Workshop 19 - 20 april 2016 Dakar

AWIS Workshop Presentation- English

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19 - 20 april 2016


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ProgramTuesday 19 april 2016

Introduction of the project’s context – SITWA Team

Assessment, needs, initiatives outside Africa : S.Laronde / M.Kandé

Exchanges with the group :

Reactions on the previous parts

Identification of expectations and constraints


AMCOW Presentation on the Pan African M&E Process

Exchanges with the group :

Identification of expectations and constraints (continuation)

Identification of external factors that may have an effect on the implementation

Closing of the day

Wednesday 20 april 2016

Establishment of the actions program and of the roadmap







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Context of the project

Tuesday 19 april 2016

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Issues and challenges in Africa Issues :

Context : need for information on which it is possible to rely on in order to act favorably and durably on water resources management

Need for results, experiences, knowledge and information between the various regions.

Challenges (ANBO):

Economic: production of hydroelectric power, access to water, improvement of navigation and of river transport, protection against flooding, development of tourism and leisure activities.

Ecological and environmental: protection of ecosystems, environmental monitoring..,

Geopolitics: cooperation for the management of transboundary water resources

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Motives and goals of the survey ANBO’s strategy : reinforce the information capacity management, so as to support the

management of transboundary water resources (+ existence of AWIS)

develop AWIS, a tool of the ANBO’s strategy, as an information and knowledge management platform of ANBO, taking into account the needs and the current context

Phase 1 : Analysis of existing information systems (IS) and of water knowledge management, dealing with African transboundary basins,

Phase 2 : Analysis of existing information and knowledge management systems on water elsewhere in the world + Questionnaire aiming at collecting the needs of the ANBO members regarding AWIS and regarding the implementation of a pan-African platform dedicated to the sharing of knowledge.

Phase 3 : Workshop : Validation of the diagnosis – What are the needs ? The strengths and weaknesses that may favor or block the implementation? What actions to facilitate the implementation? - Preparation of the actions program

Phase 4 : Development of a multiyear actions program approved by ANBO and its stakeholders, along with a fundraising approach, through the portal plans and a description of each section.

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Reminder of the ANBO strategy

Develop the AWIS/ANBO platform and the partners network

Develop guiding lines for a continuous updating

Produce and update database of institutions, projects, experts and resource

Establish / consolidate a network of existing documentation centers

Produce and disseminate ANBO news reports

Organize web forums and conferences to share experiences (transboundary water management)

Organize regional workshops (practice of information sharing, agreement data sharing, facilitate cooperation between Hydrometeo services)

Promote and support the development of monitoring networks (water quality and groundwater)

Develop information for transboundary management of water resources (water balance, water accounting, ...)

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Reminder of the ANBO strategy Develop knowledge management tools through ANBO website and social networks

Review data management systems, information, existing knowledge

Organize training sessions on data management, information and knowledge

Develop guidelines on best practices, harmonization of the information and knowledge management procedures

Implement IT data exchange systems in the target basins

Establish learning platforms

Develop knowledge indicators with maps and indicators

Promote new technologies for the data collection

Create forum for discussion between policy makers and researchers

Facilitate strategic research and promote the scientific and political dialogue

Exchange of knowledge and experience on the joint use of surface water and groundwater

Produire et

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Terms of analysisWhat does « Information management system and water knowledge » include ?

This includes all the media offering information on the water area and at different scales,

The word « knowledge » includes :

-documentation: permanent and detailed information (reports, guides, thesis, books…)

-data: basic description of the reality (tables of data, graphs, maps..);

-news : short and ephemeral information

-sharing of knowledge

Organizational, technical, financial, human means

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Means dedicated to the sharing of knowledge

Organizational means: knowledge management structures, partnerships and collaborations

Financial and human means : aid to support knowledge management, the staff who is working in these tasks and their skills

Technical means : dissemination of information tools ...

Regulatory means : politics, rules and norms

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The scope of the survey

Networking of basin organizations

Organization and animation of existing knowledge management systems in the water area

Stakeholders and resources mobilized for the implementation of these systems

No data generated on the field

Involvement of stakeholders-> Signature of a charter of good behaviour

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Findings on knowledge sharing practices in the water area in Africa

(analysis of sites in Africa & 2013 surveys)

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Regulatory frame


Possibility to diffuse data without any regulatory constraints


Scope of actions not regulatively set for the sharing of information and data on water

Data which are lacking of homogeneity: the countries produce data according to their needs and follow their own procedures: heterogeneous data, not comparable, sometimes not updated

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OrganisationAdvantagesExistence of basin organizations

WeaknessesProblems for data among bordering countries: data is sometimes considered as confidential or strategic, and are not disseminated.

Few media or tools enabling the exchange, the merging or the enhance of experiences, knowledge, data

Graphic charter and ergonomic of the websites leaves a lot to be desired

Documents not always organized and no search engine

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MeansAdvantagesExistence of sites with information on the scale of several countries ((data & maps on dams, flows, rainfall, geography ..; hydrological bulletins ..) ENTRO, SIEREM, CICOS, HYCOSExistence of sites with numerous literature references (ZAMCOM, NBA, OMVS, ECOWAS ..); production of information

WeaknessesDocuments not always organized and no search engine

Limited financial resources for the implementation

Lack of human resources and of training for the knowledge management and data

-Little data available, not systematically updated

-Metadata (characteristic) not always provided

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Opportunities and threats (external)

1. Existence of ANBO who can play an important role in sharing knowledge and information

2. ANBO ‘s Strategy: legal basis of existing BO and creation of new BO

3. BO information producers4. Geographical proximity (same

continent, so almost same realities).5. Actions already set : study trips,

forums, exchange days ...6. Availability of lessons learned from

successes and failures all over the world

7. In the framework of the implementation of the United Nations’ goals for sustainable development, establishment of measurement indicators to report progress realized


1. Difficulty of consensus for all transboundary basins

2. Lack of collaboration between BO3. Marked difference on the

institutional organization of the OBF.

4. Lake global strategy5. Insufficient regulatory context6. Data not diffused 7. Lack of human resources and lack

of training capacities;8. Data is usually incomplete and

dispersed, lack of homogeneity, comparability, and traceability

9. Language barrier


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Identification of the ANBO stakeholders’needs

(analysis of the questionnaire results)

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The questionnaire – first results

17 answers, of which 12 are from BO

Site visiting frequency: 35% of people who visit the AWIS website do it monthly

Aim for the website visits : mainly for news (14 answers out of 17) and for documentation (12 answers out of 16)

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Expectations expressed

Information wished on a Pan-African platform for sharing knowledge on water / AWIS

Information concerning ANBO members (web site addresses, short presentation, etc.)

Exchange of experiences of BO

Tenders/ online mapping / documents and methodological guides / data from BO/ resources indicators and statistics on water / information on IWRM / newsletters /infographics / graphics / feedbacks/ events (forums, training, innovative projects ..)

Missing information: news in the forums / training news / photos / exhaustive list of old and new documents / data in real time (almost): flows on equipped stations

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AWIS strengths & weaknesses Strengths :

availability and free information on BO in a single platform

diversity of information because several focal points animate it – pooling of information - choice of relevant themes

rich and easy documentation database access

bilingual site

Weaknesses: irregular and undiscounted supply of the site content.

lack of dynamism

lack of some information (publications, news, no data, no exchanges via the forum, page "reference sites" limited)

little present on social networks

little communication and collaboration between network members

Site not very attractive (charter and ergonomics must be reviewed, lack of photos, videos, maps)

Website only in French and sometimes English (lack of Portuguese)

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A site to be improved Homepage: wish to find more news, photos, events, BO maps, useful addresses –

drop-down menu for example, for a “living” website

Knowledge base: 60% of people who answered to the questionnaire are satisfied about this section (background & shape), but whish a digital library / documents on specific themes (climate change, energy, health, monitoring of BV management..) / various kinds of documents (tutorials, reports, agreements on water, basin charters / thesis and recent essays...)

Forum: name some moderators / boost the forum with the help of experts in the water area / organize debates on specific issues - eg of wished topics: Cross-border resources, climate change, sustainable development goals, health, sanitation, access to water, African water policy, security and water management, communication .. or on current issues / Create some games of question and answer (quizzed, etc.) with a reward

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A site to be improved News : there’s a wish for publication of pictures with the articles, translation

FR/EN of the news

Data :

validated data and in all forms including cartographic

Free access

Topics: quality, climate change, energy ../ good practices / flow data, dams, weather data, IWRM, hydrological data on transboundary basins, environmental data, and uses

Proposal to link AWIS to the BOsites (RSS feed from BO to Awis for the news, for example) to avoid the duplication of the work of additions of info.

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Initiatives outside Africa

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European directives and obligations

Legal obligation for EU member states to make regular reports on the implementation of Community Directives, which almost comprises data sets which are organized in a strict structure defined at European level

Mandatory diffusion of these reports in accordance with the Aarhus Convention

Examples of reporting under the WFD (2000): acquisition of data on water

Reporting for the WFD and other directives integrated into a unified process around the European IS on water WISE

INSPIRE Directive : aims to promote the exchange of geographical information within the European Community environment area

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Reference sites Aquastat: a site hosting a considerable number of data at world scale for

different themes and under different forms

A precise search engine with multiple possible selections

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Reference sites SIAGUA: in terms of data, the site offers a list of web portals from different partner

countries on which it is possible to find water resources data (maps, indicators, static data ..). For each site, a quick description of the content and the web link are provided.

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Reference sites


Link to the Répert’Eau site, which presents a repertory of good practices on the water management theme, Sort by theme or geographical location

Search Engine for documents with multiple criteria, possible e-filing process

Newsletter : network facilitation

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Reference sites GWP: the ToolBox is a database including a document library, guidance notes,

technical notes, case studies (lessons learned) and references.

All continents are dealt with. Cross-disciplinary issues are also available (eg, governance & water)

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Reference sites UNECE: Statistical data (population, economy, development goals for the

millennium, transport, forestry). Possible selections per kind of data, per country (map) or per theme

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Exchanges with the group

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For you, what does it mean to share knowledge?

What are your needs and expectations in terms of knowledge and means?

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In terms of knowledge

What could be implemented, and how to make it work? How to take advantage of strengths and opportunities?

What would be more difficult to implement, and how to reduce or remove these brakes? How to reduce the weaknesses and threats?

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In terms of means/ share »

What could be implemented, and how to make it work? How to take advantage of strengths and opportunities?

What would be more difficult to implement, and how to reduce or remove these brakes? How to reduce the weaknesses and threats?

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External factors that may have an effect on the implementation (both in terms of knowledge and means)

Elements encouraging the implementation of these actions

Elements (what are the risks) interfering with the implementation of these actions

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Assessment of messages & Propositions

Wednesday 20 april 2016

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Principal messages of participants

À compléter suivant journée du mardi

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To conclude: the key proposals

Se baser sur ça pour décliner les activités (puis les actions) ci-après

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Proposition of activities to implement

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Activity sheets (on the basis of proposals from Tuesday), with boxes to fill

Declined in several actions, to describe too.

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Description / problematic to which the activity responds


Measurement indicators /control


Implementation steps

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Activity 1

Action n°1



Measurement indicators /control

Involved stakeholders

Implementation steps

Time required for the realisation

Action n°2



Measurement indicators /control

Involved stakeholders

Implementation steps

Time required for the realisation

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The next steps :

Development of an actions program - along with a fundraising approach (request for financial partners), by way of portal plans and a description of each section, approved by ANBO and its stakeholders, including technical partners.

In parallel, identification of potential sponsors to raise funds from now to September, 2016.

Presentation of the overall results, by the SITWA team during the ANBO General Assembly in 20-21-22 September.