Arquillian: Alien technlogy for JavaEE tests

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JavaEE Tests with Arquillian on The developers conference 2011,, São Paulo, Brazil

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  • 1.

2. Who am I?

  • Analyst/Developer

3. Seam 3 contributor 4. Hobbyist game programmer 5. Messenger from Arquillia. 6. I came to bring peace to jee developers ! 7. Agenda

  • Why?

8. What? 9. How? 10. Demo! 11. Why?

  • It's hard to test JEE dependable artifacts

12. Write integration test is a hellish experience 13. We're tired to write thousand of line codes to run our tests. 14. and we need to run tests! 15. What?

  • This is Ike

16. Ike came from Arquillia to help us with our enterprise bugs. 17. He controls everything inside his little world 18. Arquillians are fighting the bugs to protect the universe 19.

  • Arquillian is tool to control JEE test running.

20. The Real deal:

  • Write real tests, run in your container .

Integration and unit tests 21. Don't mock me! 22. Arquillian Features

  • Integrated with JUnit e TestNG

23. Integrated with IDE 24. Abstracts container's lifecycle and deployment. 25. Enriches test classes. (@Inject, @EJB, etc. Etc.) 26. Containers: Embedded and Remote 27. Plugable (modular and extensible design) 28. Arquillian Future Features

  • mvn arquillian:deploy|undeploy

29. Jacoco extension (for coverage report) 30. Container's manual control 31. Scala / bdd runners. 32. How?

  • Architecture

33. Shrinkwrap

  • Skip the build! (no repackaging!)

34. Manages classpath and packaging of artifacts to be tested. 35. Generate granularized packages for tests. 36. Generated packages are independent from application archive. 37. Containers Same VM Manage Container's Lifecycle Embedded x x Managed x Remote 38. Hora da demo 39. At the end, what did it bring to you?

  • Write less code

40. Completely test isolation 41. Write your tests once, run in every container 42. Write integration tests as you write your unit tests. 43. Thank you!

  • @joserodolfo_f

44. Http:// 45. [email_address]