Anywhereization in plain English

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The rise of anywhereizaTion

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anywhereizaTion is ……the trend towards being constantly connected. It means access to everything. Anytime. Anywhere.

The possibilities are unlimited. Today you can access the internet from the summit of Mount Everest.

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is iT a new Thing?

Not really, but today’s technology vastly expands the possibilities.

The story of Anywhereization starts in…

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…1991Two events changed the world forever:1. The internet became open to everyone2. GSM went live – the first global standard for digital mobile communications.

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why so iMPorTanT?GSM enabled mobiles to work reliably between networks. And the internet opened up a new world of possibilities.

Anywhereization was now just a matter of time.

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anywhereizaTion is DriVen BySmart connected devices… …Especially mobile devices.

All kinds of things are going online – from cars to salad bars.50 billion devices, or more, could be connected by 2020.

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The UPwarDLy MoBiLe soCieTyThe number of connected mobile devices is growing by some 42% per year

7 bnmobiles

Mobiles will outnumber

people in 2014source: iTU, 2013

Mobile penetration

at 68% in 2016source: forrester, 2012

Two-thirds use voice and two

data appssource: Technographics, 2012

Mobile internet growth

2011-16source: forrester, 2012

2.7 billiononline in

2012source: iTU, 2013

61%own one




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sPeeD is CriTiCaL

The experience of real-time connection is all about speed. Optical fiber connects you at close to the speed of light.

‘Here’ and ‘There’ aren’t so different anymore.

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Change goes fasTNetwork speed evolution:1991: 14.4 kilobits per second 2000: 56 kilobits per second2013: 2 gigabits per second 2020:??????????????????

In every sense.

At 1 terabit per second you can transfer the entire contents of Wikipedia in English (over 4 million articles) in 0.14 seconds.

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haVe More. own Less.Anywhereization drives the move towards an asset-light lifestyle, where we pay for usage instead of owning.

With today’s media services, you can carry a library of books, or 15 million songs, in your pocket.

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anywhere – A GOOD PLACE FOR

BUsinessConsumer behavior is bringing Anywhereization into the workplace. For millions of companies, social media and cloud services are now a fact of life.

The trend towards social business means ideas cross-pollinate like never before. It’s changing business models and paradigms.

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Big DaTageTsBigger

But here’s the challenge… Anywhereization means data. Staggering quantities, multiplying at a staggering rate.

The video content that will cross the world’s networks every month in 2016 would take six million years to watch.

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we haVe To Be


For everything imagineable…

…and some things we haven’t imagined yet.

Anywhereization demands scalability because demand is unpredictable. 1.5 billion people might suddenly want to watch a Korean pop video on YouTube, for example.

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BehinD eVery greaT iDeaIs a great network. Anywhereization relies on networks that are robust, intelligent and scalable.

Anywhereization never stops.Neither can the network. The data that makes the experience must be totally dependable. Every second of every hour of every day.

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reaDy for ToMorrow?

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