Automation with Marvin Sowmya Krishnan 18 Dec 2013

Automation Using Marvin Framework by Sowmya Krishnan

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Page 1: Automation Using Marvin Framework by Sowmya Krishnan

Automation with MarvinSowmya Krishnan18 Dec 2013

Page 2: Automation Using Marvin Framework by Sowmya Krishnan


What is Marvin?




Anatomy of a Test

Best Practices

Automation with Marvin

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• Test framework for CloudStack written in Python

• Written using python’s unittest• Integration Tests

• API• Virtual Machines• Storage Pool• Network• Database

• Smoke and Component TestsAutomation with Marvin

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Setting up Marvin

Buildmvn -P developer -pl :cloud-marvin

Installpip install tools/marvin/dist/Marvin-0.1.0.tar.gz

8096 is open

Automation with Marvin

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Python 2.7 (unittest)

python-paramiko (ssh)

mysql-connector-python (DB)

Nose (test framework to run tests)

should-dsl (asserts)

ddt (few tests)

python setup.py install

Automation with Marvin

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Test Scriptstest*.py

Test Runnernose

Loggingpython logger (logging)

Automation with Marvin

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• base.py• Implementations of all possible operations that

can be performed on resources

• utils.py• Common utility functions

o Generate random string, format volume, get a process status …

• common.py• Cloudstack specific common utility functions like

add netscaler device, return current zone, pod…

Automation with Marvin

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Automation with Marvin

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Anatomy of a test

Automation with Marvin


cloudstackTestCase class provides API and DB client for making API calls and for validating DB values using SQL queries. All tests implement this class

Integration.lib.base, common and utils (Common Libraries )

Test configs

Defines test configs/data in the form of key value pairs. Mostly configuration values like template name, instance name, network offering values…

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Anatomy of a test

Automation with Marvin

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Anatomy of a test

Test ClassConsists of all test suites that needs to be carried out


Runs before each test


Runs after each test, typical cleanups


Test scenario: APIs to execute the test, validation against expected results using assert()


Runs before each test class


Runs after each test class

Automation with Marvin

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Best Practices

Tests run with individual accounts created during setup and deleted after test is run

Ensure cleanup happens always – even if there’s an exception

API Exceptions vs Python Exceptions

Services class for configs :Replace with config file

Ensure few smoke tests are in place before merging new feature

Post every check-in, run smoke tests with simulator (doesn’t require a full-fledged cloud set up running)

Automation with Marvin

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Documentation and References




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Get Involved

Web: http://cloudstack.apache.org/

Mailing Lists: cloudstack.apache.org/mailing-lists.html

IRC:  irc.freenode.net: 6667 #cloudstack

Twitter:  @cloudstack

LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/groups/CloudStack-Users-Group-3144859

If it didn’t happen on the mailing list, it didn’t happen.

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Automation with Marvin