Better Web Searching Sonja Fuchs, Web Technology Specialist

Better Web Searching

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Better Web Searching

Sonja Fuchs, Web Technology Specialist

Instead of using the following slides, focus on:

1. Doing searches on Images, Videos, etc. and further filtering by Use,

length, etc.

2. Show options in advanced search (cog)

3. Search operators like “prussic acid poisoning” or “how to wean a calf

– ehow”

4. Hacks: Sunrise 58103, timer, delta 529

Weather, etc.

Web Search (no filter)

Web Search > Filter

Filter by Images

Filter by Usage Rights

You Cannot Reuse Any Image

on Google Search

Image: By Amada44 (Own work) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

Filter by Usage Rights

Compare by Usage Rights

Reverse Image Search

Other Image Resources

Ag Comm Pictures Page

Filter by News

Filter by Shopping

Filter by Video

Filter by App

Search operator hacks

Photo: By MazeNL77 (FindIcons.com)

[CC-BY-3.0 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0)], via Wikimedia Commons

Filter by site

Use -

calf weaning –


will display results

from all sites



Search for Exact Phrase

Use “” around

your search term(s)


More info.

If Google Was a Guy Parts 1 – 3 (YouTube)

Hacks for personal use from Buzzfeed (timer, nutrition info., etc.)

Top 10 search tricks from Lifehacker

Search Ninja infographic

Journal of Extension’s Google Search Mastery Basics

Questions? Need Help?

Web Technology Specialists

Sonja Fuchs (701) 231-6403

Bob Bertsch (701) 231-7381