Dinis Guarda, Founder and CEO [email protected] Twitter: @dinisguarda ztudium.com Publisher co founder: Blockchain the Inception of a new Database of Everything?

Blockchain the inception of a new database of everything by dinis guarda blockchain age

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Dinis Guarda, Founder and CEO [email protected]: @dinisguarda

ztudium.comPublisher – co founder:


the Inception of a new Database of Everything?

Page 2: Blockchain the inception of a new database of everything by dinis guarda blockchain age
Page 3: Blockchain the inception of a new database of everything by dinis guarda blockchain age

The blockchain is becoming the new database of the internet, the new macro database and maybe as it is scaled, the new holistic global source database for


Page 4: Blockchain the inception of a new database of everything by dinis guarda blockchain age

More than just a Fintech supra DNA driver created by the advent of Bitcoin, Blockchain is the new global innovative financial and

infrastructure identity, for the advent of the Internet of Everything, some sort of technology blood circulation for data and the internet,

and a sort of a single system that combines a meta-computer service / vision / platform that transforms things, data, operations in a new

global open computer holistic system – a meta / supra database.

For the Financial Industry this a point of no return

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Page 6: Blockchain the inception of a new database of everything by dinis guarda blockchain age

Every individual =

Media + Data + Financial + tech

+ identity database “Company”

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Every Business / Financial org =

Media + Data + Financial +

Innovation + tech

+ identity database Company!

Page 8: Blockchain the inception of a new database of everything by dinis guarda blockchain age

In global increasing local /

national world of IOE, AI

how we are going to manage

centralised / decentralised

blockchain tech?

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Startup Tech - Blockchain and finance


+ identity database Company!

Page 10: Blockchain the inception of a new database of everything by dinis guarda blockchain age

Blockchain and finance

Example trade finance

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Blockchain: Trusted New Central Bank of Everything Computing?

When one aggregates and combines the full-length concepts behind the blockchain: the decentralised database, the starfish holistic

consensus, the inception of smart contracts, the advent of new virtual identity, new payment ecosystem, one starts to realise Blackchain is

enabling the spread of technology, not just Fintech, but broader resources and transactions, literally in a flat, peer-to-peer ecosystem,

and in doing that, enabling computers and its (almost all available) data to trust one another on a deep global level.

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The March of Financial Services towards

Bitcoin Blockchain.

Discovery, Insights, Decision, Action?

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Understand Blockchain Ecosystem

Discovery, Insights, Decision, Action

Proprietary Technology ztudium / right relevance / blockchain age


Crypto tech



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Understand Blockchain Ecosystem

Discovery, Insights, Decision, Action

Proprietary Technology ztudium / right relevance / blockchain age

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Tech companies and countries

Cash reserves tech companies and countries


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Information asymmetry has dominated the banking industry for centuries, keeping the bank/investor liability neatly aligned—but this is changing, and understanding

and preparing for the repercussions must be a top priority for wealth managers everywhere. Financial Innovation

shows you where the bar is being re-set and gives you the insight you need to keep up.

Paolo Sironi, FinTech Innovation: From Robo-Advisors to Goal Based Investing and Gamification (The Wiley Finance Series), August 29, 2016.

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What do you mean by Fintech - Robo

Adviser revolution and relation with


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How does Blockchain gets here?


Page 19: Blockchain the inception of a new database of everything by dinis guarda blockchain age

7 Trends for Finance / Blockchain Industry?

1. Redefinition of banking and relation with Blockchain2. Mobile App banking finance – mobile ledgers – blockchain identity

3. New products and the emergence of DAO products.2. System Legacies in paralel with advanced tech - Ethereum.

3. Distribution Strategy in a new Digitalised World who own what.4. Super computer Cloud base blochcain solutions / infrastructure.5. Emergence of AI IOE in relation with blockchain all connected.

6. User Experience, UI, UE, Big data and the IOE blockchain touching.7. Blockchain Cyber Security and Value Reinvention.

Page 20: Blockchain the inception of a new database of everything by dinis guarda blockchain age

Blockchain, in its ideal incarnation, promises to revolutionise the way we transfer and store our most valuable assets.

It is transforming financial services and the speed and security with which we conduct transactions, as well as simplifying legal processes (via self-executing smart contracts), enhancing healthcare records and tightening national


New research from specialist outsourced services provider SEI suggests that 70 percent of decision makers in wealth management firms have not allocated specific resources to considering blockchain and the impact it could have on

their business.

Global lenders including Citigroup, UBS, Barclays and Santander, are now experimenting with the technology to see how it can reduce costs and mitigate the risks within their own transactions.

“Blockchain is an intimidating topic and there’s a lot to manage between the promises and the delivery. It promises a profound transformation in work flows, reduction of capital risks, greater

security and, ultimately, it could lead to many cost efficiencies for wealth management.”Susan Ramonat, blockchain program lead and chief risk operator at SEI.

Blockchain and Wealth Management?

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CompaniesWeb & mobile set of applications

Blockchain tech aggregates all of this but in centralised or decentralised

extract business specific intelligence with actionable insights

What Strategy? Big Data – Content

Discovery, Insights, Decision, Action

Page 22: Blockchain the inception of a new database of everything by dinis guarda blockchain age

1. Peer to peer finance IOE blockchain driven organisations are going to be more powerful than ever the challenge is global regulation and local

governments;2. Retail Vs. Institutional blockchain media driven

communities;3. Open versus close blockchain who will control all

data;4. The advent of blockchain digital identity ledgers -

digital currencies and global decentralised organisation;

5. Big data / Social Media / Blochchain tech hacking driven disruption, platforms and social – creating

social identity / financial disruption: DAO - Trump -Brexit;

10 Questions Trends for Blockchain?

Page 23: Blockchain the inception of a new database of everything by dinis guarda blockchain age

6. Increase of identity blockchain mobile and App UX / UI platforms challenge is how to adapt with local,

regional, national context and technologies;7. Technical digital semantic platforms based in

interest sentiment and algorithms for investors and traders based in blockchain tech;

8. The way we share value based in blockchain integration with (big) data and offshore, open

government regulations;9. The way open data and innovation are

transforming countries, emergent markets, laws and business strategies;

10. The idea of blockchain thought leadership groups supporting each other and creating premium

digital databases organisations, cities?

10 Trends for Blockchain?

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CONTACTDinis Guarda, Founder & [email protected]: intelligenthq.com – openbusinesscouncil.org –blockchainage.com - hedgethink.com – tradersdna.com