Activate Using the course reading Evaluating Interface Design, [hyperactiv course site ] prepare a critique of a web site that promotes an Australian sports club or player, for example, a footballer, basketball team or racing car driver. In your critique you must identify what you think is the purpose of the site and the target audience and/or market. You are required to evaluate and judge the site according to the following 7 criteria – use screen captures to help explain and justify your evaluations and include the site’s URL. Save your work in your task 6 E-portfolio (keep a copy own your computer as well) and add a link to your work, or embed a file, presentation or other document below: http://www.v8supercars.com.au/drivers/driverdetails.asp?DID=233 Jamie Whincup


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The activate part for week 7

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Page 1: Activate


Using the course reading Evaluating Interface Design, [hyperactiv course site] prepare a critique of a web site that promotes an Australian sports club or player, for example, a footballer, basketball team or racing car driver.

In your critique you must identify what you think is the purpose of the site and the target audience and/or market. You are required to evaluate and judge the site according to the following 7 criteria – use screen captures to help explain and justify your evaluations and include the site’s URL.

Save your work in your task 6 E-portfolio (keep a copy own your computer as well) and add a link to your work, or embed a file, presentation or other document below:


Jamie Whincup

1. Ease of use

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Is the interface simple to understand and does it communicate a clear message?

Yes the interface communicates a clear message about the driver and the person can easily work out what the page it about.

Can a user identify the purpose of the product from the interface elements and not just written instruction?

Yes the user can recognise that the web site is about a sports person and it is set up in the same stranded as more web sites and there are no requirements for written instructions.

Is the product let down by the interface? Does the design get in the way of the user?

No because it is simple and easy to use and there is a low cognitive load on the user and so they find it easy to use.

2. Navigation

Is there a planned manner in which to proceed through the product?

The user can navigate my jumping from page to page and can change pages whenever they wish to.

Is the navigation interactive?

Yes the user can control where they go by either using the menu on the left or clicking on other links found in the pages.

Is the navigation structure appropriate for the content?

Yes the navigation structure is appropriate because the user can jump around through different pages which are suitable as they would not want to read everything in the site.

Is the product easy to navigate?

Yes, the menu located at the top of the screen is easy to find and has clear headings which more of the menu drops down..

Can a user become disorientated and lost?

No because the menu is always in the same place with clear headings and all the pages have clear headings which make getting lost hard.

Are there any inconsistencies in the interface navigation tools?

No, it is the same on all pages.

Has a WIMP(windows, icons, menus and pointers) interface been used effectively?

The menu has been used effectively in that is easy to use and does not take up too much space. There is not much use of icons, pointers and windows. Icons could be used more in the web site.

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3. Cognitive load

In order to use an interactive program, a user must be able to identify options, determine a choice and perform some type of action. The mental effort required to do this is referred to as the cognitive load.

Is the cognitive load needed to interpret the interface too much for the product or the audience?

No their is not a lot of metaphors or parts of the site to make the user think.

Are appropriate metaphors used?

Yes for this site there is no requirement for metaphors as it is easy to follow.

Has delivery of information been designed to reduce the load - is it in chunks and sections?

Yes there is information about the driver then on another page the drivers racing stats as well as other information.

4. Information design

Is the information contained in the interface comprehensible?

Yes the information about the drivers is simple and easy to understand.

Is the content age-appropriate?

Yes the target audience would be adults and the information is set at their level of reading and a little lower because some younger people may be reading the information.

Is there a need for prior knowledge?

For some of the pages there would be a need for prior knowledge such as when they talk about the car specifications but the other pages don’t need prior knowledge.

Could the information have been delivered in a more suitable form or by a different method or media?

No I think that the information is well delivered with a bit of video as well as text.

Is the information sequenced?

Yes the information is organised well making it easy to get to different pages.

5. Screen design

Is the interface aesthetically pleasing?

Overall it is but the Big Pond advertisement part at the top of the page does not suit any of the sites design and decrease the aesthetics of the page.

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Does the screen design interfere or assist with the communication of information?

Yes the design shows the user that the site is about racing cars which helps communicate about what the sites purpose is.

Is it appropriate for the content?

Yes the design suits the car racing well.

Is it appropriate for the target audience?

Yes because it would be aimed mainly at males and the colours and images well suit them.

Does it function correctly and is it easy to read and use?

Yes there are suitable fonts and sizes for the pages.

6. Media Are the different media well integrated in the interface?

Yes the video is able to be accessed in the menu and related videos on the page are able to be accessed by other links.

Do the various media combine into an effective cohesive design?

Yes the media combine well to provide a well working site that provides lots of information.

Are the various media types assisting with the function of the interface or would it work equally well without them?

The site would work well without the other media but it would not be as appealing to access the site without the other media their as it would just contain text which would be quite boring.

Do the media seem coordinated and uniform or uncoordinated and dislocated?

The media seems well coordinated and uniform. It is added in appropriate section in the web site.

Are the attributes of the media exhibited to their full potential – for example; is the size of the video too small?

The video is a good size and if it is too small for the user than they can make it full screen.

7. Usability

Is the interface easy to use?

Use it is set out well as easy to find the menu.

Does the interface allow the user to do with the product what they are meant to?

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Yes the interface allows the user to easly find out information about things such as their favourite racers and when the next races are.

Is the interface adaptive?

Yes the user can set up an account in which the site stores a range of details about the user.

Do all of the functions of the interface work properly and as the user expects?

Yes all the links go to the correct pages and other functions work well.

Have icons, signs, metaphors and symbols been used correctly?

Yes they have all been used correctly.

Is the interface functional or dysfunctional?

The interface is very functional with all sections working and the navigation well set out.