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Every real estate sales person uses some kind of prospecting tool. Some items that come to mind are print advertising, community outreach, social networking, door knocking, and farming.

All of these can be effective; but none of these can explode your sales, help you achieve more freedom, and realize continuous cash flow like using property management as a bolt-on to your existing real estate sales business.


Although we all call this property management, you should always be looking at it as a lead generation tool for sales.There are a number of reasons that

Huge customer loyalty:

What happens when you have a client who’s home won’t sell, but they need to move? Is it possible they may decide to rent that home instead of selling. So who do they turn too? You.

But you don’t do property management, so you refer them to another company. That company is going to bond with your seller. And when it comes time to sell, who is the seller going to turn too? That other company.

Doesn’t it make sense that it is you that should be handling 100% of the real estate market place? Shouldn’t it be you getting paid each month while the seller waits for the market to rebound?

What you will learn in this Special Report:

• How to explode your real estate sales

• How to achieve more personal freedom

• How to realize continuous and predictable cash flow

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And do not forget that you can bond with tenants as well. Maybe you have a buyer who’s credit is not as good as it needs to be in order to buy. Place that tenant in one of your rentals, help them with their credit repair, and keep them informed about the market.

Who is the buyer going to use when it comes time to buy? You. Why? Because they have grown to know, like, and trust you. They couldn’t think of using anybody else.

Finally, what about investors? In today’s marketplace there are many investors out there. Why not promote yourself as the “go to” resource for investors in your market? You can sell the investor the property, manage the property, and then resell the property down the road. Imagine the amount of money that you could make over the course of that relationship. What kind of difference would that money make to you and your family?

No longer prospect cold leads:

When you cover 100% of the real estate market all calls become warm leads. Unlike your colleagues, when you contact “expired listings” or “for sale by owner” customers it is with a completely new message. You cover 100% of the real estate market place so no matter what they do you have them covered.

Leads call you:

When a property owner calls to inquire about renting their home you already know they want to take action. The only thing you have to determine is if they really want to lease, or would rather sell with you.

The same situation is true with tenants calling on signs. Do they really want to lease or wouldn’t they rather buy? Do they know about all the special financing options out there that could make them homeowners?

Double your referral database and sphere of influence:

You will be receiving calls from the other 50% of the marketplace that you don’t currently cover. Those callers are customers that are now in your database.

You will also be able to go out the marketplace and re-promote yourself and your newly expanded business. If you were looking for a great reason to call on your past customers, here it is. You will be the new go-to resource in your community for all things real estate.

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Expandable into new markets and territories:

Property management is an excellent way to expand into new territories and markets. Say your the king of West Town real estate and you want to go be the king of East Town real estate. But East Town has already got a king. This is a great way to fly in under the radar.

You put up a couple lease signs, when someone asks you what kind of experience you have in East Town you say, “I do lots of real estate transactions in East Town. No one knows more about East Town than I do. If you want to invest in East Town, there is only one way to invest in East Town and that’s through me.”


When we talk about real estate, having freedom, it’s not a word that comes up very much. But that’s one reason we got into this business, for the freedom. One of the nice things about the management business is that it pretty much runs itself.

Build a team:

Show of hands. How many people have a staff? Great, they’re going to run this business for you.

How many people don’t have a staff yet? Great, you’re going to have plenty of extra money to hire one. And the added benefit? They’re going to do some of the other work you’re doing on the sales side now. That’s even more freedom for you.

You’ve heard from many experts that there’s a difference between working in your business and working on your business, right? If you’re working in your business, you’re the employee of your business, right? Did anybody get into this business to be an employee? No, we got in this business to be owners. We’re the boss. If you want a transition to being a boss, you’ve got to start working on your business. So that means you’ve got to go get people to work in your business.

When I was an agent, when I was hiring my first assistant, I was absolutely scared to death to know I’m going to have to come up with $15 an hour for that person. What if I don’t sell a house this week? What if I don’t sell a house for three weeks? Am I going to spend three months training somebody during the summer when it’s busy and then in December not have a sale for a couple of months and now all of a sudden have to lay this person off?

When you’re managing properties, getting the monthly cash flow, it’s paying for that assistant. So now, if you don’t sell a house for a few months, do they still get their paycheck? Absolutely and you get the benefit of having them do your other work.

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So now you can be a more effective agent. Are you more effective processing paperwork or are you more effective converting leads into sales? Well leads into sales, right, because that’s where your talent lies. If I could give you 10 to 20 hours more time per week to prospect, would you make more money? Of course you would.

Do you have a buyers agent? Would you like to have a buyers agent, or an additional buyers agent? Your buyers agent is now also your showing agent.

If you’re not in a position where you do a lot of business yet, you’re going to be. If you had a showing agent, you could have that person show the rentals because a good showing agent is always previewing property, whether it’s for sale or rent or if it’s a model home, it doesn’t matter, they need to be learning the neighborhoods. Second, you don’t have to pay them anything because what happens is, these people that are calling in, they’re going to be buying a home at some point. Your showing agent is supposed to be building relationships with them anyway. When that caller buys a house from them, that’s when your showing agent really gets paid. They now have an incentive to convert callers into buyers.

Also, these rental properties give your showing agent a fantastic opportunity to do open houses. Across the country, open houses are still huge. So your showing agent, could they or could they not, hold a very nice home on 123 Cherry Street open for a rental? Absolutely they could. If somebody wants to buy a home from them when they get in there, is that okay? Probably. If they want to rent that home, is that okay? Absolutely, that’s their job.

So now you have an assistant being paid for, and if you wanted to, you don’t have to, if you wanted to, you still have the income to pay your showing agent a salary.

Continuous flow of leads:

Because you have a continuous flow of leads you have the freedom to grow your business, or even get away from your business temporarily. Another way it gives you freedom is these prospects that you’re talking to, you know when they need to move. You don’t have to wait for somebody to call you and say yeah, I’m moving in the next week, come on over and put my house on the market. So you can plan accordingly around your sellers that want to sell. You know what needs to be done, when it needs to be done.

So, if you want to go to Costa Rica for a week, and you know Mr. Smith’s lease is up a few weeks before that, you know you need to call and set the appointment to list that home for sale before you go. Now you can easily plan your time and are still available to do what you want with your family.

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By the way, the smartphone is a very valuable tool. We use web based software to manage our company. So whether I’m in California or Costa Rica, that tells me what I need to know. And that helps me achieve more freedom too.

Remember back when we used to mail a letter, then we faxed it. With the mail we used to have like two or three days to respond. Then the fax gave us like a day. Now we have e-mail and the expectation of instantaneous communication. So, one of the things we use to achieve more freedom in our daily business, but make people still feel like they’re being contacted, we use auto responders. If someone communicates with us about a rental through our website, I want to see this house or I want to know something else or how much is my house worth, they get an auto responder immediately. “We got your message, we’ll call and talk to you shortly. Meanwhile…” or, “Thanks for the request, we’re going to do a quick market analysis for you and let you know. Give us 24 hours, meanwhile make sure you’ve seen the virtual tour on my website, drive the neighborhood, ...”

Do you think that, other than answering their question, do you think that’s the last contact I’m giving them? No. They get automatically enrolled in my drip campaign and for the next 12-months, they’re going to receive information by, from, and about me.

This is just one method that you can use when you get back to your office, in order to stay in better contact with your clients. Make them feel like they’re being contacted. Meanwhile, am I in my office? No.

And by the way, they’re pretty impressed when they get a quick response back from you. I’m with my family at the lake, watching the kids swim and I’m still impressing the hell out of clients.

Business prospects for you:

The management business actually prospects for you. How does it do that? Here are just a few ways: your website, print advertising, social networking, car advertising, for lease signs just to name a few. Every place you advertise sales, you could say “and management.”

Does it make sense that everywhere you have a sign hanging you are buying braincells? And does it make sense that the more signs you have in the community, the more successful you appear? And is it reasonable to assume that people are going to call off your signs?

For us, those signs are bringing in business. We give our staff the right scripts to convert tenants to buyers and owners to sellers. The business is actually prospecting for us, and it can do the same for you.

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There are a bunch of ways to use property management to generate continuous leads: website, print advertising, community outreach, sphere of influence, social networking, flyers, mailers, signs and riders, open houses, door knocking, expired listings/FSBO/FLBO, and car signs. And what do continuous leads lead to? Continuous cash flow!

Let’s talk about the different ways to make money in this business because there’s more than you would think. What are some of the ways that you think you can make money in property management?

Management fee income:

Let’s just say you were proactive and got 25 homes times $1,500/month times 10% is $3,750 a month. Could you could pay your assistant’s salary with that? Of course.

Okay, great. So, if an extra $45,000 a year sounds good to you, raise your hand. Alright, well, that’s not good enough.


Let’s say each home is $1,500 a month and we’re going to get 3% of a year’s lease. That’s $540.

How many times could you do that? Maybe a couple of times a month? Should we put $1,080? Okay. $1,080 times 12, that’s another $13,000 a year.

Do you think an extra thirteen grand could pay for an awful lot of your advertising, website, 800 numbers, long distance bills, things that you’re not currently doing now? Could this pay to wrap your van, to put stickers on your cars? Absolutely.

Lease only:

No matter how smart using a property manager is, there are still people who want to be their own landlord. We get a minimum of $1,000 to find a tenant for a property. So if we’re doing two a month, that’s $2,000 a month, $24,000 a year.

Is this number looking a little better? We’re up to $82,000 now. Great, we’re on a roll, you like this? Yeah, okay. Now what else?

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Marketing/advertising fees:

Do you think your showing agent might be trainable to go put these people’s homes on the market if you’re in the Bahamas? We’ve got a full-time person that does it for 250 bucks a pop.

We average ten new properties a month. But let’s say that you get two new full management properties, and two lease only properties a month. That’s four properties. And, let’s say you did it yourself. That’s another 24 grand.

Now we’re over $100,000 a year. Raise your hand if this number is getting a little better. Raise your hand if you made more last year in real estate.

If you never sold a house next year, could you live off an income like this? This is what we’re talking about, this is what’s going on. And we aren’t done. What other sources of income are there?

Eviction protection plan:

What are owners most scared of these days? Eviction. You’re going to enroll them in your eviction protection plan. We charge $15 per owner per month. Let’s multiply that by the 25 homes from earlier and that’s $4,500 per year.

What are we going to do with that? Oh yeah, that’s our vacation for our family in Cancun. Alright, now what else?

Vendor income:

What if you charged 10% on top of every invoice for maintenance and repairs. They’re doing $3,000, we’ll get $300. That’s another $3,600 a year.

What else?

Late fees:

There’s another couple of grand. Now we’re well over 100 grand a year. You see how you could make a good living at this folks, without ever selling a house. Take all of that out of the equation; take real estate out of the equation. Could you live off this? Yes. Now, add whatever sales you did last year, double it, that’s what can happen to your business next year.

And we haven’t even talked about rent protection plans, inspection fees, renewal fees, and re-keying fees.

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Some of these things we have been talking about, could you probably implement that? Could you call for a lease by owner? Could you call a for sale by owner? Could you run an ad? Could you put a sticker on your car? Could you do some of these things? I thought so.

Alright, forget it; let’s say you didn’t do any business last year. Let’s say you’re generating ten sign calls a month. We’re contacting 20 people a month. There’s 30 contacts a month. We’re sending out 100 mailers. Do you think maybe we could get five leads?

On top of the over 100 grand a year that you’ve made, how many additional sales that you wouldn’t have otherwise gotten, are you going to get? That’s where this whole thing comes from; they’re going to double your business.

If you start doing 100% of the business, you’re business doubles. So if you sold 20 homes last year, you’re going to sell 40 next year. That’s it, plain and simple. You’ve got twice the leads, twice the database, twice the sphere of influence, twice the everything. It’s pretty logical that you’re going to sell twice as many homes.

With less effort, absolutely no overhead, plus a tremendous income. Would you agree that this is a better real estate model than 99% of the models out there right now? Is there any reason you wouldn’t or couldn’t do any of this?

You think you won’t have time for it? It won’t take you anymore time. I just showed you how you’re going to have more time and your staff will be taking care of your every need.

You think you don’t have the money for it? It pays for itself. I just showed you how the income from your management business not only pays for itself, but also pays to support your real estate business.

The person responsible for your management website and advertising is also doing your real estate website and advertising. The person responsible for your management showings is also doing your real estate showings.

The management business is putting money in your pocket, financing your staff, and giving you more free time. It couldn’t get any better, but it does.

Have you always wanted to do passive advertising, or print advertising, or postcards? Do you think those kinds of things would help you sell more homes? This 100 grand a year can do a lot of mailings, can do a lot of print advertising, can do a lot of house advertising, can do a lot of whatever you want. You see folks, this is the way you do business.

It took us three grueling, expensive, mistake making, lawsuit threatening, you name it, years to get where we are. But what if I told you you could have this business up and running in the next 30 days. We did this and it took us three years and we can show you how to do it in 30 days.

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At Agent Mechanics our goal is to teach you how to explode your real estate sales, achieve more personal freedom, and realize continuous and predictable cash flow. Agent Mechanics offers a myriad of training product. Our Agent Cash Flow Secrets series teaches you everything you need to know about starting, running, and operating a successful property management business. In addition, our patented Fast Track Day can have you up, running, and making money in less than 30-days.

Agent Mechanics lead trainers are Mike Bjorkman and Scott Taylor. Mike Bjorkman has been a real estate agent for 20-years. He is also a real estate broker and investor. Mike has completed over 4,500 real estate transactions and has been in the RE/Max 100% Club for last 15-years. In addition, he is part of RE/Max’s Top 1% in the Nation, a RE/Max Hall of Fame Member, a RE/Max Chairman Club Member, and a RE/Max Platinum Club Member. Along with his business partner Scott Taylor he currently manages over 200 residential properties.

Scott Taylor, A.K.A. America’s #1 Landlord Resource, is the author of The 15-Minute Landlord and a recognized expert in real estate investing. In addition to being a real estate author, lecturer, and trainer, he is also the co-owner of the property management firm SCV Leasing in Santa Clarita, California. He owns many rental properties in several states. Scott brings depth and clarity to owning and managing rental property through his writing, speaking, and teaching. He has a knack for describing complicated ideas in simple ways that makes learning fun and easy.

You now also understand:

• How using property management leads to increased customer loyalty

• How to build a real estate team that pays for itself

• How to make over $100K a year in real estate before even selling one home

Agent Mechanics