Characters aya & Sanel Actor 2: Gia Alveranga Age: 16 Actor 2: Doll Dolly Age: None Inspiration photos There is no picture of Gia in costume N

Assigment 11 part 3

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Page 1: Assigment 11  part 3

Characters Kaya & Sanel

Actor 2:Gia Alveranga


Actor 2:Doll Dolly


Inspiration photos

There is no picture of Gia in costume


Page 2: Assigment 11  part 3

CharactersCostume and props

Kaya & Sanel

Cute dolls dress which will be ripped and smeared in blood

Stripy black and white tights which will be ripped


Page 3: Assigment 11  part 3

CharactersMise –en-scene

Kaya & Sanel

Name – Doll Dolly

Gender – Female

Age – None

Costume – Tutu skirt, fitted colour full t-shirt, knee high stripy socks and platform high heels

Props – None

Make-up – Eye shadow, blush, fake lashes, face paint, bloody arms

Stereotype – Demented doll Facial expression – Lots of blinking, face doesn't move

Body language – Very, very, fast body movement, lots of random movement

Not actual character


Page 4: Assigment 11  part 3

Characters Kaya & Sanel

Doll Dolly–What does she represent?

Doll Dolly is meant to be represented as a hallucinated character that doesn't exist in real life. She is there to frighten and show what happens while Laura in on LSD

Not actual character


Page 5: Assigment 11  part 3

Characters Kaya & Sanel

Actor 2:Rahel Fasil


Actor 2:Clown


Inspiration photos

There is no picture of Rahel in costume


Page 6: Assigment 11  part 3

CharactersCostume and props

Kaya & Sanel

Orange afro wig

Clown jumpsuit

Clown shoes


Page 7: Assigment 11  part 3

CharactersMise –en-scene

Kaya & Sanel

Name – Clown

Gender – Male

Age – None

Costume – Colour full jumpsuit and hat

Props – None

Make-up – Blood tears, black around the eyes, drawn mouth

Stereotype – Demented Clown Facial expression – Lots of blinking, face doesn't move

Body language – Very, very, fast body movement, lots of random movement

Not actual character


Page 8: Assigment 11  part 3

Characters Kaya & Sanel

Clown–What does he represent?

Clown is meant to be represented as a hallucinated character that doesn't exist in real life. She is there to frighten and show what happens while Laura in on LSD

Not actual character


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Locations (her journey from home to the park/ forest)Kaya & Sanel

The front door where Laura will leave

She starts her journey to the forest

This is where CCTV will watch her walk into the park

She continues her journey to the forest


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LocationsKaya & Sanel

She enters the forest and continues her journey


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Locations – Where the scene happensKaya & Sanel

This is where she will stop and collapse

• Its always accessible as there is no gate stopping you getting in

• We will get there by 226 bus then walking up to the park down a straight road


Page 12: Assigment 11  part 3

Locations Kaya & Sanel

This is the room where Laura will first try the drug in the flashbacks

• This location is always accessible as its one of our group members home

• We will get there by bus then walking

Heath and Safety:• House could go on fire

• Fall over


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LocationsKaya & Sanel

The bath where Laura will cut herself in the flashbacks

• This location is always accessible as its one of our group members home

• We will get there by bus then walkingHeath and Safety:

• House could go on fire• Fall down the stairs


Page 14: Assigment 11  part 3

LocationsKaya & Sanel

Where Laura will party in the flashbacks

• This location is only accessible when the school is open and when the drama room is being used

• We will get there by bus then walking as we would use it during the school day

Heath and Safety:• Lights can fall on you

• Other technical things can fall on you• School could go on fire


Page 15: Assigment 11  part 3

LocationsKaya & Sanel

Where Laura gets in a fight with her friend in the flashbacks

• This location is always accessible as its one of our group members home

• We will get there by bus then walking

Heath and Safety:• House could go on fire

• Fall over


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LocationsKaya & Sanel

The front door Laura leaves from

• This location is only accessible when someone's in the house to let us open the door as they’re not a group member• We will get there by bus then walking

Heath and Safety:• Get kidnapped• Fall over

• Cross the road and get run over


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Our film is closed narrative, Why?

• Our film is like reading a book, it goes to a start to an end – the film doesn't have a cliff hanger, just a solid ending where the story of Laura’s life ends

• The film doesn't leave the audience asking questions, it leave the audience with the statement that drugs will end up killing you and you should never try them

How has it changed since Draft 1?

• In our first draft because we has a completely different story it has changed from the film ending in a cliff hanger being a open narrative, to a closed narrative sending out a message for the end of the film because before we wanted the audience to question what happens in the film and create their own ending according to what they saw.


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Our film is linear narrative, Why?

• Our film is a story that goes from start, middle, to end to tell the story of Laura’s drug use.

• Although there are flashbacks, they are only very short and not the main basis of our story


How has this changed since draft 1?

• Although the story is different from draft1, we have always kept a linear narrative as we want to make a film that tells a story from start middle to the end because we think its more understandable and a better way of presenting a story effectively


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Kaya & Sanel Film Theory

Equlibrium – Before Laura tried the drug, she was doing well at school and had a promising ‘ . future ahead of her and everything in her life was where it should be

Disequilibrium – As soon as she was introduced to the drug her life just went downwards at . a rhythm that just went worse and worse, until she eventually dies.

New Equilibrium – There is no new equilibrium as our film ends horrible with Laura dying in . A bad state with no friends, or anyone to help or support her in her time . of need

Tzvetan Todorov – Narrative Film Theorist

How we will be using his theory…


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Kaya Film Theory

Vladimir Propp – Film Theorist

Why we wont be using his theory…

The villain – No-one in our film intentionally tries to hurt or ruin anybodyThe dispatcher – This doesn't apply to our film at all, there is no hero to send offThe (magical) helper – No-one in the film does, or even try help Laura in her struggleThe princess or prize – There is no prize and its based on real lifeHer father – She doesn't have a father, it’s a broken familyThe donor – The film is based on real life therefore no magical objectsThe hero or victim/seeker hero – There is no heroFalse hero – There is no hero therefore no false hero


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Kaya Film Theory

Claude Lévi-Strauss - Narrative Film Theorist

Binary oppositionHow we will be using this theory

Good life : Bad life

Laura’s life in the beginning was good and promising

Until she started using LSD which suddenly ruined her life

Real life : Fantasy Good trip : Bad trip

We see Laura’s life throughout the whole film the way anyone around her would

However we also see her point of view of the characters and sounds she doesn't in her hallucinations which aren't really there

The first time Laura tires the drug she has a good trip and has fun

But then she has a bad trip that makes her feel confused and frightened