and convert the

intension of the user into computer hands.

Currently the chip used 100 hair-thin

electrodes that hear neurons firing in

specific area of the brain. For e.g.: the area

that control the arm movement. the activity

is translated into eclectically charged signals

and are then set and decoded using a

program thus moving the arm. According to

the Cyberkinetics website, 2 patients have

been implanted with the Brain Gate.

The Brain Gate System is based on Cyber

kinetics" platform technologies to sense,

transmit, analyze and apply the language of

neurons. The System consists of a sensor

that is implanted on the motor cortex of the

brain and a device that analyzes brain

signals. The principle of operation behind

the Brain Gate System is that with intact

brain function, brain signals are generated

even though they are not sent to the arms,

hands and legs. The signals are interpreted

and translated into cursor movements,

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offering the user an alternate "Brain Gate

pathway" to control a computer with

thought, just as individuals who have the

ability to move their hands use a mouse.

The 'Brain Gate' contains tiny spikes that

will extend down about one mile metre into

the brain after being implanted beneath the

skull, monitoring the activity from a small

group of neurons. It will now be possible for

a patient with spinal cord injury to produce

brain signals that relay the intention of

moving the paralyzed limbs, as signals to an

implanted sensor, which is then output as

electronic impulses. These impulses enable

the user to operate mechanical devices with

the help of a computer cursor.


It is a component of Brain Control

Interface System.



The BrainGate System is used to sense,

transmit, analyze and apply the language of

neurons. The System consists of a sensor

that is implanted on the motor cortex of the

brain and a device that analyzes brain

signals. This sensor consists of a tiny Chip

i.e smaller than a baby aspirin with hundred

electrode sensors-each thinner than a hair

that detect brain cell electrical activity.


The principle of operation behind the

BrainGate System is that with intact brain

function, brain signals are generated even

though they are not sent to the arms, hands

and legs. The signals are interpreted and

translated into cursor movements, offering

the user an alternate “BrainGate pathway” to

control a computer with thought, just as

individuals who have the ability to move

their hands use a mouse.









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a.The chip:

A Four millimeter square silicon chip

studded with 100 hair-thin, microelectrodes

is embedded in brain primary motor cortex.

The chip, about the size of a baby aspirin,

contains 100 electrode sensors, each thinner

than a human hair. The sensors detect tiny

electrical signals generated when a user


Though paralyzed, a quadriplegic still has

the ability to generate such signals they just

don't get past the damaged portion of the

spinal cord. With BrainGate, the signals

instead travel through a wire that comes out

of the skull and connects to a computer.

BrainGate uses technology similar to

cochlear implants that help deaf people hear

and deep-brain simulators that treat

Parkinson's disease. Those devices cost

$15,000 to $25,000. BrainGate will be at

least that expensive, and perhaps more.

b. The Connector:

When somebody thinks “move cursor up

and left” his cortical neurons fire in a

distinctive pattern; the signal is transmitted

through the pedestal plug attached to the


c. The Converter:

The signal travels to an amplifier where it is

converted to optical data and bounced by

fibre-optic cable to a computer.

d. The Computer:

Brain Gate learns to associate patterns of

brain activity with particular imagined

movements-up, down, left, right and to

connect those movements to a cursor.

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A brain-computer interface uses

electrophysiological signals to control

remote devices. Most current BCIs are not

invasive. They consist of electrodes applied

to the scalp of an individual or worn in an

electrode cap. These electrodes pick up the

brain’s electrical activity (at the microvolt

level) and carry it into amplifiers. These

amplifiers amplify the signal approximately

ten thousand times and then pass the signal

via an analog to digital converter to a

computer for processing. The computer

processes the EEG signal and uses it in order

to accomplish tasks such as communication

and environmental control. BCIs are slow in

comparison with normal human actions,

because of the complexity and noisiness of

the signals used, as well as the time

necessary to complete recognition and

signal processing.The phrase brain-

computer interface (BCI) when taken

literally means to interface an individuals

electrophysiological signals with a

computer. A true BCI only uses signals from

the brain and as such must treat eye and

muscle movements as artifacts or noise. On

the other hand, a system that uses eye,

muscle, or other body potentials mixed with

EEG signals, is a brain-body actuated




Software Behind BrainGate System uses

algorithms and pattern matching techniques

to facilitate communication. The algorithms

are written in C, JAVA and MATLAB.

signal processing software algorithms

analyze the electrical activity of neurons and

translate it into control signals for use in

various computer-based applications.

4.Working of the System:


Embedded down into the cortex

are hundred thin platinum tipped electrodes

each a millimeter long and only 90 microns

at the base. These pick up the brain’s

electrical signals which are then transmitted

to EEG through wires connected to each

individual electrode.


The raw EEG signal requires

some pre-processing before the feature

extraction. This pre-processing includes

removing unnecessary frequency bands,

averaging the current brain activity level,

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transforming the measured scalp potentials

to cortex potentials and de-noising.


The detection of the input from the

user and them translating it into an action

could be considered as key part of any BCI

system. This detection means to try to find

out these mental tasks from the EEG signal.

It can be done in time domain, e.g. by

comparing amplitudes of the EEG and in

frequency-domain. This involves usually

digital signal processing for sampling and

band pass filtering the signal, then

calculating these time -or frequency domain

features and then classifying them. These

classification algorithms include simple

comparison of amplitudes linear and non-

linear equations and artificial neural

networks. By constant feedback from user to

the system and vice versa, both partners

gradually learn more from each other and

improve the overall performance.


The final part consists of applying

the will of the user to the used application.

The user chooses an action by controlling

his brain activity, which is then detected and

classified to corresponding action. Feedback

is provided to user by audio-visual means

e.g. when typing with virtual keyboard,

letter appears to the message box etc.

Frequency bands of the EEG

Band Frequency [Hz] Amplitude [V] Location

Alpha (_) 8-12 10 -150 Occipital/

Parietal regions

µ-rhythm 9-11 varies Precentral/

Postcentral regions

Beta (_) 14 -30 25 typically



Theta (_) 4-7 varies varies

Delta (_) <3 varies varies

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The common structure of a Brain-Computer Interface is given below:

1.Signal Acquisition: the EEG signals are obtained from the brain through invasive or non-

invasive methods (for example, electrodes).

2. Signal Pre-Processing: once the signals are acquired, it is necessary to clean them.

3.Signal Classification: once the signals are cleaned, they will be processed and classified to

find out which kind of mental task the subject is performing.

4.Computer Interaction: once the signals are classified, they will be used by an appropriate

algorithm for the development of a certain application.

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The processing unit is subdivided into a pre-

processing unit, responsible for artefact

detection, and a feature extraction and

recognition unit that identifies the command

sent by the user to the BCI. The output

subsystem generates an action associated to

this command. This action constitutes a

feedback to the user who can modulate her

mental activity so as to produce those EEG

patterns that make the BCI accomplish her


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Cyberkinetics, a company commercializing technology developed at Brown University, just

reported the results of its first attempt to implant sensors into the brain of a quadriplegic.

Signals from the sensor allow him to control a computer.


Many people might wonder how an

external device like an artificial arm gets

signals from the brain. Well, in a healthy

person the message from the brain first

moves down to the spinal cord and from

there, to the muscles of the limbs that need

to be moved. But in those with serious spinal

cord injuries, the path for the signals is

broken. Professor Donoghue explains this

state as being similar to cutting a telephone

cable-the receivers are fine but the

connections broken.

The brain chip can listen to the

electrical impulses produced by the neurons.

Placed into the brain itself, the electrode

arrays of these chips come into direct

contact with live neurons, and so can sense

the signal neuron impulses. Current methods

of direct neuron sensing being tested in

humans use arrays of as many as hundred

micro-electrodes, recording the electrical

activities of up to 96 different neurons are

small groups of neurons at a time.




The first patient, Matthew Nagle, a 25 year

old Massachusetts man with a severe spinal

cord injury, has been paralyzed from the

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neck down since 2001. Nagle is unable to

move his arms and legs after he was stabbed

in the neck. During 57 sessions, at New

England Sinai Hospital and Rehabilitation

Center, Nagle learned to open simulated

email, draw circular shapes using a paint

program on the computer and play a simple

videogame, "neural Pong," using only his

thoughts. He could change the channel and

adjust the volume on a television, even while

conversing. He was ultimately able to open

and close the fingers of a prosthetic hand and

use a robotic limb to grasp and move

objects. to open and close the fingers of a

prosthetic hand and use a robotic limb to

grasp and move objects. Despite a decline in

neural signals after few months, Nagle

remained an active participant in the trial

and continued to aid the clinical team in

producing valuable feedback concerning the

BrainGate technology.


• Navigate Internet.

• Play Computer Games.

• Turn Lights On and Off.

• Control Television.

• Control Robotic Arm.

This technology is well supported by the

latest fields of

• Biomedical Instrumentation,

• Microelectronics, signal processing,

• Artificial Neural Networks and Robotics

which has overwhelming developments.

• Hope these systems will be effectively

implemented for many Biomedical



Potential advantages of the Brain Gate

System over other muscle driven:

• It is potential to interface with a compute

weeks or months of training.

• Its potential to be used in an interactive

environment users ability to operate the

device is not affected by their speech.

• Eye movement noise.

• The ability to provide significantly more

usefulness and utility than other approaches

by connecting directly to the part of the brain

that controls hand gestures.

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• Dangerous and Experimental:

Neural Interfacing is extremely

dangerous and highly experimental. It

has only truly been spoken about in

science fiction text.

• Considered Unethnical:

Many people resist neural interfacing as

they consider it unethical and a harmful

advancement to the human body.

• Death and Permanent Brain Damage:

It may lead to death or permanent brain

damage as it is controlled by man induced

electrical impulses that are suppose to

meet our brain natural impulses to send

signals to response.


The idea of moving robots or prosthetic

devices not by manual control, but by

thinking i.e. the brain activity of human

subjects has been a fascinated approach.

Medical cures are unavailable for many

forms of neural and muscular paralysis. The

enormity of the deficits caused by paralysis

is a strong motivation to pursue BMI

solutions. So this idea helps many patients to

control the prosthetic devices of their own

by simply thinking about the task.Here by,

we conclude that Neural interfaces have

emerged as effective interventions to reduce

the burden associated with some

neurological diseases, injuries and

disabilities. The BrainGate helps the

quadriplegic patients who cannot perform

even simple actions without the help of

another person are able to do things like

checking e-mails, turn the TV on or off, and

control a prosthetic arm with just their

thoughts. BrainChip technology does not

promise miracles it does not, for instance,

say that a paralysed man will one day walk

using an artificial leg by his thoughts alone.


1.The Brain Gate: The Little-Known

Doorway-J. Robert Hatherill (Author).

2.Implant Memory Chips in our Brain-

Dr. Gary Marcus(Author).

3.The Demise of the Brain Chip-Megan


4. Brain-Computer Interfacing: An

Introduction-Rajesh P. N. R(Author).

5. Brain-Computer Interfaces: Principles-

Jonathan Wolpaw(Author).