B2B Content That Drives Conversions A Better B2B Marketing Clinic @Brainrider Scott Armstrong is your presenter today. He is a partner @Brainrider where he specializes in better B2B marketing.

B2B Content That Drives Conversions

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Page 1: B2B Content That Drives Conversions

B2B Content That Drives Conversions

A Better B2B Marketing Clinic


Scott Armstrong is your presenter today. He is a partner @Brainrider where he specializes in better B2B marketing.

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What  you’ll  learn  in  the  next  25  min • Why  content  isn’t  converting  as  well  as  you  need  it  to

• The 5 keys to creating content that converts

• How content can influence B2B buyer decision-making

• Which content approaches work best for: – Converting visitors to prospects

– Converting prospects to engaged leads

– Qualifying engaged leads as sales-ready

• How to develop & test content ideas in a scalable, efficient way

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Content is difficult and expensive.

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…and  doesn’t  deliver  enough  value.

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The buyer is in

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Buyers need useful content to make a sound buying decision.

What’s  my  problem?

How do I fix my problem?

Are you right for me?

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5 truths of better content

1. Customer-focused 2. Demonstrates subject

matter expertise 3. Aligned with programs 4. Easy to publish & share 5. Measurable performance

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It’s  not   about you.

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Customers want content that helps  them  solve  problems…


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…  aligned to their buying decision.

If your customer is asking:

What’s  my  problem?

How do I fix my problem?

Are you right for me?

They want:

Education & Benchmarks

Solution Options & Product Suitability

Proof Points & Decision Support

What to share

with them:

•Trends •Benchmarks •Analyst coverage •101 Education •How to guides •How other people are solving this

•What is the solution & how does it work •Solution comparisons •Pitfall analysis •Readiness & suitability assessments •How to choose a vendor

•Pricing •Bench strength demonstration •Case studies •ROI/TCO •Working with us •How to buy

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5 keys to creating content that converts

1. Identify, plan, and organize by customer needs & pains

2. Leverage  your  company’s  subject-matter expertise

3. Target buyer intent search keywords and phrases

4. Describe your content using customer language

5. Test & learn with light tactics, then scale winners into heavier tactics

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Identify, plan, and organize by customer needs and pains.

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Identify customer needs & pains • How  to  …

• How  do  I  …

• Do  I  need  more/less  …

• Should  we  …

• Comparing  …

• Choosing  a  …

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Plan & organize content assets by customer needs & pains

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Leverage your company’s  subject  matter expertise.

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Citibank  targets  SMBs…  

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…with  marketing  advice.

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Find subject-matter expertise that connects with customer needs.

• Who are your SMEs and what do they know? • Reverse engineer what you already sell • Ask your customer-facing staff • What search terms are driving site traffic? • What on-site search terms are common? • What searches are high volume?

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Target buyer-intent keywords and phrases.

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Look at longer search phrases for suffixes that show buyer intent.

…jobs  in  San  Francisco …job  description

…comparison …alternatives …white  paper

…pricing …best  practices

…pricing  comparison …implementation  guide …consulting  hourly  rate

…email/landing  page  template …requirements  document

…contract  terms …structure  of  team


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Describe your content using customer language.

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Which one is buyer-focused?

Marketing Automation Vendor Comparison Guide

Marketing Automation Buyers Guide

Another Better B2B Marketing Resource Another Better B2B Marketing Resource

Page 23: B2B Content That Drives Conversions

Which one is buyer-focused?

Marketing Automation Vendor Comparison Guide

Another Better B2B Marketing Resource

Marketing Automation Buyers Guide

Another Better B2B Marketing Resource

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Which one is buyer-focused?

How To Sell Marketing Automation To Your Boss

Marketing Automation Requirements Document Example & Template

Another Better B2B Marketing Resource Another Better B2B Marketing Resource

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Which one is buyer-focused?

How To Sell Marketing Automation To Your Boss

Marketing Automation Requirements Document Example & Template

Another Better B2B Marketing Resource Another Better B2B Marketing Resource

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Test & learn with light tactics, then scale winners into heavier tactics.

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Test & learn with light tactics

• Social media sharing

• Social publishing

• Blogging / guest blogging

• Article syndication / contribution

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Repurpose existing assets buried deep inside your content shoebox • Dense marketing assets: White papers, ebooks • Recorded media: webinars, podcasts, videos • Image media: infographics, illustrations,

presentations • Training materials • Support manuals, user forums, knowledge base • RFP responses & sales proposals

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Measure website engagement

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Measure content engagement

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Measure form & LP conversions

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See what contributed to a sale

RESOURCE Marketing Automation Optimization Checklist

RESOURCE 2013 B2B Marketing Budget Allocation Tool

RESOURCE Better B2B Marketing Checklist

WEB VISIT PAGEVIEWS Web content about planning & content

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How the end result should look

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Resources For Better B2B Marketing

For more helpful B2B Marketing content, visit:

Resources: brainrider.info

Articles: brainrider.com/blog



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Evaluate your Content, Website, & Programs with our Free Better B2B Marketing Checklist

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